Chapter 50

Inside the run down prison within the Tepes Vamprie Faction territory.

"I'm not a full-blooded vampire" the girl admitted, her voice barely above a whisper as she cast her gaze downward, her fists clenched in anger. The truth of her heritage weighed heavily upon her shoulders, a burden she had carried with her since birth—a mark of shame in the eyes of those who deemed her unworthy of their pure-blooded lineage.

The word "Dhampir" echoed in her mind like a curse, a reminder of the prejudice and discrimination she had faced at the hands of those who saw her as lesser, unworthy of the title bestowed upon their kind. For in a world where bloodlines held sway and purity was prized above all else, she was an outcast—a living reminder of the forbidden union between vampire and mortal.

The bitterness of her anger simmered beneath the surface like a dormant volcano, threatening to erupt at any moment with a fury born of years of injustice and oppression. And as she stood before Alucard, she wondered if he too would judge her for the sins of her bloodline, or if he would see beyond the surface to the heart that beat within her chest.

Alucard tilted his head to the right, a look of confusion crossing his features as he posed the question in an innocent tone that belied the mischievous glint in his eyes. "Do you suck?" he asked, his words tinged with a hint of amusement as a smirk played at the corners of his lips. It was a jest, delivered with all the subtlety of a child with a penchant for mischief and a questionable sense of humor.

"Pardun..?" The girl's brow furrowed in confusion, her cheeks flushing with a hint of embarrassment despite the hardened exterior she had cultivated over years of imprisonment. Though she had spent nearly her entire life within the confines of the prison walls, shielded from the outside world and its crude jests, she couldn't deny the familiarity of Alucard's innuendo.

Alucard's laughter echoed through the prison cell, a raucous sound that reverberated off the damp stone walls. He grinned at the blushing girl before him, his amusement evident in the twinkle of his eyes. "Well, at least you got the joke" he chuckled, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he watched her reaction.

After composing himself, his expression shifted to one of curiosity as he posed the proper question, his gaze fixed intently on the girl before him. "Can you suck the blood and life of a human?" he inquired, his voice tinged with a hint of expectation. Though he already seemed to anticipate her answer, there was a glimmer of intrigue in his eyes, a curiosity to see how she would respond.

"I can, if I want to, that is" the girl replied, her gaze unwavering as she met Alucard's eyes with a determined stare. Despite her status as a half-vampire, she possessed the ability to drink the blood of humans if she so chose. However, her control over her vampiric urges was tempered by her human half, allowing her to resist the insatiable thirst that often consumed full-blooded vampires. Though she possessed the capacity to feed upon the life essence of others, she had chosen to abstain from indulging in her darker impulses, opting instead to maintain her humanity in the face of her supernatural heritage. It was a delicate balance, a tightrope walk between the light and the darkness, but one that she had learned to navigate with practiced precision. Nevertheless, she knew that she could not deny the primal instincts that lurked within her, the hunger that gnawed at her insides like a ravenous beast. From time to time, she would need to partake of the life-giving sustenance that only human blood could provide, lest she risk succumbing to the darkness that lay dormant within her soul.

"Then you are a vampire in my books" Alucard replied with a smile, his eyes gleaming with approval as he regarded the girl before him. To him, her acknowledgment of her vampiric nature was enough to earn her the title, regardless of the nuances of her lineage. In his eyes, every being possessed the potential for vampiric tendencies, whether they were born of supernatural origins or not.

"Let me show something" With a flick of his hand, he transported both himself and the girl to a place beyond the confines of the prison walls.


They arrive in somewhere on the side of word?, the girl's eyes widened in wonderment at the sight that greeted her. They stood on the edge of a vast forest, the towering trees stretching upward toward the heavens like ancient sentinels guarding the secrets of the earth. Sunlight filtered through the dense canopy above, casting dappled shadows upon the forest floor below.

Surrounded by the lush greenery of the woodland, the air was alive with the sounds of nature—the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze, the distant call of birdsong echoing through the trees, the soft murmur of a nearby stream winding its way through the undergrowth. It was a symphony of life, a harmonious blend of sights and sounds that spoke to the wild beauty of the natural world.

"Come, walk with me, Ms..." Alucard began, his voice trailing off as he awaited the girl's response. Though he already knew her name, he allowed her the courtesy of introducing herself, a gesture of respect for her autonomy and agency.

"Valerie, just Valerie" the girl replied, her voice soft but resolute as she met Alucard's gaze with a hint of confusion lingering in her eyes. Though she sensed that there was more to their encounter than met the eye, she chose to withhold her questions for the time being.

"Okay, Valerie" Alucard said with a light smile, his eyes scanning her appearance and the simple sack she wore with a thoughtful expression. With a flick of his hand, he conjured a bundle of clothes, presenting them to her with a gesture of generosity that caught Valerie off guard.

