Chapter 37

The trio of Mafuyu, Maika, and Kaho were taken aback by Oreki's sudden appearance, causing them to pause their conversation abruptly and direct their attention toward him. Yet, they soon realized that Oreki wasn't alone. Standing beside him were two girls and 1 one girl behind them, whose presence had gone unnoticed until then.

The taller girl had smooth black hair pulled back in a ponytail, giving her a polished appearance. Her golden eyes sparkled with confidence and authority, suggesting she was someone with a lot of power. She had a commanding presence, like she was used to being in charge, even though she stayed calm and collected.

The second girl had blonde hair and light blue eyes, which made her seem friendly and approachable. She had a warmth about her that contrasted with the taller girl's more assertive demeanor.

Lastly, there was a girl with short blue hair. She wore two black square hair clips on the right side of her bangs, adding a playful touch to her look. Her eyes were a bright yellow, and she had a small mole on her left cheek. Despite her colorful appearance, she seemed reserved at first, but those who knew her saw her as witty and observant, with a knack for finding humor in everyday situations.

As the trio exchanged curious glances, they couldn't help but wonder about the relationship between Oreki and the two girls. 

"A-re, it seems you girls are gossiping about me" Oreki remarked with a smile, his hand lightly resting against his cheek. His playful tone hinted at a sense of amusement as he addressed the trio, acknowledging the conversation they had been engaged in before his unexpected arrival. The remark added a light-hearted touch to the moment, easing any tension that may have arisen from the surprise encounter.

"Oreki, since when did you arrive?" Maika inquired with a tone of genuine happiness. Her question conveyed a sense of curiosity mixed with delight at seeing his unexpected presence. Despite the initial surprise of his arrival, her demeanor reflected a warm welcome, indicating her pleasure at seeing him here.

"I was here since..." Oreki began, a smirk playing on his lips as he glanced mischievously at Kaho, "...the condom part of the conversation." His teasing tone elicited a reaction from Kaho, who immediately questioned his gaze with a mix of surprise and embarrassment. "Why are you looking at me like that!?" she exclaimed, her cheeks flushing as she attempted to deflect Oreki's playful jab.

Quick to clarify the misunderstanding, Kaho continued, her tone a mix of embarrassment and amusement, "That was Mafuyu misunderstanding things and letting her imagination run wild." As she recalled Mafuyu's vivid imagination and the wild scenarios it conjured, Kaho couldn't help but feel a blush creeping up her cheeks. Her mind wandered to the possibility of such a situation occurring, prompting her to mentally scold herself for entertaining such thoughts. "I mean, if that's going to happen, I might need to buy it... no, no, stop yourself, Kaho. You're not that desperate" she muttered to herself, shaking her head in an attempt to banish the intrusive thoughts. Yet, amidst the embarrassment, a subtle question lingered was it truly a bad thought?

Oreki's laughter echoed through the room before he spoke again, admitting, "Oh, I already knew it was Mafuyu-san's fault." He paused for a moment, relishing the reaction he had elicited, before continuing, "I just wanted to see your reaction to that." A playful smile graced his lips as he directed his gaze toward Kaho, enjoying the interaction between them.

Caught off guard by Oreki's revelation, Kaho couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and amusement. Despite her initial indignation, she couldn't suppress a small smile at Oreki's teasing demeanor. Nevertheless, she couldn't resist pouting and turning away from Oreki, a slight blush adorning her cheeks as she tried to conceal her response.

"Mou, you're just like them. Hmph" Kaho muttered softly, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and affection toward Oreki. Though she pretended to be annoyed, there was a hint of fondness in her tone.

 "By the way, Oreki, it seems you're not the only one who came here today" she remarked, her tone tinged with curiosity and a hint of suspicion. As she observed the newcomers, a thought crossed her mind, "Are they going to be our rivals or what?"

"Oh right, I almost forgot to introduce them because of Kaho's cute reaction" Oreki remarked with a playful tone, unable to resist teasing Kaho even when he wasn't directly addressing her. With a casual demeanor, he turned his attention to the two girls beside him.

