Chapter 38

"Explain it to us clearly, Oreki-san" Maika demanded, her eyes narrowing to slits as she observed the interaction between Oreki and Yoruichi. Despite her attempt to maintain a composed facade, a hint of jealousy flickered in her gaze as she scrutinized their closeness. In her mind, Maika couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity, wondering how she could assert herself as the primary figure in Oreki's life if Yoruichi held such a significant role. "If this is true, how am I supposed to be the first wife?" she mused silently, her thoughts betraying her apprehension at the thought of sharing Oreki's attention with another woman.

"Yeah, Oreki, explain it to us" Kaho chimed in, her arms crossed defensively as she echoed Maika's demand for clarification. While she outwardly projected an air of assertiveness, internally, Kaho grappled with conflicting emotions. There lingered a suspicion within her that there might be more to Oreki and Yoruichi's relationship than met the eye, prompting her to seek answers directly from Oreki himself. Her tone carried a blend of curiosity and apprehension, betraying her uncertainty about the true nature of their connection. "Wait a minute! Why am I doing this again? I don't even like him yet!" she thought to herself, a sudden realization dawning upon her as she questioned her own motivations amidst the intrigue of the moment.

Eriri stood with her hands on her waist, her expression unreadable as she silently observed Oreki and Yoruichi. Despite her lack of words, her piercing gaze spoke volumes, demanding clarity about the true nature of their relationship. The intensity of her stare conveyed her insistence on receiving an explanation from both Oreki and Yoruichi, hinting at her underlying desire for transparency amidst the playful banter unfolding before them. As she watched the interaction unfold, Eriri couldn't help but wonder about their dynamic. "Heh, what are you going to do now" she thought to herself, a subtle hint of envy lurking beneath the surface of her stoic demeanor.

Without missing a beat, Oreki seized the opportunity to take a playful jab at Eriri. With a mischievous glint in his eye and a smirk playing at the corners of his lips, he leaned in slightly, feigning confusion as he cast a teasing glance in her direction. "What's in it for you knowing our relationship?" he asked, his tone light and teasing. Pretending to gasp in mock astonishment, he continued, his voice dripping with playful sarcasm, "Don't tell me you're going to dump Aki-kun just for the handsome and cute Oreki." The words rolled off his tongue smoothly, his playful banter laced with a hint of mischief as he awaited Eriri's response

Eriri was on the brink of exploding with frustration, ready to deliver a retort to Oreki's jest, but Yoruichi swiftly intervened, adding fuel to the fire with her playful teasing. "How dare you do that, Eriri" Yoruichi exclaimed in a fake angry voice, her tone dripping with sarcasm as she continued, "How could you just dump Aki-kun?" She wiped away fake tears for added effect before resuming, "Even though Oreki is handsome and cool, Aki must be a great guy for you to fall in love with." Her words were delivered with an 'unbiased' opinion, accompanied by a fake serious expression.

Eriri pointed her finger accusingly at Oreki, who burst into laughter at her reaction. "You, I understand you teasing me" she said, her tone a mix of embarrassment and frustration. Pausing for a moment, she redirected her finger towards Yoruichi, who was snickering at her antics. "But you, on the other hand" she continued, her voice rising slightly in exasperation, "we just met today!" A hint of blush crept onto her cheeks as she emphasized the suddenness of their acquaintance. "And you don't even know Tomoya or have met him" she added pointedly, her frustration evident in the angry huff of air that escaped her lips.

The trio of Kaho, Maika, and Mafuyu found themselves at a loss for words as they witnessed the unfolding exchange before them. Uncertain of how to react to the playful teasing of Oreki and Yoruichi directed at Eriri, they opted to remain silent, choosing instead to observe the scene unfolding before them with a mixture of curiosity.

After taking a moment to collect herself, Eriri breathed in deeply, her expression softening slightly. With a hint of tsundere attitude, she declared, "Hmph, I'm not going to talk to you guys anymore." Despite her attempt to maintain a facade of indifference, there was a subtle warmth in her tone, indicating that her declaration was more playful than serious. She turned away, a faint blush tinted her cheeks, betraying the lingering embarrassment from their earlier exchange.

Oreki smiled at Eriri's demeanor, amused by her tsundere response.

