Chapter 52

In the depths of the venerable Tepes castle, an energetic gathering unfolds, defying the antiquity of its surroundings. Amidst the timeworn walls, a scene reminiscent of modern nightlife ensues, with the air vibrating to the rhythm of thumping music. However, beneath the facade of revelry lies a darker truth, as certain attendees find themselves unwilling participants in the festivities.

Human girls, their presence a stark contrast to the castle's historical ambiance, are coerced into dancing under the watchful eyes of the partygoers. The forceful nature of their participation hints at a troubling power dynamic within the gathering. Meanwhile, amidst the throng of attendees, a figure with distinctive blond hair and an imposing beard commands attention.

This man, known as King Tepes and father to Valerie Tepes, occupies a position of authority within the festivities. His actions, marked by a lack of consideration for the boundaries of others, cast a shadow over the otherwise lively affair. The unsettling juxtaposition of modern revelry and archaic surroundings serves.

While King Tepes continues his inappropriate behavior, a figure bearing a striking resemblance to him approaches, interrupting his indulgence. Irritated by the intrusion, King Tepes addresses the newcomer with disdain, questioning his presence within the castle walls. "What are you doing here, Marius? I explicitly ordered you to wait and guard your sister in the prison" he grumbles, his annoyance palpable.

In response, Marius dismisses his father's concerns with a disrespectful tone, showing little regard for familial decorum. "Don't concern yourself with that Father, she won't be able escape even without guards" he retorts sharply, referring to his incarcerated sister in derogatory terms. His confidence suggests a sense of assurance in his ability to handle the situation, despite his defiance towards his father's orders.

King Tepes's anger flares at Marius's insolence letting the human girls go, his authoritative tone emphasizing the importance of respect within their ranks. "Watch your tone boy! I don't want to hear you disrespect me especially the upcoming guest or you will received my wrath." with a stern warning, he cautions Marius against any further displays of disrespect, particularly in the presence of their awaited guest. The looming threat of King Tepes's wrath hangs heavy in the air, a reminder of the consequences for crossing his authority.

Marius's impatience is evident as he presses his father for information regarding the arrival of their esteemed guest. His tone, still lacking in respect, betrays his frustration at the prolonged wait. "When is the Lord going to arrive, Father?" he queries, his impertinence evident in his disregard for proper address. "We've been waiting for almost an hour" he continues, his complaint tinged with annoyance.

King Tepes, though irritated by his son's insolence, maintains a composed demeanor as he addresses Marius's concerns. "Patience, boy" he responds, his voice tinged with a hint of admonishment. "Our guest will arrive when he sees fit. It is not for us to question his timing" he asserts, emphasizing the importance of deference and obedience in their dealings with their anticipated visitor.

Despite his inner frustration, Marius manages to maintain a facade of composure, wary of provoking his father's wrath further. Suppressing his impatience, he seeks clarification on their awaited guest's intentions. "Then what does our Lord need from us?" he inquires, his irritation carefully concealed behind a mask of deference.

"I don't know what our Lord needs" King Tepes replies honestly, acknowledging his limited knowledge of their guest beyond the tales that have been passed down through generations. Despite his uncertainty, he maintains an air of authority, grounded in his position as the ruler of Tepes Castle. His admission, while candid, does little to alleviate the tension in the room, where anticipation hangs thick in the air. Sensing his son's simmering impatience, provides a measured response, attempting to assuage Marius's growing frustration. "But our Lord will reveal his purpose in due time" he asserts, his tone firm yet reassuring.

Marius's frustration bubbles over, his inner turmoil evident as he curses his father's ignorance. Doubt gnaws at him, fueled by the absence of communication from their enigmatic guest since the passing of his mother. "Of course you don't know his purpose" he seethes inwardly, his disdain for his father's lack of insight simmering beneath the surface. Despite his inner turmoil, "Can we still trust him?" Marius can't resist a mocking jab at his father, questioning the trustworthiness of their awaited guest.