"Thank you" Valerie replied, accepting the offered garments with a mixture of gratitude and surprise. She glanced at Alucard, who had already turned away to give her privacy as she changed, appreciating his gentlemanly gesture amidst the strangeness of their encounter.

After a minute or so, Valerie is now wearing a simple Kuoh uniform.

"Come along now, we'll have to walk to get to the center" Alucard said, his smile warm and inviting as he glanced back at Valerie. She fell into step beside him, her movements slightly hesitant as she adjusted to the unfamiliar sensation of wearing the Kuoh Academy uniform.

"Why not teleport there directly?" Valerie asked, curiosity lacing her words as she struggled to keep pace with Alucard's long strides. Despite her efforts, she found herself lagging behind, her slender frame no match for the vampire's powerful gait. With a resigned sigh, she resigned herself to walking behind him, content to follow his lead as they journeyed toward their destination.

"Why?" Alucard's inquiry came with a tilt of his head as he observed Valerie walking behind him. His gaze lingered on her for a moment before he spoke again, his tone gentle but firm. "Don't you want to appreciate the surroundings? This is your first time outside since forever, right?" His smile was reassuring, offering guidance as he encouraged Valerie to embrace the experience of being in the open air after so long.

Valerie's smile widened as she realized the truth in Alucard's words. It dawned on her that this was indeed her first time venturing beyond the confines of her prison cell in what felt like an eternity. With a nod of agreement, she acknowledged Alucard's wisdom, grateful for his reminder to savor the moment.

"You're right" Valerie conceded, her eyes taking in the splendor of the forest surrounding them. She felt the gentle caress of the breeze against her skin, the warmth of the sunlight filtering through the canopy above. Though the sensation of the sunlight stung slightly, a reminder of her vampiric nature, she found it manageable, a small price to pay for the freedom she now savored. And as she walked alongside Alucard in silence, she allowed herself to immerse in the beauty of the natural world, embracing the sensation of being truly alive for the first time in what felt like an eternity.

After walking in silence for a while, Alucard broke the quiet with a gentle reminder. "We're almost there, Valerie" he said, his gaze fixed ahead as they continued their journey. His words pulled Valerie out of her reverie, prompting her to refocus her attention on the path ahead.

Valerie snapped out of her daydream, her eyes scanning the horizon as she peered ahead in the direction they were walking. What lay before them was an open space, but beyond that, the landscape seemed to blur into obscurity, shrouded in mystery. Despite her curiosity, she could discern little else from their vantage point.

As they drew nearer to their destination, Valerie's anticipation grew, mingled with a hint of trepidation. She couldn't shake the feeling that their journey was leading them toward something significant.

When they arrived in the open space, Valerie was momentarily dazzled by the brightness of the sunlight. Instinctively, she closed and covered her eyes to shield them from the intense glare. Slowly, she began to adjust to the brightness, allowing her eyes to gradually acclimate to the radiant light. After a moment, she cautiously opened her eyes and gazed forward, her expression one of wide-eyed astonishment. "Wow" she exclaimed softly, her voice filled with wonder as she took in the breathtaking sight that lay before her.

In front of them stood a colossal tree, its presence commanding reverence as it dominated the heart of the forest. Its towering form cast a vast shadow over the surrounding landscape, a testament to its ageless majesty. The tree's trunk, weathered and gnarled with the passage of time, rose like a monolith from the forest floor, its rough bark bearing the scars of countless seasons.

Thick, sinewy roots snaked outwards from the base of the tree, anchoring it firmly to the earth and intertwining with the undergrowth below. As Valerie and Alucard approached, they could feel the weight of centuries pressing down upon them, a tangible reminder of the tree's enduring presence in the world.

Ascending skyward, the tree's branches reached towards the heavens in a sprawling canopy of lush green foliage. Each branch was adorned with a profusion of leaves, their vibrant hues shimmering in the dappled sunlight that filtered through the dense canopy above. The rustle of leaves filled the air, a gentle whispering that spoke of centuries spent in silent communion with nature, a testament to the tree's role as a guardian of the forest and a symbol of the cycle of life and renewal.

"Beautiful, isn't it" Alucard remarked in a solemn tone, his voice cutting through Valerie's reverie and drawing her attention back to the present moment. She turned to look in his direction and found him seated on a nearby rock, his gaze fixed upon the towering form of the colossal tree before them.

Valerie nodded in silent agreement, her eyes returning to the majestic tree that loomed overhead. Its sheer magnitude and timeless beauty filled her with a sense of awe and reverence, reminding her of the profound mysteries that dwelled within the heart of the natural world

"Remember when I told you that you are a vampire because you suck blood and life from humans?" Alucard's question hung in the air, his gaze still fixed upon the majestic tree before them. Valerie nodded in response, her expression solemn as she waited for him to continue, sensing the weight of his words.

