Chapter 42

After they eat their meal they started eating dessert.

As Oreki savored his dessert, he glanced at Ryo, a curious expression on his face. Pointing his spoon in her direction, he inquired, "So, Ryo, how did you manage not to eat for two whole days?" His tone feigned ignorance, as if he didn't already know the answer to his own question.

Ryo paused, her gaze locking onto Oreki's as she processed his question. Then, with a subtle shift in her expression, she met his eyes directly. "I don't have the money" she answered bluntly, her tone devoid of any hint of emotion.

"Eh! not even a Yen?" Eriri chimed in, her curiosity piqued by Ryo's admission. The question slipped out before Oreki could voice it himself. Ryo's response had stirred a collective interest, prompting Eriri to seek further clarification. She couldn't help but notice the contrast between Ryo's financial constraint and her impeccable fashion sense. "But you're wearing branded clothes that look so good though" Eriri mused silently, her gaze drifting to Ryo's attire.

Ryo's silent acknowledgment of Eriri's observation only served to deepen the confusion swirling in the air. Eriri couldn't reconcile the image of Ryo's upscale clothing and polished appearance with the revelation of her financial struggles. The contradiction between Ryo's outward appearance and her current predicament perplexed Eriri, leading her to question the incongruity aloud. "How come?" she queried, her tone tinged with genuine confusion. From Eriri's perspective, Ryo seemed to belong to a privileged background, much like her own, making the revelation of her financial hardship all the more perplexing.

"I used up all of my allowance to buy instruments" Ryo confessed, her voice tinged with a raw honesty that cut through the tension. There was no hint of embarrassment in her admission, despite the incredulity it might elicit from others. Ryo's straightforward acknowledgment of her priorities revealed a glimpse into her passion and dedication, overriding any concern for societal expectations or judgment. Her commitment to her craft outweighed any semblance of financial comfort, a testament to her unwavering determination.

Eriri's reaction to Ryo's revelation was immediate and unfiltered. A confused and loud "Eh!" escaped her lips, echoing through the room as she struggled to process the unexpected truth. Her expression morphed into one of incredulity, her eyes widening as she regarded Ryo with a mixture of disbelief and bemusement. To Eriri, Ryo's spending habits seemed utterly incomprehensible.

"It's not like you wouldn't do the same if you had the money" Oreki interjected, his words cutting through the tension with a touch of sarcasm. His comment served as a gentle jab at Eriri.

"Of course, I wouldn't do that. I balance my allowance" Eriri replied, her tone infused with pride as she defended her spending habits. She met Oreki's gaze defiantly, her confidence unshaken by his earlier jab. To Eriri, managing her finances was second nature, a skill she had honed through careful planning and budgeting. Her ability to maintain a sense of financial stability amidst her indulgences served as a testament to her discipline and responsibility.

"It's not like my hobby is expensive" Eriri continued, her voice tinged with a hint of defensiveness as she sought to justify her choices. However, Oreki's raised eyebrow betrayed his skepticism, prompting Eriri to reconsider her assertion. "Okay maybe it's a bit expensive but my point is that I'm not going to blow all my money all once"

"Fair enough" Oreki accepted Eriri's explanation with a nod of understanding. He chose not to press further, recognizing the validity of her perspective even if it differed from his own.

Ryo glanced back and forth between Eriri and Oreki before a mischievous grin spread across her face. "That is why I want to join Oreki-san's harem" she declared boldly, her tone lighthearted yet sincere. "So he can provide me money while I waste my allowance at will" she added, proudly elucidating her perspective. In her mind, joining Oreki's harem wasn't just a playful notion but a practical solution to her financial woes.

"You guys are out of your goddamn minds!" Eriri shouted, her voice rising above the din of the bustling cafe. Fortunately, the ambient noise masked her outburst, sparing them from drawing too much attention. Despite her attempt to keep her frustration contained, Eriri's exclamation betrayed her disbelief at the audacity of Ryo's proposal. She gestured emphatically towards the trio of Mafuyu, Maika, and Kaho, who's standing nearby the bar table, oblivious to the conversation unfolding amidst them. "That includes them" Eriri added, her finger pointed accusingly at the trio.

Oreki chuckled lightly at Eriri's exaggerated reaction, amused by the dramatics of the moment. With a playful glint in his eyes, he turned his attention to Ryo, curiosity sparkling in his gaze. "So, what kind of music do you do?" he inquired, his smile warm and inviting. Despite already knowing the answer, Oreki feigned ignorance.

"I play bass guitar for a band called Kessoku band" Ryo said proudly, her eyes alight with passion as she shared the name of their band with Oreki.The pride in her voice was palpable as she found sense of belonging within the band.

I can see now why you're wearing that necklace" Oreki remarked, his gaze drifting to the delicate chain adorning Ryo's neck. His observation carried a hint of understanding, as if a piece of the puzzle had finally fallen into place.

Ryo's hand instinctively rose to touch the pendant dangling from her necklace, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "It's a gift from my bandmates" she explained, her voice tinged with warmth as she traced the little bass guitar with her fingertips.

