Chapter 51

An awkward silence hung heavily in the air, punctuated only by the faint rustle of leaves and the distant hum of the city. The tension between the vampires and Alucard was palpable, a tangible presence that seemed to thicken with each passing moment. Despite the dramatic declaration and flashy display of weaponry, Alucard remained strangely still, his guns hanging idly at his sides as he awaited a response from the vampires

As the seconds stretched into eternity, the vampires exchanged uncertain glances, their amusement giving way to confusion and disbelief. And then, as if unable to contain themselves any longer, they erupted into laughter, the sound echoing through the night like mocking taunts aimed at Alucard's failed theatrics. Yet amidst the mockery, one vampire left in a hurry to fled somewhere, keenly aware of the danger posed by the smirking figure before them.

"What the hell was that?" one of the vampires exclaimed between fits of laughter, his voice tinged with disbelief at the absurdity of Alucard's failed attempt at intimidation. "That was so funny" another chimed in, his laughter echoing through the night as he struggled to contain his amusement. "'EXTERMINATUS' my ass, haha" yet another vampire added, his voice laced with mockery as he ridiculed Alucard's choice of battle cry.

"Does this guy think we can be killed by a gun? A FUCKING GUN, haha!" another vampire scoffed, his laughter mingling with the others as they continued to taunt Alucard with derision. "Might as well use a fucking pen, haha" another quipped, his tone dripping with sarcasm as he imagined the absurdity of such a weapon against creatures of their ilk. But before the conversation could progress further, one vampire attempted to mimic Alucard's earlier declaration, his voice dripping with mockery as he proclaimed, "In the name of FOOL, I will make a Fool out of a cold-blooded corpse."

However, his proclamation was cut short by the sudden sound of a gunshot, the report echoing through the night with startling clarity. The vampire turned to look at the gaping hole in his chest, shock etched across his features as he realized he had been struck. But he remained standing, his laughter resuming as he faced Alucard with a defiant smirk. "AHAHAH, did you think that would kill me?" he jeered, his laughter infectious as it spread through the surrounding vampires like wildfire, their amusement reaching a fever pitch as they reveled in the absurdity of the situation.

The laughter continued to echo around him, the vampire who had been shot began to feel a creeping sense of unease. Despite his attempts to maintain a facade of bravado, he couldn't ignore the gaping hole in his chest, which showed no signs of healing. His laughter faltered, becoming weak and strained, as a gnawing fear took hold in the pit of his stomach.

While the other vampires remained oblivious to their comrade's plight, their laughter ringing out in the night, the wounded vampire's amusement waned as he struggled to comprehend the severity of his injury. With each passing moment, the reality of his mortality loomed larger, and he found himself grappling with the terrifying realization that he might not survive this encounter after all.

The wounded vampire collapsed to his knees, his comrades' laughter abruptly halted, replaced by expressions of confusion and concern. They watched in disbelief as their once-boisterous companion faltered, his bravado giving way to vulnerability in the face of his mortal wound. With a sense of unease settling over them, they exchanged uncertain glances, unsure of how to react to the sudden turn of events.

The wounded vampire glanced at his comrades, his voice trembling with uncertainty as he uttered his grim realization. "I think I'm dead" he murmured, his words barely audible over the silence that had descended upon them. And with those final words, he slumped to the ground, his body limp and lifeless as the gravity of his mortality became all too apparent.

"OH" the vampires looked upon their fallen comrade with a collective sense of confusion, the realization of his demise slowly began to dawn on them. A wave of panic swept through their ranks as they scrambled to comprehend the gravity of the situation. Their eyes darted nervously towards Alucard, who, for some inexplicable reason, began to advance towards them with a calm determination.

The sight of Alucard's approach only served to heighten their panic, sending a shiver of fear coursing through their undead veins. With each step he took, their agitation grew, their minds racing with frantic thoughts of escape and survival. Caught between the specter of death and the looming threat of Alucard's impending wrath, the vampires found themselves paralyzed by fear, their once-confident demeanor crumbling in the face of overwhelming uncertainty.

