Chapter 35

Mafuyu, with her youthful appearance and bubbly demeanor, happily serves the customers at Cafe Stile, embodying the quintessential imouto stereotype. Despite her petite stature and innocent facade, Mafuyu is actually much older than she appears, a fact that often goes unnoticed by the customers who frequent the cafe.

For many of the customers, what matters most is the fantasy of having an imouto serve them food happily, fulfilling their desires for companionship and affection in a charming and endearing way. Mafuyu plays into this fantasy with gusto, greeting each customer with a bright smile and cheerful demeanor, eager to cater to their every need, And while some may question the authenticity of Mafuyu's portrayal, for the customers who frequent Cafe Stile, the fantasy of having an imouto by their side is enough to brighten their day and make their dining experience all the more enjoyable. After all, in a world filled with stress and uncertainty, sometimes all it takes is a bit of youthful charm and innocence to lift the spirits and bring a smile to one's face.

Just like an imouto stereotype, Mafuyu couldn't help but notice the usually energetic and bubbly Kaho looking tired and haggard as soon as she laid eyes on her. However, Mafuyu chose to ignore it all morning, hoping that Kaho would recover from her fatigue as soon as she started working her shift. But as the hours passed she muttered to herself "She going to be fine after a few minutes if not hours" but she realized that she had miscalculated her math entirely.

Throughout the morning rush, Mafuyu observed Kaho's weary expression and sluggish movements, a stark contrast to her usual vivacious self. Despite her best efforts to maintain her composure, Kaho's fatigue was palpable, casting a shadow over her usual charm and charisma.

Mafuyu continued to serve the customers with her trademark enthusiasm and cheerfulness, she found herself unable to contain her curiosity any longer. Despite her best efforts to focus on her tasks, her thoughts kept drifting back to Kaho and her unusual fatigue.

"I can't hold it anymore" Mafuyu thought to herself, her concern for her fellow waitress weighing heavily on her mind. She watched as Kaho thanked the customer for their kind words, acknowledging their advice to take it easy on herself with a polite smile. "Good job, customer-san" Mafuyu muttered quietly to herself, offering a silent commendation for the customer's thoughtful gesture. But even as she praised the customer's words, her attention remained fixed on Kaho, her heart filled with worry and empathy. 

The morning rush gradually subsided and the cafe began to quiet down, Mafuyu seized the opportunity to approach Kaho discreetly. With a gentle smile and a warm expression, she gently reached out to her friend, hoping to offer her support in any way she could but she would be disappointed if her end goal is to really help her.

Mafuyu regarded Kaho with a gentle gaze, her concern evident in her eyes. She knew Kaho well enough to recognize when something was amiss, despite Kaho's attempts to brush off her worries with a reassuring smile.

"Are you sure, Kaho-chan?" Mafuyu persisted, her tone gentle yet insistent. "You don't seem like yourself today. It's okay to ask for help if you need it. We're all here for you."

Kaho's initial confusion gave way to a sense of gratitude as she realized the sincerity behind Mafuyu's words. Despite her best efforts to mask her exhaustion, she couldn't help but feel touched by her genuine concern.

With a grateful smile, Kaho nodded in response to Mafuyu's offer of support. "Thank you for your concerns, Mafuyu" she said earnestly. "I appreciate it more than you know. But I promise, I'll be alright. I just need a little rest and I'll be back to my usual self in no time."

'You already have all morning to recover but still your condition is still haggard' Mafuyu thought, she look at Kaho and ask in curiosity "What did you do last night to make you look like that?"

"Hehe, nothing much" Kaho replied with a sheepish grin, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she recalled the events of last night. Despite her attempt to downplay the significance of what had transpired, there was a fiery determination burning in her eyes, a silent promise of vengeance yet to be fulfilled. "Oreki really did a number on me" she muttered to herself, her gaze sharpening with resolve. "But it doesn't matter, because in the next game, vengeance will be mine."

Mafuyu arched an eyebrow, her expression filled with skepticism as she observed Kaho's hesitant demeanor. "Hoy hoy, what do you mean it's nothing?" she questioned, her voice tinged with doubt. Leaning in closer, she fixed Kaho with a penetrating gaze, her eyes searching for the truth behind Kaho's facade. "Your eyes say otherwise" she remarked, her tone soft yet firm as she sought to unravel the mystery concealed within Kaho's conflicted emotions.