"Yes" she replied softly, her eyes never leaving Alucard's face as she listened intently to what he had to say. She knew that his words held significance, a deeper understanding of their shared nature as creatures of the night

Alucard's smile remained as he turned his gaze back to the tree, his words hanging in the air like a revelation. "This beautiful tree is also a vampire" he declared, his tone reverent as he spoke of the ancient sentinel that loomed before them. Valerie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, her eyes following Alucard's gaze as she regarded the majestic tree.

As she looked at the towering form of the tree, Valerie couldn't help but wonder at the implications of Alucard's words. How could a tree be a vampire?

"This tree, like a vampire, possessed the innate ability to suck sustenance from its surroundings, feeding on the energy of the sun, the nutrients of the soil, and the moisture of the air" Alucard continued, his tone solemn as he delved deeper into his explanation. Valerie listened intently, her eyes focused on him as she absorbed his words, recognizing the profound truth in his observations.

"Its towering presence cast a shadow over the surrounding landscape" Alucard elaborated, his voice carrying a weight of significance as he described the tree's formidable stature. "Its roots delved deep into the earth as it competed with other plants for vital resources. In its quest for survival, the tree acted as a natural vampire, draining the life force of the land around it and preventing other trees and plants from flourishing in its shadow." he added futrther.

Valerie nodded in understanding, but beneath the surface, a nagging sense of curiosity gnawed at her mind. Why was Alucard speaking in metaphors? What hidden meaning lay behind his words? As she pondered his cryptic explanations, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to their conversation than met the eye. 

"However, unlike the vampires you know too well back in your prison" Alucard continued, his tone laced with a hint of mockery as he spoke of the vampires who had imprisoned Valerie in the rundown prison. His disdain for those who had confined her was palpable, a reflection of his contempt for those who abused their power for their own selfish ends.

As Alucard's words sank in, Valerie's mind raced with a tumult of emotions. The memory of her imprisonment cast a shadow over the newfound freedom she had experienced in the forest, a reminder of the injustices she had endured at the hands of her oppressors. Though she now stood beneath the open sky, feeling the fresh breeze upon her skin and basking in the warmth of the sunlight, the knowledge that she was not truly free gnawed at her like a festering wound, filling her with a simmering anger and resentment. Gritting her teeth, She turned to face Alucard, her eyes blazing with determination as she awaited his further explanation.

Alucard's smile remained as he observed Valerie's demeanor, sensing her growing comprehension of the complex dynamics at play within the forest. "Unlike the vampires you know too well, this vampire provides something vital in exchange for sucking the life from the surrounding area" he explained, his voice carrying a note of significance as he emphasized the symbiotic relationship between the tree and its environment. With a knowing glance back at the towering tree, Alucard gestured for Valerie to take a closer look, inviting her to witness the intricate web of life unfolding before them.

"Now, look closely," Alucard urged, his tone filled with anticipation as he directed Valerie's attention to the tree before them. As she gazed intently at the ancient sentinel, she noticed something remarkable—the tree was not merely a consumer of life, but a provider of sustenance and shelter for a myriad of creatures that called the forest home. From the smallest insects that scuttled along its bark to the birds that nested in its branches, the tree offered refuge and nourishment to all who sought its protection. And as Valerie took in the bustling activity that teemed within its branches, she realized that the tree was not a predator, but a guardian—a guardian of life, and a testament to the delicate balance that existed within the natural world.

"But compared to the vampires back in your home" After that they telported inside the city or town to where the real vampires reside.


In the heart of the city, under the cloak of night, lies a sprawling metropolis shrouded in darkness and mystery. Tall spires and steeples pierce the sky, their Gothic architecture casting long shadows that stretch across cobblestone streets and narrow alleyways. Gargoyles leer menacingly from the rooftops, their stone forms twisted into grotesque shapes that seem to watch over the city with silent vigilance.

As the moon rises high above, the city awakens with a life of its own, though not of the human variety. Vampires, ancient and powerful, rule over the city with an iron grip, their presence looming over every corner and crevice. From opulent mansions to shadowy crypts, the undead aristocracy holds court, their thirst for blood matched only by their insatiable lust for power.

Human inhabitants, mere mortals caught in the web of darkness, exist as little more than cattle to be herded and harvested at the whim of their immortal overlords. Captive and subjugated, they wander the streets in a state of perpetual fear, their lives hanging in the balance with each passing night.

Despite the oppressive atmosphere, there is a haunting beauty to the city's architecture, a testament to the grandeur of a bygone era. Stained glass windows cast kaleidoscopic patterns of light and shadow, while ivy-clad facades lend an air of faded elegance to the decaying buildings,

As soon as they materialized inside the city via teleportation, Alucard and Valerie were confronted with a chilling scene. Before them, a vampire was preying upon a helpless human, draining his blood and life away until the unfortunate victim succumbed to death. The sight filled Valerie with a sense of dread and revulsion, a stark reminder of the dark realities that lurked in the shadows of the world.