Turning to Ryo, Oreki didn't explicitly ask for her opinion, but Ryo responded nonetheless with a monotone voice, "I don't really care." Despite not being directly prompted, her indifferent response conveyed a sense of nonchalance, indicating that she was content of his explanation and reason. He then smile at her cute action. 

Oreki attention shifted to Mafuyu, he posed a question, "What about you?" However, Oreki already had a good idea of Mafuyu's response based on her reaction. With a playful glint in his eyes, he anticipated to poke fun of her based on whatever answer she would give. 

Mafuyu met Oreki's gaze with a confident smile, her demeanor poised and self-assured. "Hey, I don't need anymore explanation it's not like I'm in love with you like all the girls here" she declared, her tone light-hearted yet firm. However, her words elicited protests from both Kaho and Eriri, who objected to Mafuyu's assertion that they harbored feelings for Oreki. The sound of their protests filled the air, their voices overlapping as they vehemently denied Mafuyu's claim.Despite the protests from her friends, Mafuyu remained unfazed, her smile unwavering. She simply shrugged in response.

"I see" Oreki nodded sagely, his expression thoughtful as he considered Mafuyu's statement. However, a mischievous smirk soon crossed his lips as he shifted his gaze to Mafuyu. "So, would you rather live alone forever?" he questioned, his tone playful yet tinged with curiosity. Oreki's remark was intended to tease Mafuyu gently, nudging her to reconsider her confident declaration about love. He knew that his question would likely prompt a spirited response from Mafuyu.

"Hey! I'm not that desperate for a partner in life" Mafuyu retorted confidently, her tone brimming with self-assurance as she addressed Oreki's teasing question. With a playful smirk, she continued, "And even if I were that desperate, I'm not going to be falling for your charms, Oreki-san" Her words were laced with a hint of amusement, indicating that she was enjoying the playful banter between them. "You know why? Because you're not my type" she added in a teasing tone, her gaze meeting Oreki's with a playful twinkle in her eyes.

"Fair enough" Oreki replied with a grin, his expression easygoing as he accepted Mafuyu's response without any sign of offense. To him, it seemed inconsequential what her answer was, as their playful banter was all in good fun. Oreki's nonchalant demeanor conveyed a sense of indifference to Mafuyu's playful rejection, indicating that he was unfazed by her teasing remarks.

Yoruichi didn't miss the opportunity to interject, her smile evident as she teased Oreki with a playful remark. "She got you there, Oreki" she remarked, her tone light-hearted as she acknowledged Mafuyu's witty comeback. With a playful twinkle in her eye, she continued, "Got any comeback?" Yoruichi's question was accompanied by a mischievous grin.

"I got nothing" Oreki shrugged, his expression easygoing as he admitted his inability to come up with a clever response. With a playful grin, he added, "I admit this time" surrendering to Mafuyu's wit with good humor. He turned his gaze towards the others, particularly noticing the smirks on Kaho and Eriri's faces as they relished in Mafuyu's playful teasing. With a smile playing on his lips, he addressed them, his tone lighthearted yet curious. "Are you guys seriously happy just like that?" he inquired, his gaze shifting between Kaho and Eriri.

"Of course we are, right?" Eriri glanced at Kaho, shooting her a wink as she sought support. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she silently urged Kaho to join her in their retaliation against Oreki. "Come on, time to attack" she thought to herself, relishing the opportunity to turn the tables and get back at Oreki for the teasing she had endured from him.

Kaho nodded in agreement with Eriri's sentiment before adding, "Getting rejected like that must be rough." Her tone carried a hint of sympathy as she acknowledged Oreki's playful defeat. However, her attempt at compassion was undercut by the playful smirk that tugged at her lips, betraying her amusement at the situation. As she glanced at Oreki, she hesitated to smile, noticing the mischievous gleam in his eyes. Internally, Kaho silently pleaded with Oreki, hoping he would hear her unspoken request. "Please let us have this win, Oreki" she thought. Kaho hoped that Oreki would graciously accept their victory, allowing them to revel in the momentary triumph.

Oreki shrugged nonchalantly. "Don't really care about it anyway. Besides, Mafuyu is also not my type of girl" he remarked casually, his tone light as he glanced at Mafuyu. With a gentle smile, he added, "No offense." Oreki's comment was delivered in a playful manner.

Mafuyu responded swiftly, her tone unperturbed. "None taken" she replied with ease, accepting Oreki's remark without any sign of offense.