Oreki's smirk widened as he prepared to introduce the blonde girl to his left, but before he could utter a word, she swiftly interjected. "Sawamura Spencer Eriri" she declared her name in a brisk manner, her expression betraying little emotion outwardly, though inwardly, her thoughts raced. Observing Oreki's smirk, Eriri couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at her quick interruption. "That smirk again, luckily I was quick" she mused to herself, wary of any potential misunderstandings that might arise, much like the one Mafuyu had with Kaho earlier

"My, my, aren't you excited to make new friends" Oreki teased, his tone light and playful. He couldn't resist poking fun at Eriri's quick interruption, enjoying the opportunity to lightheartedly rib her. "But good on you for making more friends, except us and your beloved Aki-san" he added with a mischievous glint in his eye. Oreki's remark carried a hint of sarcasm.

"Hey, I already told you..." Eriri began to retort, but her words were swiftly cut off by the woman with black hair, mirroring Eriri's own interruption of Oreki. "Now, now, Oreki, cut her some slack" the black-haired woman intervened, her tone gentle yet firm as she directed her words to Oreki. Eriri couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude toward the woman for stepping in, sensing that she was trying to spare her from further teasing.

As she observed the interaction, Eriri couldn't shake the feeling of camaraderie beginning to form between them. "It seems we can be good friends, unlike THAT woman" Eriri thought to herself, recalling a senpai from her past who had a penchant for teasing her, much like Oreki was doing now. The comparison stirred mixed emotions within Eriri, but she found solace in the possibility of forming genuine connections with those around her, free from the sting of unwarranted teasing but that's what she thought.

"Sorry, sorry" Oreki muttered, offering a half-hearted shrug of his shoulders, though his apology lacked sincerity. His nonchalant demeanor hinted at a playful disregard for the boundaries of teasing, suggesting that his antics were more about amusement than genuine remorse. 

"And you were going to introduce her as your girlfriend just to see how she'd react to it" the black-haired woman stated matter-of-factly, her words flowing effortlessly as if she were simply reading from a book. Her observation cut through the playful banter with a hint of insight, highlighting Oreki's mischievous intentions behind the introduction. Despite the straightforward nature of her comment, there was a sense of amusement in her tone, suggesting that she was not entirely disapproving of Oreki's playful antics.

Eriri pointed her finger accusingly at Oreki, her expression a mix of frustration and disbelief. However, she quickly composed herself, taking a deep breath to calm her emotions before addressing Oreki directly. "Are you really going to say that I'm your girlfriend just for the sake of my reaction?" she queried, her eyes narrowing to slits as she awaited Oreki's response. There was a hint of intensity in her gaze, indicating that she was not about to let Oreki off the hook easily for his playful antics but deep in her mind some part of it kept thinking 'What if she and Oreki got together'

"Yes" Oreki replied without hesitation, his tone unwavering and devoid of any doubt. His response was straightforward, leaving no room for ambiguity or hesitation. Despite the seriousness of the moment, Oreki's demeanor remained calm and composed, as if he had already anticipated Eriri's question and had his answer prepared. His unwavering affirmation added a layer of intrigue to the interaction, prompting Eriri to consider the possibility that Oreki's playful teasing might have deeper implications than she initially thought.

"I can see it in your face" the black-haired woman said to Eriri, studying her closely for any hint of a reaction. Her observation was met with a raised eyebrow from Eriri, who remained composed despite the probing scrutiny. Undeterred, the woman continued, her tone laced with amusement, "You're not gonna fall for him too, are you?" A playful smirk played across her lips as she awaited Eriri's response, anticipating the tsundere reaction she expected from her.

"What!" Eriri exclaimed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment at the implication. "How... no, I'm not" she vehemently denied, her tone defensive as she refuted the suggestion. Despite her protestations, Eriri couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, unsure whether the others would believe her denial. The blush on her face betrayed her true feelings, and she couldn't shake the feeling that her reaction only served to confirm their suspicions.

"That's good then" the black-haired woman remarked, nodding sagely as if she had uncovered some great truth. Her words were accompanied by a subtle smirk, hinting at a mischievous undertone to her observation. "I thought you'd replace your beloved Aki-san" she continued, her tone teasing as she referenced Eriri's childhood friend.

