Chapter 40

Still at the Cafe Stile in one of the dining table.

"You..." Eriri struggled to believe what she had just heard, taken aback by Oreki's audacity and unwavering confidence. His assertiveness seemed to border on narcissism, or perhaps he had already crossed that threshold. Puzzled by his sudden display of self-assuredness, Eriri found herself questioning the source of Oreki's newfound confidence. "Where did this guy's confidence come from?" she wondered to herself, her mind racing to comprehend the transformation. She couldn't help but ponder the factors that had contributed to his newfound assertiveness, grappling with the mystery of how he had evolved into the person he was now.

"Allow me to give you two explanation" Yoruichi interjected, her smirk suggesting a mischievous intent as she raised a finger to emphasize her point. Her interruption signaled a desire to shed light on the mystery surrounding Oreki's newfound confidence. Casting a glance at Oreki for approval, she received a nod of agreement, prompting her to proceed with her explanation. With a nod of approval from him.

Eriri entertained Yoruichi's proposal, though she couldn't shake the feeling that whatever explanation was forthcoming would likely be either absurd, ridiculous, or perhaps even both. The prospect of such a scenario left her feeling apprehensive, as the combination of stupidity and absurdity would surely test her patience and sanity to their limits. As she braced herself for what was to come, Eriri couldn't help but feel a sudden craving for cup ramen, a simple comfort.

"First and foremost" Yoruichi began, her gaze directed at Oreki, who was casually picking his nose while perusing the menu, seemingly unaffected by the conversation unfolding around him. With a smirk playing on her lips, she gestured towards him, emphasizing his face as she spoke. "Look at him, look at that face" she declared proudly, her tone laced with amusement. "Tell me that's not attractive to you."

"I don't know about that, chief" Eriri replied to Yoruichi with a deadpan expression, finding her exaggerated antics in explaining the obvious to be rather ridiculous. Despite her outward dismissal, Eriri couldn't deny the truth in Yoruichi's words. She was well aware of Oreki's appealing looks, though she made a conscious effort to suppress any thoughts of attraction. "Stop it, Eriri, you're not that easy" she scolded herself internally, quickly shutting down any inklings of admiration before they could take root.

"Now convinced yet?" Yoruichi asked with a smile, prompting Eriri to nod in response. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Yoruichi continued, "Now look closely." Following her instructions, Eriri leaned in, studying Oreki's face intently for several seconds.

As she scrutinized his features, Eriri found herself unexpectedly captivated by his subtle charm. Unconsciously, she gulped and licked her lips, a reaction she hadn't anticipated. Suddenly aware of her own actions, Eriri felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment as she realized the implications of her involuntary response.

Caught off guard by her own reaction, Eriri hastily averted her gaze, hoping to conceal her embarrassment from the others. Despite her best efforts to maintain her composure, the unexpected turn of events left her feeling flustered and self-conscious.

Even the usually silent Ryo, who had obediently followed Yoruichi's instruction to observe Oreki closely, found herself unable to suppress a blush as she studied his features. The subtle allure of Oreki's demeanor seemed to affect her as well, stirring a reaction she hadn't anticipated. Despite her typically reserved nature, Ryo couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth spreading across her cheeks as she became acutely aware of Oreki's presence.

"See, I told you so" Yourichi proudly said with a smirk as she saw Eriri trying to hide her blushing face."How can you not like that, His face is symmetrical and well-proportioned. His eyes are the focal point of his face, sparkling with a vivid blue hue that seems to shimmer with depth and intensity. They are expressive and magnetic, drawing others in with their hypnotic allure. Whether he's laughing, deep in thought, or lost in contemplation, his eyes convey a wealth of emotion and intrigue. Above his mesmerizing eyes, his eyebrows are well-defined and neatly groomed, framing his face and adding emphasis to his intense gaze. They arch slightly, giving him an air of confidence and sophistication. His nose is straight and masculine, with a subtle slope that adds refinement to his profile. It sits perfectly between his expressive eyes, balancing his features and adding to his overall attractiveness" Yoruichi said acting like heat with her in depth description.

"Stop! Stop!" Eriri exclaimed, raising her right hand to forestall Yoruichi from continuing to describe Oreki's face further. "I get it, he's attractive and has a sexy face, but who cares?" she protested, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Despite her attempts to appear nonchalant, Eriri couldn't deny the subtle fluttering in her chest at the mention of Oreki's allure.