Oreki's tone shifted slightly as he continued, a hint of seriousness underlying his words. "And besides, I already have you and Maika" he pointed out, his gaze shifting to Kaho with a subtle intensity. There was a tacit understanding between them, as if they both knew that Oreki had harbored the desire for Kaho and Maika to be a part of his harem.

Maika's cheeks flushed slightly at Oreki's assertiveness, feeling a flutter of excitement at his words. "I will accept whatever you want, Oreki" she replied softly, her hands instinctively moving to cover her flushed cheeks as she spoke.

Kaho couldn't help but tease Maika lightly as she observed her friend's easily swayed demeanor in response to Oreki's words. "You're so easily convinced, Maika" she remarked with a playful grin, her eyes widening in mock astonishment at Maika's quick agreement. However, her tone shifted slightly as she turned her attention back to Oreki, her expression taking on a more challenging and assertive demeanor. "You're gonna have to do better than that to make me join your harem" she declared, her voice carrying a hint of determination as she issued her serious invitation to Oreki

"Of course" Oreki replied simply, looking directly at Kaho with a sincere expression. His tone showed he respected Kaho's choice and understood her limits. As he glanced at her, he noticed a faint blush on her cheeks, hinting at her reaction to his words.

Kaho felt a slight warmth spreading across her cheeks as she met Oreki's gaze. She was taken aback by how earnestly he responded. His respectful acceptance of her decision made her feel a mix of emotions, from surprise to a bit of flustered admiration.

Eriri watched the interaction unfold with a blank mind, unsure of what to say. She couldn't help but wonder, "Are they really considering a harem with Oreki as the husband?" Turning to glance at Kaho and Maika with a confused expression, she found herself at a loss for words.

As her gaze shifted to Oreki, Eriri found herself contemplating his appearance. "I mean, he's got, no, no" she thought, shaking her head to dismiss the notion. Despite her confusion, Eriri couldn't deny that the idea of a harem with Oreki seemed surreal to her.

Eriri's musings were abruptly interrupted when she noticed Oreki looking at her with a smirk. Caught off guard, she couldn't help but ask, "What?" Her mind raced with questions, wondering if Oreki had somehow read her thoughts. She pondered this possibility, Eriri couldn't shake the feeling of unease that washed over her. "Can he read minds?" she thought to herself, her confusion deepening. Despite her uncertainty, she couldn't deny the subtle sense of apprehension that lingered within her as she met Oreki's gaze, unsure of what his smirk might signify.

"Nothing, nothing, don't think too much about it" Oreki replied, smoothly dodging Eriri's question with a dismissive wave of his hand. He redirected his attention to the rest of the group, signaling a return to the previous topic. "Back to the question" he stated, his tone casual as he shifted the conversation back to the nature of his relationship with Yoruichi. He resumed discussing the topic at hand, Oreki couldn't help but feel a sense of bewilderment at the sudden tangent the conversation had taken. "Man, what a tangent" he thought to himself, puzzled by the erratic flow of the discussion. Despite his attempt to steer the conversation back on track, he found himself grappling with the unpredictable twists and turns that seemed to characterize their interactions. 

"For further clarification of our relationship" Oreki began, pausing for a moment to build anticipation among the group. With a mischievous smirk, he teased them by leaving them hanging for a brief moment before continuing, "Let's just say we live in the same house." Oreki's cryptic statement left the others intrigued, their curiosity piqued as they exchanged curious glances and whispered speculations among themselves. With a satisfied grin, Oreki turned away from the group and made his way to an empty table to order food. 

Yoruichi followed behind Oreki, a playful glint in her eyes as she winked at Eriri, Kaho, and Maika. Her gesture served to further tease them. Meanwhile, Ryo also joined in, rubbing her tummy with anticipation, thinking, "Finally, it's time to eat." Her hunger made her eager to dig into the meal that awaited them.

Kaho and Maika exchanged knowing glances as they heard Oreki's cryptic explanation. While they had already guessed the nature of his relationship with Yoruichi, they couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment at Oreki's indirect response. Despite their understanding, they still hoped to hear a direct answer from him. They sighed softly, Kaho and Maika shared a silent understanding. They knew that Oreki enjoyed keeping them guessing, but part of them longed for a straightforward acknowledgment of the truth.

But Eriri voice their thought as she said "That's it?" She followed them from behind as she continue saying "At least tell us directly you coward" But all of her complaints did not reach Oreki's ears.