Ryo's playful smile widened as she locked eyes with Oreki, her words laced with teasing mischief. "You should watch us play next time so I can introduce you as my future husband" she suggested, her tone light-hearted yet tinged with a hint of sincerity.

Oreki's smirk grew into a knowing grin as he met Ryo's gaze. "Of course, I would gladly watch the performance of my future wife" he replied, his tone matching her.

Eriri's astonishment was evident as she watched the playful exchange between Oreki and Ryo, her mouth agape in disbelief. "I can't believe both of you are already calling each other husband and wife" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with a mixture of incredulity and amusement. To Eriri, their banter seemed to leap beyond mere playful teasing into the realm of genuine affection, catching her off guard.

You're just jealous, Eriri-chan" Oreki winked teasingly, his lips forming a playful smirk as he leaned in to plant a kiss on her cheek. His affectionate gesture was accompanied by a reassuring smile, a silent assurance that their bond remained unshakeable despite the teasing banter. "Don't worry, you'll be joining soon" he added, his gaze turning serious for a moment as he met Eriri's eyes with genuine sincerity. However, his seriousness quickly dissolved into another smirk.

Eriri's cheeks burned with a rosy hue as she tried to brush off Oreki's playful remarks. "As if" she retorted, her tone feigning indifference as she turned away, unable to meet Oreki's gaze. Despite her outward denial, a flutter of uncertainty danced in her chest, a silent acknowledgment of the magnetic pull she felt towards Oreki. Deep down, she knew that his playful charm had a way of slowly chipping away at her defenses, drawing her closer with each teasing word.

"I'm not gonna fall, I'm not gonna fall, I'm not gonna fall" Eriri repeated to herself like a mantra, her resolve firm as she fought against the gravitational pull of Oreki's charisma. With each repetition, she steeled herself against the growing attraction, determined to maintain her composure and resist the allure of his playful antics. Yet, even as she repeated the words, a small voice in the back of her mind whispered the possibility of surrender, tempting her with the prospect of surrendering to the warmth and affection that surrounded them.

Oreki chuckle lightly and continue eating the rest of the dessert.


"Thanks for the food" the group chorused in unison, their voices blending together in a familiar mantra that marked the end of their meal. With satisfied smiles, they settled back into their seats, engaging in light conversation as they waited for the bill to arrive.

"Do you guys have any plans after this?" Oreki inquired with a curious tilt to his voice, his gaze shifting between Eriri and Ryo. The question hung in the air, prompting a moment of thoughtful consideration from the group.

Eriri's response came in a roundabout manner, subtly hinting at her plans without explicitly stating them. "I still need to finish commission art that I got for my fans, so yes, I do have plans after this" she explained, her words carrying a sense of determination mixed with a touch of excitement. While she didn't outright declare her intentions, the underlying enthusiasm in her voice hinted at the importance of her task and the dedication she poured into her creative endeavors. She mused to herself "Please Oreki ask for my LINE ID"

Oreki nodded in understanding Eriri, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. His gaze lingered on Ryo, a hopeful smile playing on his lips as he awaited her response. "What about you, Ryo? Do you have plans after this?" he inquired, his tone light with anticipation. He couldn't help but feel a flicker of excitement at the possibility of spending more time with Ryo, hoping that she might be free to offer him advice on finding the perfect instrument.

"I don't" Ryo replied succinctly, her gaze steady as she met Oreki's eyes. Unlike Eriri's busy schedule, Ryo seemed to have an open evening ahead of her. With a hint of curiosity, she turned the question back to Oreki, asking, "Do you have something in mind that we can do?" Her inquiry held a sense of openness.

"Perfect" Oreki replied with a smile directed at Ryo, his excitement evident in his eyes. "I want you to help me find a good instrument for my future bandmates." His request carried a sense of trust and camaraderie, inviting Ryo to share in his musical journey and offering her expertise in selecting the perfect equipment.

Eriri's interruption broke the moment, her voice tinged with confusion as she stared at Oreki in shock. "Wait! You're forming a band?" she exclaimed, her surprise evident. Oreki's smirk in response hinted at the secret he had been keeping, a plan unfolding before their eyes. "Yes, I am" he confirmed, meeting Eriri's gaze with a hint of mischief. "And I already know how to play the necessary instrument" he added, his confidence unwavering. Turning to Ryo, Oreki's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he indicated his need for her assistance in acquiring the essential instruments and equipment for their musical venture.

"I see" Ryo nodded sagely, her expression thoughtful as she glanced at Oreki. "Then I will come with you and do my best to help you" she affirmed, her determination shining through. As she mused to herself, a playful image of Oreki's band facing off against her own band danced in her mind, sparking a sense of excitement for the adventures that lay ahead.

"Then let's go" Oreki decided decisively, prompting Mafuyu to action with a shout. "Mafuyu-san, I will pay the bill now" he called out, his tone firm yet polite. "I'm coming" Mafuyu's immediate response was met with a fleeting urge within Oreki to offer a retort, but he ultimately restrained himself.