"I see, I see" Yoruichi nodded sagely, her eyes twinkling mischievously. Turning her attention to Oreki, she issued a playful command. "Oreki, can you muster up your most genuine smile for Eriri?" Her tone held a hint of challenge, as if daring him to break through Eriri's defenses with his charm. With a sly wink directed at Eriri, Yoruichi couldn't resist adding a teasing edge to her request.

"Okay" Oreki responded casually, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief as he turned to face Eriri. With a subtle pause, he cast her a suspenseful glance, causing her to gulp in anticipation. Then, with a determined resolve, Oreki mustered his best smile, summoning all the warmth and sincerity he could muster.

As his smile spread across his face, a radiant glow seemed to emanate from him, enveloping the surrounding area in a soft, warm light. It was as if the very atmosphere responded to Oreki's genuine expression of happiness, brightening and lifting the spirits of those around him. The sight of his smile caused Eriri's heart to skip a beat, her breath catching in her throat as she found herself captivated by the genuine warmth and charm radiating from Oreki's smile.

Ryo's heart skipped a beat as she witnessed Oreki's radiant smile, her thoughts momentarily halted by the sheer warmth and sincerity it exuded. Watching him, she couldn't help but wonder how effortlessly he could light up the room with just a smile. Was this what love felt like? The fluttering sensation in her chest and the sudden rush of emotions left her questioning her own feelings, unsure of how to interpret the unexpected reaction to Oreki's charm. As she struggled to make sense of her emotions, Ryo found herself drawn to him in a way she couldn't quite explain, a growing curiosity blossoming within her heart.

"You—" Eriri began, ready to demand more proof of Yoruichi's claims, but before she could continue, Yoruichi cut her off with a commanding tone. "Oreki, show it" she instructed, her voice suddenly serious, capturing the attention of Eriri and Ryo even further.

Without saying Oreki stood up about to pull down his pants causing different reaction in the group,

"What the hell are you doing?" Eriri exclaimed, her hands instinctively rising to cover her eyes, though she couldn't resist peeking between her fingers to see what was happening. The absurdity of the situation left her feeling flustered and incredulous, her mind racing with disbelief at Oreki's unexpected actions."Is he out of his mind? We're in a public place" She thought to herself, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she contemplated the implications of Oreki's behavior.

Ryo, on the other hand, averted her gaze downward in an attempt to avoid the impending spectacle. However, her curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't resist stealing glances upward to see what was unfolding before her eyes. Despite her attempt to maintain a semblance of indifference, a sense of excitement bubbled within her at the prospect of witnessing something unexpected. "Is he going to show it? If yes, that kind of rocks!" she mused to herself, her thoughts filled with anticipation as she contemplated the possibility of Oreki following through with Yoruichi's request.

But to their disappointment, Yoruichi swiftly intervened, bringing Oreki's intended action to an abrupt halt. "Hey hey, not that thing!" she exclaimed, her words laced with amusement as she directed a smirk towards Eriri and Ryo. Despite their initial anticipation, both Eriri and Ryo couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment at the missed opportunity, though they quickly composed themselves to conceal their feelings.

Eriri fixed her gaze on Oreki and Yoruichi, both of whom wore smirks that betrayed their amusement at the situation. Feeling a surge of frustration, she couldn't help but accuse them of intentional mischief. "You're doing that on purpose!" she shouted, her voice tinged with exasperation as she voiced her suspicion that they had orchestrated the entire scenario.

"That was all on Oreki, though" Yoruichi interjected, raising both hands in a gesture of innocence as she playfully threw Oreki under the bus. Oreki, acknowledging his role in the orchestrated chaos, nodded in agreement, a sheepish grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

Yoruichi then turned to Oreki, issuing a new instruction with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Now, do that thing that I want you to" she directed, her gaze shifting to Eriri and Ryo,

With a sly grin, Oreki complied with Yoruichi's request, reaching up to remove the hoodie that he had been wearing over his shirt. As he peeled off the garment, revealing his arms beneath, Eriri and Ryo watched intently, their curiosity piqued by his actions. Oreki then flexed his arm muscles, displaying them proudly in front of Eriri and Ryo. As the muscles tensed beneath his skin.

Yoruichi's comment drew attention to Oreki's muscles, her voice filled with admiration as she observed his physique. Pausing for effect, she turned her gaze towards Eriri and Ryo, a knowing smirk playing on her lips as she continued her commentary. "It's not just the arm muscles" she remarked, her tone laced with intrigue, "underneath that shirt of his is a body crafted by the gods, the very embodiment of your imagination's Adam and your life's Adonis."

Yoruichi's eyes sparkled with amusement as she commented on Oreki's muscles, her voice laced with playful admiration. "Look at those muscles" she remarked, pausing for dramatic effect as she directed her gaze toward Eriri and Ryo. With a smirk, she continued, her words carrying a hint of exaggeration as she painted a vivid picture of Oreki's physique.