Amidst the rising panic, a composed vampire stepped forward, his voice steady and authoritative as he addressed his fellow undead. "Do not panic, comrades" he urged, his gaze sweeping over the group with a reassuring demeanor. "He is but one guy, two if you include the weak Dhampir behind him" he pointed out, his words infused with a hint of disdain as he sought to downplay the threat posed by Alucard and Valerie.

More vampires converged at the scene, bolstering their numbers, the composed vampire's confidence swelled. "We have numbers on our side" he declared boldly, his voice ringing out with assurance as he took his place at the forefront of their ranks. Behind him, a throng of vampires stood poised and ready for action, their collective strength lending credence to his words.

With a smirk playing across his lips, the composed vampire fixed his gaze upon Alucard, his eyes gleaming with smug superiority. "You are dead, boy" he taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance as he sought to intimidate his adversary. "You are outnumbered and outgunned" he continued, his words laced with disdain as he underestimated the threat posed by Alucard and Valerie.

Alucard halted his advance, a deep, booming laughter erupted from his lips, reverberating through the night with an eerie intensity. His laughter was filled with a chilling sense of amusement, sending a shiver down the spines of the assembled vampires. With a gaze that seemed to pierce through their very souls, Alucard's glowing red eyes bore into them, casting a menacing aura that left them trembling with fear.

Though they possessed eyes of the same crimson hue, the vampires found themselves unable to meet Alucard's gaze, their confidence wavering in the face of his overwhelming presence. The air around them seemed to grow colder, the weight of Alucard's gaze bearing down upon them like a heavy burden. Despite their bravado moments earlier, they now found themselves paralyzed by an inexplicable sense of dread.

Alucard turned to address Valerie, his voice carried a sense of purpose and determination. "Collect their blood as much as you can after I injure or kill any of them" he instructed, his words laden with the weight of their impending battle. Valerie nodded in understanding, her focus sharpening as she prepared to utilize the abilities bestowed upon her by Alucard.

With lightning speed and precision, Alucard leaped into the air, his guns blazing as he rained down death upon the horde of vampires below. Each shot found its mark with deadly accuracy, felling vampires with almost effortless ease. As he landed amidst the chaos, surrounded on all sides by his foes, his confidence remained unwavering, his steely resolve unshakeable in the face of their relentless assault.

As the vampires closed in, their claws and fangs bared in a frenzied frenzy, Alucard moved with the grace and agility of a seasoned warrior. With a swift dodge to the left, he evaded a vampire's slashing attack, his left gun finding its target with deadly precision. The vampire fell to the ground, a lifeless heap at Alucard's feet, as he swiftly turned his attention to the next attacker.

"Die!"another vampire leaped at Alucard, his airborne assault a desperate attempt to catch the vampire hunter off guard. But the vampire's folly proved to be his undoing, as Alucard calmly took aim and fired, his shot finding its mark with deadly accuracy splattering it's brain. With a single bullet to the head, the airborne assailant was dispatched. Alucard executed a spartan kick, sending the falling body of the vampire hurtling towards another unsuspecting foe. The force of the impact caused the second vampire to stumble backward, momentarily thrown off balance as he struggled to regain his footing amidst the chaos of battle.

Then two vampires closed in on Alucard from opposite sides, their movements synchronized in a coordinated assault, Alucard remained calm and focused, his reflexes honed to a razor-sharp edge. With a pivot spin, he evaded both attackers with fluid grace. As he spun, his guns blazed with deadly accuracy, unleashing a barrage of bullets that cut through the ranks of the oncoming horde.

The vampires, caught off guard by Alucard's swift evasion, collided with each other in a jarring collision of bodies. As they staggered backward, disoriented and vulnerable, Alucard seized the opportunity to strike, his aim true as he fired a single bullet that pierced through both of their skulls with chilling efficiency.