The vampire, upon noticing Alucard and Valerie's presence, turned his attention toward them with a predatory gleam in his eyes. "A Dhampir?" he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt as he regarded Valerie with disdain. "What are you doing outside of your prison?" His words were laced with menace as he moved closer, his intentions clear—he intended to drag Valerie back to the confines of her run-down prison, where she would be subject to the cruel whims of her captors.

Ignoring the approaching vampire, Alucard turned his attention to Valerie, his touch on her shoulder a comforting reassurance in the face of danger. "Unlike the tree, this type of vampire only knows how to take and doesn't give anything back to nature, ruining the circle of life" he explained calmly, his voice steady as he imparted his wisdom to Valerie. His words carried a weight of truth, highlighting the destructive nature of the vampire before them and the imbalance it wrought upon the delicate ecosystem.

"The fuck are you saying?" the vampire exclaimed in a dumbfounded manner, his crude language betraying his lack of understanding. His approach halted abruptly as he struggled to comprehend Alucard's words, unable to grasp the deeper meaning behind them. Alucard seized the opportunity to further mock the vampire's ignorance, his smirk widening as he pointed out the vampire's crude speech and lack of intelligence to Valerie.

"See!" Alucard exclaimed, his gaze fixed on the befuddled vampire as he turned back to Valerie. "They are speaking crudely, and he sounds stupid too" he remarked, his tone mocking as he emphasized the vampire's shortcomings. In that moment, Alucard's words served not only to belittle their adversary but also to bolster Valerie's confidence.

"I'll show who's stupid!" the vampire bellowed, his voice filled with rage as his fingernails elongated into sharp claws. With a sudden burst of speed, he lunged towards Alucard, his movements swift and aggressive, catching Valerie off guard with his ferocity. In the blink of an eye, he closed the distance between them, his intention clear as he aimed to strike Alucard with lethal force.

But Alucard was quicker. With a deft movement, he intercepted the vampire's attack, catching him by the face with the palm of his hand. The force of the impact was enough to crush the vampire's skull, causing blood to spatter in all directions. However, a transparent barrier shielded Alucard and Valerie from the gruesome aftermath, protecting them from the crimson spray.

"Interrupting my conversation with this lady is so uncivilized" Alucard remarked coolly, his tone devoid of emotion as he addressed the now lifeless vampire before him. With a flick of his wrist, he cast aside the vampire's limp body, his actions efficient and calculated as he disposed of the threat with ease. And as Valerie looked on in awe.

"And if this type of vampire is gone, the circle of life will not be disturbed anymore" Alucard stated solemnly to Valerie, his gaze lingering on the lifeless form of the vampire at their feet. As he spoke, his thoughts drifted towards the imposing castle in the center of the city, its lights flickering intermittently. A party? he mused to himself, a flicker of curiosity sparking within him.

Valerie, her attention drawn away from the slain vampire, turned to face Alucard, her expression questioning as she sought clarification on his intentions. "You want me to help you wipe them out?" she inquired, her words cutting through Alucard's reverie and bringing him back to the present moment.

"No, no, no. I will help YOU wipe them out and, at the same time, take revenge against your father and brother for using you to empower the vampires of their faction" Alucard declared, his tone resolute as he offered his assistance to Valerie. His words carried a hint of jest as he playfully redirected the responsibility to her, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips as he regarded her with amusement.

Valerie paused, her mind racing as she weighed the gravity of Alucard's proposal. Thoughts of Gasper, her childhood friend who had managed to escape their captivity, flooded her mind, and she couldn't help but wonder if he was still alive. But amidst the uncertainty, one thing became clear— if Gasper was dead, then there was only one choice: revenge. With a deep breath, Valerie made her decision. "I accept your offer" she declared, her voice steady as she resolved to join forces with Alucard in their quest for justice.

"Excellent, now take this a gift from above" Alucard replied and touch the forehead of Valerie as if he transferring some knowledge or power to her. After that he turned his gaze towards the approaching vampires, his smirk unwavering in the face of danger. With a confident stride, he advanced towards the group, his every step imbued with purpose and resolve. As he raised his hands, a pair of guns materialized in his grasp, their sleek, lethal forms gleaming in the moonlight.

"I declare in this night!" Alucard declared boldly, his voice ringing out with commanding authority as he brandished his weapons. With a flourish, he aimed the guns towards the encroaching horde of vampires, his eyes ablaze with righteous fury. "In the name of the FOOL" he proclaimed, his voice echoing through the darkness with unwavering conviction. And then, with a resounding cry that echoed across the city, he unleashed the full force of his wrath upon their enemies. "EXTERMINATUS!"