Chapter 41

While Oreki and his group of four are waiting for the food to arrive.

The Trio of Mafuyu, Maika and Kaho are talking about something.


So, Kaho, are you seriously going to join his harem?" Mafuyu asked with a smirk, her tone laced with playful teasing as she turned her attention to Kaho. Caught off guard by the question, Kaho's cheeks flushed pink as she stammered in response, her mind racing to formulate an answer.

"Not yet" Kaho answered, her cheeks still tinged with embarrassment. "There is going to be a condition if he wants me" she added, her tone tinged with determination as she mulled over her own thoughts. Internally, she reasoned that this condition would serve to address not just one, but two of her concerns.

"What is it?" Mafuyu curious as to what was Kaho want from Oreki but she does not expect something normal as she thought to herself "It's going be related to her hobby"

"I want him to play games with me every night" Kaho declared, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she voiced her desire. The thought of sharing this activity with Oreki filled her with a sense of joy and anticipation, evident in the way she squirmed with delight.

"That's it?" Mafuyu retorted in mock disappointment, her disappointment evident in her tone as she sighed theatrically. However, her expression soon softened into a smile as she mused to herself about Kaho's simplicity.

"It's not that simple" Kaho interjected, her tone carrying a hint of mischief as she wagged her finger in emphasis. "I will get my vengeance and at the same time I will get a playdate every night" she explained proudly, her eyes sparkling with determination. In her mind, her request held a dual purpose – not only would it fulfill her desire for nightly gaming sessions with Oreki, but it also presented an opportunity for her to exact revenge for her losing streak against him.

"Yeah, yeah!" Mafuyu responded with a nonchalant shrug, accepting Kaho's explanation without much further comment. Her attention then shifted to Maika, who was observing the table where Oreki and his group were seated. She watched Maika's gaze linger on the other group, she couldn't help but wonder what thoughts were running through her friend's mind.

"Maika!" Mafuyu's sudden call startled Maika, causing her to jump in surprise before quickly regaining her composure.

"What is it?" Maika inquired, her voice steady as she composed herself after the unexpected interruption.

"So, what do you want from Oreki?" Mafuyu questioned, her tone tinged with a hint of skepticism borne from Kaho's seemingly straightforward response. Despite asking the question, Mafuyu's expectations were tempered, doubtful that Maika harbored any grand or unusual desires regarding Oreki.

"I want Oreki to take me out on a date somewhere with a Ferris wheel" Maika revealed, her voice carrying a hint of wistfulness as she allowed herself to envision the scenario she desired. In her mind's eye, she painted a picture of herself and Oreki, illuminated by the twinkling lights of a carnival, sharing a moment atop a Ferris wheel, their laughter mingling with the gentle evening breeze.

Mafuyu's expression shifted to one of curiosity as she regarded Maika with a quizzical gaze. "Why the ferris wheel exactly?" she inquired, her tone tinged with genuine interest. The specificity of Maika's request piqued her curiosity, prompting her to seek further clarification.

Maika fixed Mafuyu with a deadpan stare, her expression a mix of disbelief and amusement. "Are you seriously asking that, Mafuyu-san?" she questioned, her tone laced with incredulity. It seemed inconceivable to Maika that Mafuyu, who possessed a penchant for misconstruing innocent situations, would be genuinely puzzled by her desire for a romantic outing. "Why is she being so innocent now" Maika mused to herself.

"That's why asking you" Mafuyu's response came swiftly, a subtle attempt to mask her embarrassment in front of Maika and Kaho. With a nonchalant tone, she brushed off her question, hoping to downplay her curiosity and preserve a semblance of composure. Yet beneath her façade of indifference, Mafuyu couldn't shake off her lingering embarrassment, acutely aware of her lack of understanding in matters of romance.

Maika's response was direct and filled with fervent longing as she shared her ideal date scenario with Mafuyu. With a touch of reverence in her voice, she described how, after spending the entire day together, she envisioned the pinnacle of their date being a ride on the Ferris wheel. Her words painted a vivid picture of the moment she yearned for, where they would ascend to the highest point of the Ferris wheel, suspended in time and space.

In Maika's imagination, this would be the perfect moment for Oreki to lean in and kiss her, capturing the essence of their shared connection and sealing their romantic bond. As she visualized the scene in her mind, her heart fluttered with anticipation, fueling her dreams of a magical encounter atop the Ferris wheel.

Kaho and Mafuyu both nodded in understanding, their expressions reflecting approval and admiration for Maika's heartfelt desires. They could sense the sincerity and purity behind Maika's vision of a romantic outing, and it resonated with them on a deeper level.

"Now that's what I call romatic" Mafuyu comment to Maika's desire before looking at Kaho "Unlike you, gamer girl" She couldn't help but tease Kaho gently, contrasting Maika's romantic aspirations with Kaho's more gaming-centric wish. Her playful remark carried a hint of jest, but it was all in good fun, highlighting the diversity of their interests and desires when it came to romance and relationships.

"To each of their own" Kaho's response was simple yet profound, reflecting her acceptance of everyone's individual preferences and desires. She acknowledged the diversity among their group, recognizing that each person had their own unique way of approaching romance and relationships. It was a sentiment of understanding and respect, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual appreciation among friends.

Their conversation got interrupt when the chef from the kitchen shouted "Maika bring this order your friend out there" 

"I'm coming" Maika shouted back as she retrieve the order from the kitchen.


