Chapter 58

Dio's attack came swift and relentless, as vines erupted from the earth beneath Alucard's feet, aiming to ensnare him in their grasp. But Alucard was no stranger to danger, his agile form effortlessly evading the serpentine tendrils as they sought to entangle him. With the grace of a seasoned acrobat, he leaped and twisted through the air, his movements fluid and precise, as if he were dancing amidst the chaos.

As Alucard gracefully evaded Dio's onslaught of vines, his manuever were a mesmerizing display of agility and finesse. With each twist and turn, he seemed to dance effortlessly through the air, his body flowing with the fluidity of a seasoned performer. The vines, like eager tendrils seeking to ensnare their prey, followed his every move, yet Alucard remained always one step ahead.

With a flourish of motion, Alucard somersaulted through the air, narrowly avoiding a particularly thick vine that lashed out towards him. As he landed gracefully on another vine, he used its springy tension to propel himself even higher, soaring above the canopy of foliage that Dio had summoned. With each aerial maneuver, Alucard's confidence seemed to grow, his movements becoming more daring and precise as he effortlessly outmaneuvered his divine adversary.

While Alucard is gracefully evading the vines, his attention was suddenly diverted by the sound of fluttering wings above. A swarm of bats, summoned by Dio's command, descended upon him with a ferocity matched only by the god who had called them forth. With a fluid motion, Alucard drew his pistol, the metallic glint of the firearm catching the light as he unleashed a barrage of bullets at the oncoming horde.

Each shot was precise and calculated, finding its mark with deadly accuracy as Alucard effortlessly picked off the bats one by one. His action were a seamless blend of offense and defense, his keen reflexes allowing him to fend off the relentless assault while simultaneously evading the grasping vines below. At times, he would deliver swift kicks to the airborne assailants, sending them careening into the darkness with a forceful impact.

Dio summoned his old friends, the winged creature, the bats to attack Alucard who is busy dodging and playing with vines that Dio created. The bats swarmed around Alucard, "really, bats? batman is that you?" his mocking tone only served to amplify the absurdity of the situation. A quick draw of his pistol, he fired off rounds at the winged assailants , their screeches echoing through the air as they fell under the onslaught of his precise marksmanship and if he is not shooting them he simply used both of his feet kick them down. Amidst the chaos, Alucard's movements were a seamless blend of offense and defense, his every action calculated to maintain his advantage over both the bats and the vines.

With each kick and shot fired, a bat felled or sometime more bat felled, Alucard's confidence only grew, his smirk widening as he effortlessly dispatched his opponents. To him, it was a game—a game for him and only him, in which he held all the cards and his adversaries were mere pawns in his grand design. Despite Dio's best efforts to overwhelm him with his divine powers, Alucard remained unfazed, his nonchalant demeanor a stark contrast to the frenetic energy that surrounded him.

The relentless onslaught of bats presented a formidable challenge for Alucard, whose precision shots seemed to be in vain as the creatures multiplied with each fallen bat. Despite his skillful marksmanship, the sheer numbers of the enemy threatened to overwhelm him, turning the battlefield into a chaotic maelstrom of flapping wings and echoing gunfire. He already noticed this but choose to ignore and instead, he reveled in the game, a smirk playing on his lips as he teased Dio with the illusion of vulnerability. Every move he made was calculated, designed not only to defend himself but also to manipulate Dio's perception of the battle. By appearing to struggle against the multiplying bats, he sought to lull Dio into a false sense of confidence.

Dio attempted to induce madness in Alucard, he remained unaware of the countermeasure being deployed against him. Alucard's Grafting skill allowed him to reflect Dio's madness back upon him, effectively turning the tables on the god of madness himself. While Dio believed he was gaining an advantage by driving Alucard towards insanity, he was inadvertently falling victim to his own power.

Meanwhile, Alucard continued his acrobatic display, deftly maneuvering through the onslaught of bats and vines with an almost preternatural grace. With each dodge and counter, he maintained his composure, his mind shielded from Dio's influence as he waited for the opportune moment to strike back.

The bats closed in around Alucard, Dio's satisfaction grew, believing victory to be imminent. However, his triumph was short-lived as he realized the absence of Valerie, thwarting his plans to deliver her to his father. An uneasy feeling crept over him as he contemplated the consequences of his failure and the punishment that awaited him from his Father.

