Chapter 43

After Oreki paid for everything, He greeted Kaho and tell that he will see her online tonight while he talk to Maika a bit before going out of the cafe.

Outside, a distance from Cafe Stile

"Before you go, Eriri" Oreki interjected, a hint of determination in his voice as he retrieved his phone. With a confident smile, he extended the offer once more. "Let's exchange LINE IDs first" he proposed, his gaze steady as he waited for her response.

"YES!" Eriri celebrated inwardly, her heart fluttering with excitement at Oreki's request to exchange LINE IDs. Despite her attempt to maintain a calm exterior, her mind raced with anticipation at the prospect of staying connected with Oreki outside of their current interaction. "If you want to, why not" she replied casually, her words masking the thrill that pulsed beneath the surface. However, despite her attempt to appear nonchalant, her expression betrayed her true feelings, revealing the subtle excitement that danced in her eyes and tugged at the corners of her lips. In anticipation, she reached for her phone, eager to complete the exchange.

Oreki couldn't help but smile at Eriri's obvious tsundere act, her attempt to mask her excitement with a nonchalant demeanor. Despite the playful temptation to tease her about it, he resisted the urge. After exchanging LINE IDs. They tuck away their phones and bid farewell with each other.

"Okay, see you next time, Eriri" Oreki called over his shoulder as he and his group began to walk away, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. He couldn't resist adding one final tease, "Don't miss us as soon as we're gone" his words laced with amusement as he glanced back at Eriri, knowing full well the effect his teasing had on her.

"As if I will miss you" Eriri shot back with a playful roll of her eyes, her smile softening the retort. Despite her words, there was a warmth in her tone that betrayed the fondness she held for Oreki and their group. With a final wave, she bid them farewell, watching as they disappeared into the bustling streets.

As Oreki and his group faded from view, Eriri couldn't help but feel a twinge of longing, a subtle reminder of the bond they shared. Though she would never admit it aloud, their departure left a void that she knew would be filled by their next meeting. With a contented sigh, she turned and made her way home, looking forward to the next time their paths would cross and the laughter and companionship that awaited her


"So where are we going to buy my things, Ryo?" Oreki asked, turning to Ryo, the self-proclaimed 'expert' in their group when it came to the place they wanted to go. His tone held a hint of anticipation, eager to see what Ryo had in store for their shopping excursion.

Ryo paused for a moment, considering Oreki's question before a spark of inspiration lit up her eyes. "I know a place, come follow me" she declared with confidence, a sense of excitement bubbling within her. With a decisive step forward, she began to lead the way.

"Why am I even here?" Yoruichi, who had become invisible to 'them' for who knows how long due to her not talking muchr, released a tired sigh as she trailed behind Oreki and Ryo. Despite feeling like an unnoticed presence in the group, she continued to follow along, her exhaustion evident in the heaviness of her steps.


In the bustling streets of Akihabara, the afternoon sun cast a warm glow upon the colorful array of shops and neon signs that lined the bustling thoroughfares. It was 2 pm, and the district hummed with activity as throngs of people traversed the sidewalks, their footsteps echoing amidst the cacophony of sounds that filled the air. From anime enthusiasts perusing the latest merchandise to tech aficionados exploring the latest gadgets, Akihabara buzzed with energy and excitement, each corner offering a new adventure waiting to be discovered.

As Oreki, Ryo, and Yoruichi made their way through the crowded streets, the vibrant atmosphere enveloped them, filling their senses with a kaleidoscope of sights and sounds. Neon lights danced overhead, casting colorful reflections on the pavement below, while the aroma of street food wafted through the air, tempting passersby with its tantalizing scent. Everywhere they looked, there was something to catch their eye, from towering billboards advertising the latest anime or manga phenomenon to small, quaint cafes tucked away in hidden alleyways.

Despite the hustle and bustle of the city around them, the trio moved with a sense of purpose, their destination clear in their minds. With each step, they drew closer to the place Ryo had in mind, anticipation building with each passing moment. In Akihabara, where the old and the new converged in a kaleidoscope of culture and innovation, every moment held the promise of discovery, every encounter a chance to forge new connections and deepen existing bonds but this moment got interrupted by the sudden encounter they had with someone.


"Are we there yet?" Oreki's teasing question echoed through the bustling streets of Akihabara, his playful tone laced with a hint of mischief as he glanced at Ryo beside him. It was a familiar refrain, uttered for the nth time in their journey to their destination. With a grin, he awaited Ryo's response, anticipating her usual playful banter in return.

However, Ryo's reaction was unexpected as she remained stoic, her expression unchanged as she replied in a monotone and cool voice, "Not yet." Her response lacked the usual spark of amusement.

"Heh, worth the try" Oreki shrugged, acknowledging Ryo's lack of reaction with a nonchalant demeanor. Despite his playful attempt to elicit a response, he couldn't help but feel a pang of longing for Eriri's lively presence. Her animated reactions always added an extra layer of excitement to their outings, something that seemed to be missing in Ryo's composed demeanor.

Ryo's smirk widened as she caught Oreki's wistful expression, a playful glint in her eyes betraying her amusement. With a teasing edge to her voice, she turned to him and remarked, "Do you want me to react like Eriri?" Her words carried a hint of mischief as she poked fun at Eriri, even in her absence. 

Oreki chuckled at Ryo's response, enjoying the playful banter between them as they continued their stroll through Akihabara. However, his amusement quickly turned to concern as he noticed a potential obstacle in their path. "Watch out" he warned Ryo, his tone tinged with worry, but it was too late.

Ryo turned to look forward just as she collided with someone, causing her to lose her balance. Before she could stumble, Oreki reacted swiftly, reaching out to catch her with one arm. His reflexes kicked in instinctively, and he managed to steady her before she fell, his arm wrapping protectively around her to ensure she remained upright.

"You okay?" Oreki's voice was filled with genuine concern as he looked at Ryo, his gaze fixed on her as he awaited her response. He couldn't help but feel a surge of relief as he saw that she was unharmed, his worry dissipating at her reassuring words.

"I'm quite all right, thank you" Ryo replied in her usual cool and collected manner, her words belying the faint blush that colored her cheeks. Despite her composed exterior, the unexpected collision had left her feeling slightly flustered, especially with Oreki's arm wrapped around her tightly.

"That's good then" Oreki smiled warmly at Ryo, his concern easing now that he knew she was unharmed. He then turned his attention to the guy who had accidentally bumped into Ryo, wanting to ensure that he was also okay. "Hey, are you okay too?" Oreki asked, his tone friendly and genuine as he made sure the guy with a hat didn't take the collision personally.

The guy, who had been wearing a hood that obscured his face, removed it to reveal a friendly smile. "I'm okay too" he reassured Oreki, his voice calm and composed despite the unexpected encounter

Seeing the smile on the guy's face, Ryo couldn't help but shudder involuntarily, a sudden rush of unease washing over her for reasons she couldn't quite comprehend. However, as she caught sight of the sparkle in the guy's eyes, her apprehension melted away and calming her down as if she is being hypnotize. Yoruichi frown at this raring to jump at this guy.

Just as the guy was about to inquire about Ryo's name, Oreki interjected with an excited question, directing his attention to the stranger. "Are you Kamiki Hikaru?" Oreki's voice brimmed with enthusiasm as he addressed the guy, his eyes alight with excitement. With a grin that bordered on sinister, Oreki leaned in intently, adding, "And if yes, I'm your biggest fan!"

Just a head ups! I add r18 tag in the genre.