"It's really nothing" Kaho insisted, her cheeks burning with embarrassment as she shook her head in denial. However, her attempts to dismiss the situation were in vain, as her flushed complexion only served to betray her true feelings.

Mafuyu's curiosity only intensified in response to Kaho's evasive behavior. Unable to ignore the obvious signs of distress, she pressed on with her questioning, determined to uncover the source of Kaho's discomfort. "Then why are you blushing?" she persisted, her tone gentle yet insistent. "Just tell me what happened that made you tired," she urged, her voice tinged with concern as she implored Kaho to confide in her.

Caught off guard by Mafuyu's persistence, Kaho felt a wave of frustration wash over her. "Why is she being so forceful about this?" she wondered, feeling somewhat overwhelmed by Mafuyu's relentless inquiries. However, she recognized that Mafuyu wouldn't relent until she had satisfied her curiosity, prompting Kaho to reluctantly concede defeat. "Fine, I'll tell you" she relented, realizing that it was futile to resist Mafuyu's probing questions any longer. "But you have to promise not to laugh" she added, her voice tinged with apprehension as she prepared to divulge the details of her embarrassing ordeal.

Mafuyu's smile faltered slightly as Kaho began to recount her embarrassing experience, her mind racing to process the unexpected revelation. "Of course you can trust me, just like you trust your barber to cut your hair" she assured Kaho with a forced smile, masking her inner turmoil with practiced ease. In truth, Mafuyu was taken aback by Kaho's confession, her mind struggling to comprehend the implications of what she had just heard.

As Kaho continued to speak, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, Mafuyu's thoughts spiraled into chaos. "Well, Oreki and I played all night together" Kaho admitted sheepishly, her words hanging in the air with an awkward tension. 

For Mafuyu, the implications of Kaho's statement were impossible to ignore. Her mind seemed to freeze as Kaho's words echoed through her thoughts, each syllable taking on a life of its own. She found herself fixated on certain phrases, her mind twisting them into increasingly lewd interpretations. "Oreki and I spent all night together" her mind whispered, each word laced with a hint of scandalous suggestion.

Caught in the grip of her own overactive imagination, Mafuyu struggled to maintain her composure. She felt a wave of heat rising to her cheeks as her mind conjured up vivid images of Kaho and Oreki engaged in various late-night activities.

"Why would you do that though?" Despite Mafuyu's best efforts to remain composed, she couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that she had stumbled upon a scandalous secret, one that threatened to upend her perception of her friends entirely. "You just met him!" she exclaimed, shooting Kaho a perplexed look that bordered on disapproval. In her mind, Mafuyu couldn't help but wonder if Kaho was perhaps being too quick to trust someone she had only recently encountered.

Maika, having overheard Mafuyu and Kaho's conversation, was quick to grasp the innocent nature of Kaho's words regarding spending time with Oreki. Unlike Mafuyu, who allowed her imagination to run wild with thoughts of scandalous encounters, Maika understood the context.

"Tsk, spending time with Oreki before me? What a sly move, Kaho-chan," Maika muttered to herself, her tone laced with a hint of playful jealousy. She couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment that she hadn't been the one to spend time with Oreki instead. "It should have been me playing games with him" she added wistfully, her thoughts drifting to the fun they could have had together.

Despite her playful envy, Maika knew that Kaho's intentions were innocent, and she harbored no ill will towards her love interest. Deep down, she couldn't deny a twinge of longing to share those moments with Oreki herself.

"Huh?" Kaho emitted a noise of confusion at first, caught off guard by Mafuyu's reaction. However, she quickly composed herself, offering a gentle smile as she sought to reassure her friend. "Even though Oreki and I just met, we're already friends" she explained, her tone warm and genuine as she acknowledged the bond that had formed between them in such a short span of time. For Kaho, the notion of friendship was simple and straightforward, unburdened by the complexities that often accompanied relationships.

