Chapter 34

Oreki POV

After paying for all the art supplies with Eriri's help, we stepped out of the store and into the bustling streets. The sunlight streamed down, casting a warm glow over the cityscape as we strolled along the sidewalk. While we walked, Eriri turned to me with her arms crossed, a familiar look of superiority gracing her features. "So, where are we going to eat?" she asked, her tone laced with curiosity.

I pondered our options for a moment, considering the various eateries scattered throughout the city. Cafe Stile immediately came to mind, but I had frequented it for the past two days in a row. I figured it was only fair to let Eriri choose this time.

"You decide, Sawamura-kun" I replied with a smile, deferring to her judgment. I glanced over at her, a playful twinkle in my eye, as I gestured for her to take the lead. Yoruichi caught my wink, her knowing smile indicating that she understood my intentions.

Eriri's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red as her discomfort evident in the way she averted her gaze before saying. "Hmph, just call me Eriri" she muttered, her voice tinged with embarrassment.

I couldn't resist pushing her buttons a little further, a mischievous glint in my eye as I leaned in closer. "Then just call me Oreki, E-ri-ri-chan chu" I whispered in my best attempt at a seductive tone, punctuating my words with a playful wink and a flying kiss aimed in Eriri's direction.

The effect was immediate – Eriri's reaction was almost comically exaggerated. Her skin prickled with goosebumps, and she shivered involuntarily as she recoiled from my antics. "Don't say my name like that, you weirdo" she protested, her voice a mix of exasperation and embarrassment.

Yoruichi observed the exchange with an amused smile, thoroughly enjoying the playful banter between us. It was clear that she found our interactions entertaining, her eyes twinkling with amusement. As for me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at having elicited such a reaction from Eriri.

"Now back to the topic!" I interjected, keen to steer the conversation away from my earlier teasing antics and not further embarrass Eriri. I turned to her with a smile, hoping to smooth over any lingering awkwardness. "Where do you want to eat?"

Eriri raised an eyebrow in response, her expression one of mild incredulity. "Why would I decide where to eat?" she countered, her hand resting confidently on her hip. "You're the one who invited me to eat lunch together. So you decide."

Her logic was sound, I had to admit. I had extended the invitation, so it was only fair that I take responsibility for choosing the venue. But the truth was, I was feeling a bit indecisive. "I do know a place we could go" I admitted with a sigh, "but I've been there for the last two days just for lunch." 

I paused, considering my options. While Cafe Stile was a familiar and comfortable choice, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of reluctance to return there yet again. After all, variety was the spice of life, and it wouldn't hurt to try somewhere new for a change. But then again, Kaho and Maika worked at Cafe Stile, and their company always made the dining experience more enjoyable.

"What's the name of the place?" Eriri couldn't help but ask, her curiosity piqued by my mention of a familiar spot.

"It's called Cafe Stile" I replied, glancing at the time on my watch to gauge how long it would take to get there.

Eriri's eyes lit up with recognition at the mention of the cafe. "Oh, I know that place" she exclaimed, a hint of excitement in her voice. "Tomoya brought me there once."

I couldn't resist the opportunity to tease her a bit, a mischievous smirk playing at the corners of my lips. "Ah, you and Aki, huh?" I teased, feigning a knowing look as I glanced over at Yoruichi, silently enlisting her in my playful banter.

Yoruichi caught on immediately, her own smirk mirroring mine as she joined in. "Did you and that Aki guy Oreki mentioned have a D-A-T-E?" she teased, drawing out the word for emphasis and adding a playful wink for good measure.

"I told you already, I don't like Tomoya, and we were not dating at all" Eriri exclaimed, her frustration evident in her tone as she vehemently denied the accusation.

"Of course you're not" I replied, my tone dripping with sarcasm as I flashed her an innocent smile. Without waiting for a response, I turned and began walking in the direction of Cafe Stile, eager to put some distance between us and Eriri's heated denial.

Yoruichi, always ready to stir the pot, chimed in with a teasing remark of her own. "Yes, yes, you don't like him at all" she agreed, nodding emphatically as she fell into step behind me.

Eriri, clearly not amused by our antics, let out an indignant cry and quickly followed after us, her footsteps echoing on the pavement as she raced to catch up.


Inside the Cafe Stile.

Customers flock to Cafe Stile not just for the food, but for the unique and quirky service that sets it apart from other eateries. While the menu boasts a variety of delicious dishes and beverages, it's the unconventional approach to customer service that truly captures the imagination.

For those with a penchant for anime stereotypes, Cafe Stile offers an experience like no other. Whether you have a soft spot for tsundere, sadist, or imouto archetypes, there's something to satisfy every taste. From waitresses who playfully berate you for ordering the wrong item to servers who dote on you with unwavering devotion, each encounter is a delightful blend of culinary excellence and theatrical performance.

The staff at Cafe Stile take their roles seriously, fully embodying the personas they portray. With each interaction, they transport customers into a world of whimsy and fantasy, where every meal is an adventure and every server a character straight out of a manga or anime.

So if you're craving a dining experience that's as entertaining as it is delicious, look no further than Cafe Stile. Just be prepared to leave your expectations at the door and embrace the unexpected, because at this one-of-a-kind establishment, anything can happen. However if that guy is currently here the 2 of the waitresses would stop doing their job properly and started flocking around him like he is some kind of harem protagonist but currently their only one waitress not doing their job that is.

Kaho, who appeared fatigued and weary, was not exhibiting her usual tsundere demeanor to the customers. However, the patrons seemed unperturbed by this deviation from her typical behavior. Why? Because Kaho was renowned as the most popular waitress at Cafe Stile. It was understandable that she would have an off day now and then, given the demanding nature of her job. Despite her tired appearance, Kaho was still able to fulfill her duties competently, much to the satisfaction of the customers on this particular occasion.

As Kaho was about to slip into her tsundere persona for a customer who had ordered food, they raised their hand to interrupt her. Kaho glanced at the customer, wondering if she had done something wrong. The customer spoke up, expressing concern that she didn't need to force herself to maintain her tsundere act if she was tired. They lowered their head after speaking, seemingly embarrassed by their comment.

"Huh! I'm not forcing myself to do this" Kaho retorted, her tired appearance belying her usual sharpness. "But you are right, customer-san. I'll... just stop doing my tsundere service. Thank you for your concern."

The customer, however, couldn't help but think that Kaho had already slipped into her tsundere role without even realizing it. Nevertheless, Kaho walked away from the customer, unaware that she had already fulfilled her duties admirably.