"I already told you guys I don't like that guy" Eriri muttered under her breath, hoping to keep her words discreet. However, to her dismay, her whispered confession was heard by everyone in the group. A sense of tension settled over them as Eriri's true feelings were laid bare. The reminder of her rejection stirred a mix of frustration and anger within her, evident in the tightness of her voice and the sharpness of her gaze

"Now that I've had my fun" Oreki remarked with a smirk, sensing Eriri's discomfort and deciding to lighten the mood by changing the topic. Despite his playful demeanor, he couldn't resist the urge to tease her just a bit more, albeit in a more lighthearted manner.

"Let's introduce the girl behind us first" the black-haired woman interjected, redirecting the group's attention to the blue-haired girl standing quietly in the background. Her suggestion prompted curious glances from the others.

"Right" Oreki acknowledged with a nod before turning his attention to the blue-haired girl. With a feigned air of curiosity, he addressed her, pretending not to know her name. "What was your name, Miss...?" he inquired, his tone casual yet inviting. Despite already being aware of her name, Oreki maintained the facade.

"You don't even know her!" Kaho exclaimed, her voice rising slightly in surprise at the sudden revelation. However, her outburst quickly subsided as she realized her reaction, hastily covering her mouth in embarrassment. "How did you even meet?" she said this question in lighter tone, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment from her earlier outburst. Despite her curiosity, Kaho couldn't help but feel a sense of awkwardness at the unexpected turn of events, wondering about the circumstances that had led to Oreki's acquaintance with the blue-haired girl.

"We picked her up on the way here" Oreki explained, recalling the moment they had encountered the blue-haired girl lying on the sidewalk. His words offered a brief explanation for her presence among them, shedding light on the circumstances of their encounter.

Eriri chimed in, elaborating further with a warm smile. "To be specific, we found her lying on the sidewalk because she collapsed out of hunger" she added, her tone gentle as she recounted the girl's plight. Pausing for a moment, Eriri directed a comforting smile towards the blue-haired girl, conveying a sense of empathy and compassion. "That's why we brought her here to eat" she concluded, emphasizing their gesture of kindness in offering her food and assistance.

The trio nodded in agreement with Eriri's explanation, acknowledging both her kindness and their collective decision to assist the blue-haired girl in her time of need. However, their attention quickly shifted to Oreki, their expressions narrowed. With a casual shrug, Oreki met their gaze before turning his attention to the blue-haired girl beside him.

"Please introduce yourself to us" Oreki addressed her with a warm smile.

"Yamada Ryo. I'm here to eat free food" the blue-haired girl introduced herself with a casual tone, her words eliciting a chuckle from the group consisting of Mafuyu, Kaho, Maika, and Eriri. Her straightforward introduction added a touch of humor to the moment, earning an amused reaction from the others. However, Oreki and the black-haired woman merely shrugged in response, their expressions betraying little reaction to Yamada's introduction.

Ryo wore a stylish long-sleeved shirt in a vibrant shade of blue that flowed loosely around her frame, matching the hue of her short blue hair. Paired with her yellow high-waisted jeans and black shoes with white socks, the outfit exuded a casual yet chic vibe that suited her perfectly. She wears a necklace featuring a miniature bass guitar pendant served as subtle nods to her passion for music.

"I will call you just Ryo because that's easy to pronounce" Oreki suggested with a smirk. His proposal was met with a nod of agreement from Ryo, who seemed unfazed by the suggestion. The simplicity of the nickname appeared to appeal to her, as she readily accepted it without much thought.

"Now then let me introduce you to my last companion" Oreki declared, his gaze sweeping over the trio of Mafuyu, Maika, and Kaho before finally settling on the black-haired woman. "This beautiful woman is Yoruichi" he continued, his tone playful as he emphasized her name. "She's like a bodyguard to me, but she's more than that." With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Oreki reached out to wrap his arm around Yoruichi's waist, and she responded by leaning into him, placing her head on his shoulder. Their actions were lighthearted, a playful display meant to tease the others and add a touch of drama to the moment.

Their action cause the group look at them with confusion including the sulking Eriri. They then collectively shout "EHhHHH"