"Thanks Maika-chan" Oreki said with a warm smile as Maika approached their table with their orders. The pleasant atmosphere seemed to linger around them, as Maika's presence added a sense of familiarity and comfort to their interaction. She nodded in acknowledgment, returning his smile with one of her own.

"Do I need to—" Maika began, but Oreki interrupted her before she could finish her sentence. He shook his head with a smile, gesturing for her to stop.

"No need for the usual routine, Maika-chan" Oreki said, his tone gentle yet firm. "We're just here to enjoy some good food." Maika blinked in surprise at his response, but she nodded in understanding.

With a warm smile, Maika bowed her head slightly and said, "Enjoy the food, Oreki." Her tone was genuine, conveying her sincerity as she served their meal.

Oreki returned her smile, thanking her once again before turning his attention back to the food in front of him. As Maika walked away, Oreki turn to his group and says "Now let's eat"

As they were halfway through their meal, Oreki decided to inject some teasing into the conversation by asking a question that he knew Eriri didn't want to hear. "So, does Aki have a girlfriend or something?" His tone was light-hearted, but there was a mischievous glint in his eyes as he directed the question at Eriri.

Eriri's expression tightened slightly, a hint of irritation flashing across her face at the mention of Aki's romantic life. She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts before responding, "None of your business, Oreki." Despite her attempt to brush off the question, her tone betrayed a hint of defensiveness, indicating that the topic struck a nerve.

Oreki's reaction was one of genuine surprise, his eyes widening as if he had stumbled upon some unexpected revelation. "So, Aki getting a girlfriend is true!" he exclaimed, the astonishment evident in his voice as he processed this newfound information.

Eriri's frustration was palpable as she clenched her fists, feeling irritated by Oreki's persistent teasing. She shot him a sharp glare, her expression a mixture of annoyance and defiance. "Don't remind me of that guy ever again" she retorted firmly, her tone laced with a hint of exasperation.

"Oh, are you jealous he didn't confess to you, huh?" Oreki continued to tease Eriri, poking fun at her with a mischievous grin. Despite sensing her rising anger, he persisted, unable to resist the opportunity to provoke her further.

"I said, don't" she muttered through gritted teeth, her voice tinged with irritation. Despite her efforts to maintain her composure, she could feel her patience wearing thin in the face of Oreki's persistent teasing.

Oreki persisted in his teasing, pointing out Eriri's supposed misstep. "That was your fault, though" he remarked, his tone laced with amusement. He leaned back in his chair, a playful smirk playing on his lips. "You should have been the one to confess to him instead of waiting for him to confess to you."

Ryo and Yoruichi remained silent observers, exchanging knowing glances as they watched the exchange between Oreki and Eriri unfold. Sensing Eriri's mounting frustration, they opted to maintain their silence, not wanting to further provoke her ire. Instead, they simply observed, their expressions neutral yet attentive.

Eriri's frustration only grew as Oreki continued to needle her. She clenched her fists, her irritation palpable as she fought to maintain her composure. "That's none of your business" she retorted sharply, her voice tinged with defensiveness. Despite her efforts to brush off Oreki's teasing, his words struck a nerve, dredging up feelings of embarrassment and regret. She thought to herself "I did but i got friendzone."

Oreki scrutinized Eriri intently, as though trying to decipher her every thought. With widened eyes, he exclaimed dramatically, "Oh my lord! You did!" Pausing for effect, he then allowed a mischievous smirk to spread across his face. "That's even worse than I expected."

Eriri's frustration reached its peak as she gritted her teeth, her patience wearing thin. She shot Oreki a fiery glare, her eyes flashing with irritation. "Shut up, Oreki!" she snapped, her voice tinged with annoyance as she struggled to contain her exasperation.

Oreki sighed before speaking, his tone softened with sincerity. "Okay, okay, I'll stop" he relented, acknowledging Eriri's distress. He turned his gaze toward her with a contrite smile. "I really did hit a sore spot huh. I'm sorry" he apologized genuinely, his expression conveying his remorse without a hint of doubt.

Eriri's tense posture gradually relaxed as she took in Oreki's apology. Though still visibly annoyed, she couldn't help but appreciate his sincerity. With a begrudging nod, she accepted his apology, her expression softening slightly. 

"Well, can you at least tell me that you're cuter than his girlfriend?" Oreki said with a smirk, leaning forward to gauge her reaction.

"I don't need to compare myself to anyone" she retorted, her voice laced with determination. "But if you must know, I'm confident in my own appeal" she added, her tone firm as she refused to let Oreki's antics rattle her confidence.

"It seems you know your own appeal cause I like it too" Oreki wink at Eriri while smiling genuinely from the bottom of his heart.

Eriri rolled her eyes at Oreki's attempt to provoke her further, though a faint blush colored her cheeks. "I don't need your validation, Oreki" she retorted, crossing her arms defiantly. Despite her dismissive tone, there was a hint of satisfaction in her voice, a subtle acknowledgment of the compliment beneath her facade of indifference.

Oreki chuckled at her response, leaning back in his chair with a satisfied grin. "Touché" he conceded, acknowledging her resistance with amusement but he took one last jab at her "Except you don't know you're being a tsundere" he said while smirking.

"Hey I'm not a tsundere" Eriri denied it strongly but that just proves it the she is in fact a tsundere at heart. Her denial only seemed to confirm Oreki's playful accusation, a fact that amused him to no end. He chuckled softly, shaking his head in mock disbelief at her protestations.

They continue to eat while chatting and talking different mundane things they this in past except for the Ryo who is minding her business while continue eating in silence.