Chapter 36

The duo conversing and the one who eavesdropping from a bit far stood in awkward silence, the air thick with uncertainty as they grappled with the unexpected turn the conversation had taken. Each of them searched for the right words to break the tension, but the weight of their embarrassment only seemed to deepen as they struggled to find their footing.

The silence was abruptly shattered by Kaho's panicked voice, her cheeks ablaze with embarrassment as she stammered out her question. "W-what... what do you mean by that?" Her eyes darted nervously between Mafuyu and Maika, searching for some semblance of understanding.

Mafuyu, who had likely anticipated this response, couldn't help but blush furiously as she attempted to clarify. "I-I mean... what do you think I mean?" she replied, her own embarrassment palpable in her voice. Yet, despite her attempt to maintain composure, her cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of red, betraying her own uncertainty.

:Why,,why would we use condom" Kaho's whispered question hung in the air, her flushed cheeks betraying her embarrassment. Despite her attempt to keep her voice low, Mafuyu heard it loud and clear, and the shock was evident on her face. Even Maika, who had been quietly observing, couldn't help but overhear the conversation, her expression mirroring Mafuyu's surprise.

'No he did not just did that' Mafuyu thought to herself as her gasp echoed through the cafe, breaking the stunned silence that had settled over them. Anger tinged her voice as she confronted Kaho with a pointed question, her words loud enough to draw the attention of the surrounding customers. "Did Oreki not use a condom when you... when you did it with him last night?" The collective gasp from the customers only added to the tension in the air, their shock mirroring Mafuyu's own.


"I'm going to kill that guy if I see him"

"No let me handle that guy"

"Let's beat him up first then kill him"

"That's good idea!"

"Why not go further! Let's torture him too"

The loyal customers were getting out of hand, causing a ruckus in the establishment. But then Maika, who had been silently observing, stepped in. With a swift slap on the dining table, she commanded attention. Her eyes darkened as she addressed the unruly crowd, "Ara, it seems you guys need a lesson in behaving properly in this establishment."

Her words hung heavy in the air, sending shivers down the spines of most of the rowdy customers. They quieted down, realizing the seriousness of Maika's tone. However, there were some among them who seemed almost thrilled at the prospect of being disciplined by Maika. Their imaginations ran wild, picturing scenarios where Maika would deliver justice.

The tension diffused, Maika's authority in the establishment became more evident. Her stern demeanor and powerful words had a profound effect on the crowd, restoring order to the once chaotic scene.

In the aftermath of Maika's assertive intervention, the attention shifted towards Kaho, who found herself in the spotlight. Confusion clouded her features as she questioned Maika's statement, her tone tinged with bewilderment, "Why would you say that?" Casting a glare at Mafuyu, she demanded an explanation, her frustration evident, "Why do you think that!?"

Mafuyu, taken aback by Kaho's sudden anger, responded with equal confusion, "Eh? Didn't you mention spending the night with Oreki?" She struggled to recall their earlier conversation, trying to make sense of Kaho's reaction 'Did I think wrong or something' she thought. 

"We spent the night playing online games" Kaho clarified, her frustration palpable in her voice as she dispelled any misconceptions Mafuyu might have had. She made it explicitly clear that there was nothing inappropriate about her activities with Oreki, setting the record straight amidst the lingering tension in the air.

"Eh?!" Mafuyu's cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment as she realized her own mistake of misinterpreting Kaho's words and allowing her imagination to run rampant. "I'm such a pervert even for thinking like that" she scolded herself internally, feeling a pang of guilt for jumping to conclusions.

While Mafuyu contemplate what she have done. The crowd made a collective sign of relief.

"Thank God"

" As expected of Kaho is still pure maiden"

"Even Kaho is not pure anymore, I will still love her"

"Shut up! Loser"

"So are we still going to kill that guy?"

The tension eased, Maika, who had been eavesdropping in the exchange, approached Mafuyu and Kaho. "Now you understand" she stated matter-of-factly, her gaze shifting between the two. With a teasing tone, she added, "Your imagination is wild; you should find a boyfriend yourself."

Mafuyu's eyes widened in protest at Maika's teasing remark. "Hey, that's too far! I'm not that desperate," she denied, her cheeks still tinged with a rosy hue betraying her true feelings. Despite her words, the playful banter only served to deepen her embarrassment.

Maika chuckled softly at Mafuyu's response, seeing through her attempt to deflect the teasing. "Oh, come on, Mafuyu" she teased further, her tone playful. "There's no shame in a little daydreaming. Besides, who knows what surprises life might have in store for you?".

"Enough about me" Mafuyu interjected, putting a halt to Maika's teasing, and directed a question at her. "Why didn't you tell me about it sooner rather than later?" she asked, her lips forming a slight pout as she looked at Maika. Internally, Mafuyu couldn't help but wonder why Maika was behaving in such a manner.

Maika, unfazed by Mafuyu's question, responded with a straightforward remark, "For the record, I didn't know that you misunderstood what Kaho said." She then continued, pointing out the obvious, "How would I tell you if I'm busy serving customers while the two of you are gossiping here?" With her arms crossed over her chest, Maika's stance conveyed a sense of firmness and authority.

"Hehe, sorry about that Maika-chan" Kaho chimed in, expressing her apology to Maika for the interruption caused by their conversation. Despite the playful tone, there was a hint of genuine remorse in Kaho's voice as she acknowledged the inconvenience they had caused Maika.

"I accept your apology, even though you didn't have to" Maika replied, offering a warm smile to Kaho. However, her next words took on a more embarrassed and whispered tone, "Besides, there's a high chance we're going to be sister-wives in the future." Internally, Maika couldn't help but feel a sense of awkwardness at vocalizing such a notion, realizing that saying it aloud was quite different from merely imagining it.

Kaho, flustered once again by Maika's unexpected statement, panicked, "What are you saying all of a sudden, Maika?" Her eyes darted towards Maika, searching for an explanation for the unexpected remark.

Unexpectedly, it was Mafuyu who stepped in to clarify, rolling her eyes slightly at the situation. "She means that you and her are going to share Kamisato-san with each other" Mafuyu explained matter-of-factly to Kaho, offering a straightforward interpretation of Maika's words.

"Umu" Maika nodded in agreement at Mafuyu's explanation. "Just as Mafuyu said, we are going to be sister wives" she affirmed, emphasizing the notion with a sense of inevitability.

"I don't like him yet" Kaho interjected, her voice tinged with disagreement. However, her blush betrayed her true feelings, and the addition of the word 'yet' did little to convince Mafuyu and Maika otherwise. Despite Kaho's protestations, there was an undeniable hint of interest lurking beneath the surface.

"Sure..." Maika responded with a hint of sarcasm, her tone teasing as she couldn't resist poking fun at Kaho's reluctance. 

"I did not really like him, I did not" Kaho vehemently denied, her words laced with determination as she sought to dispel any lingering doubts about her feelings. However, as she turned around, her gaze fell upon the very person who seemed to be the source of the discussion. Without even realizing it, she greeted him with a casual "Oh hi, Oreki" her actions betraying a hint of contradiction to her earlier denial