"You,," Before King Tepes can respond to his son's insolence, "Do you have a problem with me boy!" their conversation is abruptly interrupted by a commanding voice that cuts through the air like a knife. The sudden intrusion brings the lively festivities to a standstill as all eyes turn towards the source of the unexpected interruption. A man, exuding an aura of authority with his magnetic voice, stands before them, his presence demanding attention and respect.

Caught off guard by the unexpected confrontation, Marius's bravado wavers momentarily as he meets the intense gaze of the newcomer. His mocking demeanor falters in the face of the man's imposing presence, a hint of uncertainty flickering in his eyes. Meanwhile, King Tepes, though taken aback by the interruption, regains his composure quickly and he recognized who this was, his expression schooled into one of practiced diplomacy as he prepares to address the guest.

King Tepes kneel in one knee as he address the man of the hour "Lord Bacchus forgive my son's insolence and naivety of what should and should not to do." He looks at his son, Marius signaling him to kneel in front the guest that they have been waiting.

Reluctantly complying with his father's command, Marius bows his head in a show of submission, albeit with a simmering resentment burning within him. "Forgive me, Lord Bacchus, for questioning your trustworthiness" he intones with a semblance of sincerity, masking his disdain behind a facade of contrition. Despite his outward display of deference, Marius's true feelings remain evident in his defiant demeanor, as he harbors little respect for the god standing before them.

Bacchus dismissive attitude towards Marius is evident as he disregards the apology, deeming the young man inconsequential in his eyes. Turning his attention to King Tepes, he speaks with a sense of authority and assurance, cutting straight to the heart of the matter. "I will cut to the chase, Tepes. I want to borrow your daughter" he declares, a smirk playing upon his lips.

"King Tepes, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected request, struggles to mask his confusion. "My daughter?" he repeats, "What do you need from daughter?" seeking clarification while internally grappling with a surge of concern. His mind races as he attempts to discern the god's intentions, wary of the potential consequences of relinquishing control over Valerie as she posses the sacred gear Sephiroth Graal.

Marius's mind races with suspicion as he scrutinizes the god before him, contemplating the implications of the deity's request. His thoughts turn to the sacred gear hidden within Valerie, the source of new found strength that must be protected at all costs. "Does Bacchus know about the sacred gear?" he ponders silently, wary of the potential consequences if their guest possesses knowledge of Valerie's true nature.

Marius's mind races with suspicion as he scrutinizes the god before him, contemplating the implications of the deity's request. His thoughts turn to the sacred gear hidden within Valerie, a source of immense power that must be protected at all costs. "Does Bacchus know about the sacred gear?" he ponders silently, wary of the potential consequences if their guest possesses knowledge of Valerie's true nature.

Sensing the need for caution, taking preemptive measures to safeguard their interests. With a sense of urgency, he covertly sends a message to Rizevim, a potential ally who may provide assistance in the event that the god proves to be a threat. "Better safe than sorry" he reasons, his actions driven by a desire to ensure their continued dominance and control over the power held within Valerie.

 "I don't need her as per se" Bacchus's nonchalant response only deepens the confusion of King Tepes and Marius, who exchange puzzled glances at the god's cryptic explanation. His casual demeanor belies the gravity of his words as he elaborates on the true nature of his request. "My father ordered me to bring her to him as soon as possible" Bacchus explains, his tone carrying a hint of resignation as he recalls the urgency of his father's command.

"What does the King of Olympus needs to my daughter then?" King Tepes's curiosity piques as he seeks further clarification from Bacchus regarding the purpose behind his father's mandate. With a measured gaze, he scrutinizes the god before him, careful to conceal any hint of vulnerability or apprehension. His question hangs in the air, a testament to his desire to protect the sacred gear, ensuring that their prized possession remains shielded from the prying eyes of Olympus.