"So you're just going to do it with anyone as long as he's your friend?" Mafuyu asked, her tone tinged with a hint of anger and sadness as she struggled to reconcile Kaho's actions with her own understanding of friendship. In her mind, she couldn't help but question the sincerity of Kaho's feelings and the depth of her judgment.

Kaho, however, seemed unfazed by Mafuyu's reaction, her smile remaining bright and unwavering as she responded with unwavering confidence. "Of course not," she exclaimed, her voice carrying an air of conviction that left no room for doubt. "Oreki is Oreki," she continued, her tone tinged with reverence as she spoke of her newfound friend. "My intuition tells me he's different from the others" she added, her words imbued with a sense of certainty that bordered on conviction. For Kaho, Oreki wasn't just another acquaintance but someone truly special, someone who had managed to capture her heart and earn her unwavering trust in a remarkably short period of time.

"I see," Mafuyu said with a sigh of relief, her features softening into a genuine smile as she offered her congratulations to Kaho. Despite her initial skepticism and concern, Mafuyu couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and happiness for her friend. If Kaho had found something special in her newfound connection with Oreki, then perhaps it was worth celebrating after all.

"Hehe, thank you" Kaho replied, her cheeks flushing with a rosy hue as she fidgeted nervously under Mafuyu's gaze. Despite her efforts to maintain her composure, the overwhelming emotions swirling within her threatened to betray her calm facade.

As Mafuyu observed Kaho's reaction, a thought crossed her mind, prompting a quiet murmur of realization. "So it's love at first sight" she muttered to herself, her eyes lingering on Kaho's flushed appearance. In that moment, Mafuyu couldn't help but marvel at the transformative power of love, silently wishing her friend all the happiness and fulfillment in the world as she embarked on this new journey of romance and discovery.

Mafuyu's innocent curiosity prompted her to inquire further, despite her lack of experience in such matters. As a virgin herself, she couldn't help but wonder about the intricacies of physical intimacy, even though she was already at an age where such discussions were commonplace among her peers.

Maika observed the interaction between Kaho and Mafuyu, a fleeting sense of possessiveness flickered within her. "I met him first though," she thought, a hint of indignation coloring her perception of the situation. However, her momentary annoyance was quickly tempered by a recollection of Oreki's words from the previous day.

"Tsk, that guy wants to make a harem, even though it's legal now. No one is brave enough to do a harem" Oreki had remarked casually, his words echoing in Maika's mind. Despite her initial irritation at the idea of sharing Oreki's affections with others, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the thought of potentially forming a sisterly bond with Kaho in the future.

The notion of being sister-wives with Kaho brought a smile to Maika's lips, her heart warming at the prospect of deepening their friendship and forging a connection that transcended mere friendship.

"Did you enjoy it at least?" she asked, her voice tinged with genuine curiosity as she sought to understand Kaho's experience. However, her innocence led her to phrase the question in a way that might have been considered inappropriate, especially given the sensitive nature of the topic.

"I heard it hurts the first time," Mafuyu continued, her brow furrowing slightly as she recalled the snippets of information she had gleaned from various sources. Despite her best efforts to broach the subject delicately, her lack of experience left her feeling uncertain and uneasy about discussing such intimate matters.

As her thoughts turned to the physical discomfort that Kaho might have experienced, Mafuyu couldn't help but shudder at the imagined sensation. The mere thought of the unfamiliar "thing" entering Kaho's body filled her with a sense of dread and unease, prompting her to recoil inwardly at the thought.

However, despite her initial misgivings and discomfort, Mafuyu remained determined to support her friend and offer whatever assistance she could, even if it meant navigating through unfamiliar territory. As she awaited Kaho's response, Mafuyu braced herself for the possibility of delving deeper into a topic that she had previously only encountered in passing.

Caught off guard by Mafuyu's unexpected question, Kaho could only muster a perplexed "Eh?" in response, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Likewise, Mafuyu found herself mirroring Kaho's bewildered expression, her own face turning a shade of crimson as she realized the awkwardness of her inquiry.

Meanwhile, Maika, who had been observing the exchange with keen interest, couldn't help but be swayed by the confusion unfolding before her. "Eh?" she echoed, her eyebrows furrowing in puzzlement as she tried to make sense of the situation."