A random vampire attempted to launch a surprise attack from behind, Alucard noticing this did a backflip combined with a spinning motion in mid-air while he unleashed a barrage of gunfire, dispatching several vampires in rapid succession. As he landed gracefully on the ground, he turned his attention to the assailant that attack him from behind. With a well-aimed shot, Alucard targeted the vampire's arms, severing one of them in a single swift motion. The vampire recoiled in pain, his attack thwarted by Alucard's swift and decisive counter. Seizing the opportunity, Alucard grabbed hold of the armless vampire and used him as an improvised shield, employing his adversary's own body as a barrier against the relentless onslaught of their fellow undead.

While Alucard held the armless vampire, he charged forward randomly, using his makeshift shield as a battering ram to plow through the ranks of the oncoming horde. While he ran around, he continued to fire his gun, picking off vampires with each well-placed shot.

While Alucard is killing and shooting vampires, Valerie who collecting blood of the vampire using the blood manipulation gave to her by Alucard. The Sphere on blood is getting bigger and bigger she collect the fallen and injured vampire who for some reason can't heal due to the bullet stealing their ability to regenerate. Some vampires attack Valerie but a barrier of blood always protect her from the onslaught of attack making the vampires gave up. Now let's get back to Alucard.

The vampires continued their relentless assault from all directions, Alucard remained a whirlwind of deadly efficiency as he danced through the chaos of battle. With each attack, he effortlessly dodged their strikes, his reflexes honed to perfection as he countered with decisive blows of his own. Whether it was a well-placed kick or a precise strike with his pistol, Alucard's mastery of combat was on full display as he methodically dispatched his foes.

With every pull of the trigger, another vampire fell, their lifeless bodies littering the ground in a grim testament to Alucard's prowess as a hunter of the undead. Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against him, he remained unfazed, his steely resolve unwavering as he continued to unleash a barrage of bullets upon his foes.

As chaos reigned amidst the vampire horde, a random vampire stepped forward to assume temporary leadership, "What are you fools doing!!! attack him at the same time" barking orders in a desperate attempt to rally his comrades to action. With their previous leader fallen, the vampires looked to this new figure for guidance, their instincts driving them to heed his command without question.

With a collective roar, the vampires surged forward, their movements synchronized in a coordinated assault as they launched themselves at Alucard with reckless abandon. Their combined momentum threatened to overwhelm him as they closed in from all sides, their claws and fangs bared in a frenzied frenzy. 

As the vampires lunged towards him in their final, frenzied assault. With a smirk of anticipation, Alucard tapped into his authority over time, causing the world around him to slow to a crawl. He relished the opportunity to emulate the bullet time effect from his favorite shooting games like Max Payne. Alucard moved with finesse of a master marksman. With each pull of the trigger, his guns unleashed a torrent of bullets that cut through the air. Time seemed to bend to his will as he targeted each vampire with pinpoint precision, the trajectory of his bullets meticulously calculated to strike multiple targets simultaneously.

The vampires, frozen in a state of suspended animation, were powerless to evade Alucard's onslaught as his bullets found their marks with unerring precision.

After Alucard deactivate the 'bullet time', the vampires who had been struck by Alucard's deadly barrage collapsed to the ground with a collective thud. Confusion and panic gripped the remaining vampires, who could scarcely comprehend what had just transpired. In their bewildered state, they turned and fled from the scene, their fear outweighing any desire to continue the fight against the formidable vampire hunter.

Alucard, however, was not content to let them escape so easily. "Oh! I love playing Tag" With a playful taunt, he gave chase, he pursued the fleeing vampires. With each passing moment, his grin widened as he reveled in the thrill of the hunt, relishing the opportunity to dispatch his adversaries with ruthless efficiency.

After catching up to the fleeing vampires, Alucard swiftly dispatched them one by one. With each fallen foe, he teleported their lifeless bodies back to Valerie, allowing her to extract their blood using her blood manipulation abilities. The process was swift and efficient, ensuring that none of the vampires' precious life force went to waste.

Alucard continue to chase and hunt the remaining vampires in the city while he left Valerie to her own device.