Bacchus's reaction to King Tepes's question elicits a sense of disappointment, "Do you really have to ask that question to me?" tinged with a hint of exasperation at the apparent obliviousness of the mortal ruler. His raised eyebrow and disdainful tone convey his disbelief at the need for such clarification, suggesting that the answer should be obvious to anyone with even a modicum of understanding. Despite the god's evident frustration, King Tepes remains determined to uncover the truth behind it

In a moment of revelation, King Tepes connects the dots, his expression shifting as realization dawns upon him. "Oh," he exclaims, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place with sudden clarity. He recalls the notorious reputation of the King of Olympus, infamous for his insatiable appetite for carnal pleasures. With a knowing look, King Tepes acknowledges the true nature of King of Olympus interest in Valerie, recognizing that her allure may extend beyond her mere mortal guise,

Marius's skepticism manifests as he questions the necessity of Bacchus's request "Why ask us for her? if he can just do his usual modus operandi." given Zeus's infamous reputations. His raised eyebrow reflects his incredulity at the notion that the king of the gods would need to seek permission to indulge his desires. With a hint of cynicism, he muses aloud on the possibility of Zeus simply employing his usual methods to satisfy his insatiable appetite.

"My Father is currently on a leash by my step-mother" Bacchus just give a simple explanation without anymore information as that would be enough.

"Then if we lend you my daughter please return her immediately"With a tone of cautious agreement, King Tepes offers Valerie to Bacchus, but not without a stipulation: she must be returned promptly. His demeanor remains respectful, concealing the subtle satisfaction that brews within him as he contemplates the god's lack of knowledge regarding the sacred gear hidden within his daughter. Behind his courteous facade, King Tepes harbors a quiet sense of triumph, reassured by the secrecy surrounding Valerie's true power and keeping the power within their faction.

With a nonchalant demeanor, Bacchus readily agrees to the terms, eager to expedite the transaction and return to the revelry unfolding around them. His casual acceptance belies the gravity of the situation, hinting at his desire to swiftly conclude their business and resume the festivities. As he gazes around at the lively party, Bacchus's eyes alight with anticipation, ready to immerse himself in the revelry alongside King Tepes and his guests.

Turning to King Tepes with a knowing grin, Bacchus acknowledges the monarch's familiarity with his penchant for celebration. "You know me well, Tepes" he remarks with a hint of camaraderie, before exclaiming, "LET'S PARTY!" With Bacchus's enthusiastic endorsement, the atmosphere within the castle ignites with renewed vigor as the revelers eagerly join in the merriment. However, their festivities are soon interrupted by an unexpected intrusion.

A vampire guarding Valerie yell "My lords, Princess Valerie is missing in prison" The sudden news of Princess Valerie's disappearance sends shockwaves through the party, halting the revelry in its tracks as all eyes turn towards the source of the disturbance. King Tepes's anger flares as he directs his ire towards Marius, holding him accountable for the security lapse that allowed Valerie to vanish from her cell. "I told you guard her and now look she is missing" with a stern reprimand, he chastises his son for failing in his duty to safeguard their family's interests, his disappointment evident in his furrowed brow and clenched fists.

Marius, however, remains undeterred by his father's admonishment, his focus fixed on the immediate crisis at hand. Dismissing King Tepes's reproach with a wave of his hand "Fret not father, that bitch won't get away easily" he turns his attention to the surrounding vampires, preparing to mobilize them in the search for his missing sister. His confidence remains unshaken as he vows to apprehend Valerie and bring her to justice for her perceived betrayal, his determination driving him forward despite the chaos unfolding around them.

Before Marius can issue his orders, another urgent cry pierces the air, signaling a new threat that looms on the horizon. A vampire rushes forward, breathless with urgency, to deliver the grim news of attacks orchestrated by an unknown assailant, purportedly aided by Princess Valerie.

Bacchus turn his attention to the direction where the massacre is currently going, He turn to look at the angry King Tepes and said in casual tone "You should go..You knw what I will come you to see personally who have the guts to attack the vampires under my protection"

"Of course Lord Bacchus" King Tepes nodded in agreement with smile on his face.

"Tepes, I don't use the name Bacchus after mother died" Bacchus reminded King Tepes before" From now on call me Dionysus or just Dio."