"It's not just the arm muscles" Yoruichi continued, her tone dripping with theatrical flair, "underneath that shirt of his is a body sculpted by the gods themselves." As she spoke, she emphasized each word, emphasizing the mythical quality of Oreki's physique and inviting Eriri and Ryo to envision the remarkable figure hidden beneath his clothing.

"The Adam of your imagination and the Adonis of your life" Yoruichi concluded with a flourish, her words ringing with a sense of grandiosity as she playfully invoked imagery of divine creation and timeless beauty. With a theatrical flair, she brought her commentary to a close, leaving Eriri and Ryo to contemplate the fantastical depiction of Oreki's physique that she had woven before them.

"I don't really care about his body, though" Eriri remarked nonchalantly, her words betraying a hint of indifference even as her thoughts wandered to what lay hidden beneath Oreki's shirt. Despite her assertion, she couldn't shake the curiosity that had been sparked by Yoruichi's vivid description of Oreki's physique., She found herself unable to resist the allure of imagination, her mind conjuring images of the sculpted figure that lay beneath Oreki's clothing.

"Now show them the real thing" Yoruichi urged Oreki with a serious tone, prompting him to comply once more. Rising to his feet, Oreki prepared to unveil the next act of their playful charade, reaching for the zipper of his pants in readiness. However, before he could proceed, Eriri interjected, her voice laced with a mix of disbelief and exasperation.

"Stop, stop!" Eriri exclaimed urgently, her eyes widening in alarm as she realized Oreki's intentions. Her interruption effectively halted the impending spectacle, bringing a sudden end to the playful charade that had unfolded before them.

"We get it! He's the perfect human specimen" Eriri continued, her voice tinged with a mixture of exasperation and disbelief. With a sense of finality, she sought to convey the absurdity of the situation and put an end to any further attempts at theatrics, hoping to restore a semblance of normalcy to their interactions.

"Okay, now that I've explained the first reason" Yoruichi paused, casting a glance back and forth between Ryo and Eriri before continuing, "the second reason is he's rich and powerful. He can buy anything you want, anything you need, and anything you wish" she declared with a smirk, her words carrying a hint of mischief as she emphasized the boundless possibilities that lay within Oreki's grasp. With a theatrical flourish, She punctuated her statement with a single word: "Anything." Her smirk widened as she allowed the weight of that word to linger in the air.

Ryo's unexpected response caught the group off guard, her words laden with a mixture of boldness and greed. "If you really can do that" she began, her voice tinged with a hint of skepticism, "I would like to recommend myself to join your harem" she declared, her eyes sparkling with anticipation at the prospect of access to Oreki's wealth and power.

"What!" Eriri exclaimed in disbelief, her gaze darting towards Ryo who sat beside her. "Why joining his harem so easily?" she questioned, her shock evident in her tone as she struggled to comprehend Ryo's sudden willingness to join Oreki's harem.

"Money is money" Ryo replied to Eriri with a nonchalant tone, her words carrying a sense of pragmatism as she shrugged indifferently. Despite Eriri's shock, Ryo's response underscored her straightforward approach to the situation, emphasizing her willingness to prioritize material gain over concerns of propriety or reputation.

"Deal" Oreki declared, extending his hand towards Ryo for a handshake, sealing their agreement with a firm grasp. In that simple gesture.

For Ryo, accepting Oreki's handshake served as a tacit agreement to join his harem, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their relationship.

Oreki turned his gaze towards Eriri, silently acknowledging her statement with a raised eyebrow. "I am not going to join your harem that easily like her" Eriri declared, her voice carrying a tone of determination as she crossed her arms firmly over her chest.

Her resolute stance underscored her reluctance to acquiesce to Oreki's proposition without careful consideration. As she spoke, a sense of defiance radiated from her demeanor, signaling her intention to maintain her independence and resist the allure of Oreki's offer.

But you have Aki-san, did you not?" Oreki questioned, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he observed Eriri's reaction.

Hearing Oreki's words, Eriri's initial instinct to retort faltered, her expression shifting as she looked down, her teeth gritted in frustration. The mention of her childhood friend served as a reminder of the rejection she receive from Tomoya.

"Oh, I see, I see" Oreki nodded sagely, his expression inscrutable as he processed Eriri's reaction. However, he refrained from vocalizing his thoughts, choosing instead to pivot the conversation. "Let's order first and talk about it while eating" he suggested, steering the group's focus towards the practical matter at hand.