Chapter 53

Dio, King Tepes, and Marius arrived at the scene of the carnage, their keen vampire senses immediately detected the aura of death that hung heavy in the air. Their eyes were drawn to a large, pulsating sphere of crimson blood, its eerie glow casting a sinister hue over the surrounding landscape. It was a sight both mesmerizing and foreboding, hinting at the immense power wielded by whoever had conjured it into existence.

As they surveyed the battlefield, their gaze fell upon a grisly mound of corpses, the result of the fierce battle that had unfolded in their absence. Every now and then, a new corpse would materialize seemingly out of thin air, adding to the macabre hill of death that stretched before them.

"Valerie what are you doing here outside of your prison? what is the meaning of all of this?" King Tepes confronted Valerie, his anger was palpable, his voice booming with authority as he demanded answers. Valerie stood her ground, her expression resolute as she met his gaze head-on. Despite the intensity of his anger, she remained composed, her determination unwavering in the face of his fury.

With a calm yet firm voice, Valerie addressed King Tepes, her words measured and deliberate. "Is not obvious Father?" she looks around the fallen vampire before saying "I want revenge for Gasper and for myself ,as I refused to be used again by used for your personal gain" She said in determined tone while looking angrily at her Father and her brother Marius. As her words echoed across the battlefield, her resolve was unmistakable. She stood tall, her defiance radiating from every fiber of her being as she confronted her father and brother. With each word, her determination to break free from their control grew stronger, fueled by a burning desire for justice and revenge.

King Tepes and Marius exchanged glances, the weight of Valerie's accusation hanging heavy in the air. They had underestimated her strength and determination, and now they faced the consequences of their actions. The realization dawned on them that they could no longer manipulate her as they pleased, that she was no longer willing to be a pawn in their power games.

Marius shout while spiting saliva "Know your place know bitch, you're a property of the family" his rage surged forth unchecked, his words dripping with venom as he sought to assert his dominance over Valerie. Yet, despite his ferocious demeanor, Valerie remained steadfast, her defiance unyielding in the face of his fury. She refused to be cowed by his threats or belittled by his insults, standing tall and resolute in her quest for freedom and vengeance.

As Marius's anger continued to simmer, a nagging sense of unease gnawed at the back of his mind. The sight of Valerie wielding such formidable power, manifested in the blood sphere that loomed ominously before them, filled him with a sense of trepidation. "What manner of sorcery was this, and how had Valerie come to possess such abilities?" but shook his head and as he have an ace to his sleeve.

"My daughter, think of this for a second, even if you escape here we will hunt you and whoever is helping down the ends of earth" King Tepes's warning cut through the tension-laden air, his voice laced with a palpable sense of threat as he addressed his daughter. Despite his attempt at intimidation, Valerie remained undeterred, her determination unshaken by his words. She understood the consequences of her defiance, yet she refused to bow to the will of her oppressive family.

With a hint of arrogance, "But if you surrender now, as a reward Lord Dio here will bring you to Lord Zeus to meet the King of Olympus personally and help him on whatever he desire." King Tepes presented Dio as a tempting offer, dangling the promise of aid from powerful allies in front of Valerie like a tantalizing carrot. His words dripped with pride as he extolled the virtues of serving Lord Zeus, the King of Olympus, painting a picture of grandeur and opportunity.


"I refuse" Valerie's voice rang out with unwavering determination, her refusal echoing across the battlefield like a defiant declaration of independence. In that moment, she made her stance clear, steadfast in her resolve to sever ties with her oppressive family and forge her own destiny, even if it meant facing them head-on in battle. Her gaze locked with those of her former family members, her eyes burning with a fierce intensity that spoke volumes of her determination. There was no turning back now, no room for hesitation or doubt. Valerie had made her choice, and she was prepared to face whatever consequences it may bring, standing firm in her conviction to reclaim her freedom and seek justice for herself and for her childhood friend Gasper,

"Then you leave me no choice" King looks at his vampire elite guard and instruct two them to get Valerie without killing her!. As King Tepes's elite guard prepared to apprehend Valerie, she sprang into action, her movements swift and deliberate as she began to manipulate the blood red sphere with precision. The vampires, including Dio and Marius, watched in stunned silence as Valerie compressed the sphere into a small, compact form, her actions imbued with a sense of theatricality that held them captivated.