However something happen that Dio will not be able know or even the world will not know, Alucard stop the time of this universe. As time froze around him, Alucard pondered his next move, "How to I fight this guy though, I mean I want to enjoy the fight but I lack creativity" lamenting his lack of creativity in combat despite his overwhelming power. However, rather than succumbing to frustration, "You what I'm just gonna make myself even more overpowered." he decided to enhance his abilities even further. With a confident smile, he invoked his wish-granting skill, expressing his desire to possess all the powers of the pathways in the "Lord of the Mysteries" universe. As he spoke the words, he felt a transformation wash over him, his body imbued with the essence of the Original Creator himself. Whether he had become the Big A or something even greater remained uncertain. (Forgive me for this cause I kind of regretting not wishing all of the pathways power with Super Shenron)

Alucard restore the flow of time and with a snap of his fingers reminiscent of the legendary Roy Mustang, Alucard unleashed a devastating fire-based attack from the red priest pathway. The resulting explosion emanated from his position, engulfing the surrounding area in flames. In an instant, the swarm of bats that had surrounded him was reduced to ashes, and the vines that had been pursuing him were similarly incinerated, leaving nothing but scorched earth in their wake. He stood amidst the destruction as the flames subsided and the smoke cleared.

Dio was about to say something when he got interrupted by Alucard. With a smirk playing on his lips, Alucard swiftly silenced Dio's attempts to speak. "Dionysus is not allowed to talk for at least a minute," he declared, his voice carrying an air of authority. Despite Dio's efforts to protest, no words escaped his lips, leaving him rendered speechless as he struggled to vocalize his thoughts.

Alucard then created a simple katana sword before holding the handle with both of his hands, With a focused expression, he invoked the technique known as "Sun Breathing: First Form Dancing Flash," channeling the power of fire and lightning into his blade. In a blur of motion, he dashed towards Dio with lightning speed, his every movement calculated and precise.

Dio, caught off guard by Alucard's sudden assault, attempted to defend himself by summoning vines to hinder his advance. However, Dio's strategy proved to be his downfall as Alucard's fiery blade effortlessly sliced through the vines, leaving them smoldering in his wake. Undeterred by the obstacle, Alucard closed the distance between them in a matter of moments, his sword gleaming in the light as he swung it with lethal precision.

With a swift and decisive strike, Alucard severed Dio's head from his body. However a lot of vine sprouted by the severed headof Dio. The vines writhed and twisted, reattaching Dio's severed head to his body with unnatural ease, a testament to the god's power over vegetation. Despite the defeat he had suffered, Dio's anger burned hotter than ever, fueled by the humiliation of being bested by a mere mortal. As the son of Zeus, he felt a deep sense of disgrace at his defeat, his divine pride wounded by the ease with which Alucard had dispatched him.

With madness coursing through his veins, Dio's thoughts became consumed by vengeance, his desire to reclaim his honor overwhelming all reason. In his rage-fueled state, he vowed to unleash his full wrath upon Alucard, determined to prove his superiority and restore his tarnished reputation as a god.

However Dio is unable tovoice his frustration and rage as the restraint that Alucard put on him prevents him, his inability to speak only serving to fuel his fury further. With his face turning a comical shade of red, Dio seethed with impotent rage, his divine pride wounded by the indignity of his defeat. Every fiber of his being yearned to unleash his wrath upon Alucard, to reclaim his honor and assert his dominance as a god.

Meanwhile, Alucard found amusement in Dio's predicament, his laughter echoing through the air as he held his tummy in mirth. The sight of Dio's contorted face, twisted in a mixture of frustration and anger, only served to heighten Alucard's amusement. With a smirk playing on his lips, Alucard relished in the moment, reveling in the opportunity to mock his defeated foe. "Oh man, oh man, look at your face, Mr. Dio," he chuckled, his laughter subsiding as he spoke. "You look like you need a breather, so I'll give you permission to speak," he said, his tone laced with sarcasm as he extended the offer to his vanquished opponent.

"I'll show you why I'm called the God of Madness for a reason!" as soon as Dio said that he started transforming in a hideous werewolf that will send shivers down the spines to whoever weak willed witnessed it, his towering figure casting a menacing shadow over the battlefield. With every sinewy muscle flexing beneath his jet black and silver-grey fur, he exuded an aura of primal strength and ferocity, a living embodiment of his title as the God of Madness. His amber eyes gleamed with madness, reflecting the chaotic depths of his mind, while his snarling muzzle and razor-sharp fangs spoke of his insatiable hunger for blood and carnage.

"You are dead boy!" Dio's unearthly voice reverberated through the air, the very atmosphere seemed to tremble in fear. His declaration of impending death carried with it a chilling certainty, leaving no room for doubt or hesitation. With his newfound form and power, Dio stood ready to unleash devastation upon his enemies, his primal instincts driving him toward a savage and merciless onslaught.