With each movement of her hands, the sphere dwindled in size, transforming from a menacing orb into a mere trinket. "Don't let her eat that" The tension in the air thickened as Marius's panicked shout pierced the silence, a desperate attempt to prevent Valerie from consuming the condensed blood. However, his warning came too late, for Valerie wasted no time in swallowing the tiny sphere with ease, a determined glint in her eyes as she defied her family's attempts to control her.

As Valerie consumed the condensed blood, a remarkable transformation swept over her form, like a dormant power awakening within her. Her emaciated frame began to fill out, her gaunt features gaining substance as muscles rippled beneath her skin. A newfound vitality coursed through her veins, suffusing her with energy and strength she had never before known. Even her complexion, typically pallid due to her vampire heritage, took on a healthy rosy hue, a sign of her revitalized state.

With each passing moment, Valerie's transformation became more pronounced, her body radiating with an ethereal glow as she ascended into the air, defying gravity with an otherworldly grace. The vampires, transfixed by the spectacle unfolding before them, could only watch in awe and wonder, unable to comprehend the true nature of Valerie's newfound power. Yet, despite their confusion, they could not deny the profound impact her presence had on the battlefield, a testament to the latent potential that lay dormant within her all along.

As Valerie descended back to the ground, a sense of calm settled over her, her newfound strength and confidence evident in every movement. With a deep breath, she exhaled a wave of scorching heat, the intensity of her power causing the cold-blooded vampires to recoil in discomfort.

King Tepes's vampire elite guards snapped out of their daze and moved to apprehend Valerie, she acted swiftly, her newfound powers manifesting in a dazzling display of skill. With a flick of her wrist, she conjured stakes made of blood, their sharp tips gleaming in the moonlight as they soared through the air with astonishing speed. One of the vampires, caught off guard by Valerie's sudden attack, found himself impaled by the deadly projectiles, a pained cry escaping his lips as he crumpled to the ground. 

Meanwhile, the other vampires, alerted to the danger by their fallen comrade, scrambled to evade Valerie's onslaught, their movements a blur of speed and agility as they dodged the incoming blood stakes. Yet, even as they sought to avoid her attacks, Valerie remained one step ahead, her control over her newfound abilities unwavering as she manipulated the blood stakes with finesse.

Valerie continued to manipulate the blood in the soil, subtly blending it with her own power, she intensified her assault on the vampire elite guards. She imbued the blood stakes with even greater speed and force, causing them to strike with ferocious accuracy. Despite the vampires' ability to regenerate their wounds, Valerie's strategic control over the blood proved to be their undoing, as she siphoned off a portion of their vital essence with each strike, weakening them in the process.

With each successive attack, Valerie's mastery over her newfound abilities grew more apparent, she launched a relentless barrage of blood stakes at her adversaries. The elite guards, caught off guard by the sheer speed and potency of Valerie's assault, found themselves overwhelmed and outmatched, As the fight go on the vampire's regeneration stop working due to lost of blood cause by her. In a matter of moments, she killed all of the elite vampire easily.

King Tepes and Marius observed Valerie's display of power with shock and dismay, they were confronted with the stark realization that her abilities far surpassed their expectations. Their expressions morphed into a mixture of awe and trepidation, a testament to the undeniable strength and skill she wielded against their vampire elite guards. Meanwhile, Dio watched with keen interest, his calculating gaze betraying his belief that Valerie's power still paled in comparison to that of a god.

"Bitch.." Before King Tepes could utter another word of condemnation, Valerie took control of the blood mingled with the earth beneath them, shaping it into a stake with lethal precision. With a swift and decisive motion, she launched the makeshift weapon like a certain lancer, her aim true as it soared through the air.

Marius and Dio successfully dodge but King Tepes who was not paying attention got impaled. "AHH" King Tepes cried in pain while bleeding non stop. As King Tepes cried out in agony from the impaling, Marius, his own son, approached him with a chilling resolve in his eyes. With a sense of betrayal dawning on him, King Tepes looked to his son for help, hoping for salvation in his moment of need. However, Marius had other plans, his elongated claws poised to strike as he advanced upon his wounded father.

Before King Tepes could react, Marius swiftly delivered the fatal blow, his claws slicing through his father's neck with brutal efficiency. As King Tepes's head flew from his shoulders, a look of shock and betrayal etched upon his face, it landed at Valerie's feet.

"From now on, I am King Marius Tepes" Marius declared proudly in front of Dio and Valerie.