Chapter 59

Alucard's casual demeanor and sheepish grin belied the gravity of the situation, "That's kind of ugly" as he addressed Dio's monstrous form with apparent nonchalance. Despite the intimidating presence of the transformed werewolf, Alucard's confident tone suggested a hint of mockery, as if he viewed Dio's formidable power as nothing more than a temporary inconvenience. His question, delivered with a touch of sarcasm, seemed to taunt Dio's newfound might, implying that it might be nothing more than a fleeting display of strength.

In response, Dio's primal gaze narrowed, his amber eyes gleaming with a feral intensity as he regarded Alucard's seemingly dismissive attitude. The mockery in Alucard's voice did not go unnoticed, stoking the flames of Dio's wrath and fueling his determination to prove his dominance. With a menacing growl rumbling deep within his chest, Dio prepared to unleash the full extent of his newfound power, determined to silence Alucard's taunts once and for all.

Dio unleashed his mighty howl, the earth itself seemed to tremble in response, echoing the ferocity of his newfound form. The sound reverberated through the air with an otherworldly intensity, carrying the weight of Dio's primal rage far beyond the immediate vicinity. The force of the howl seemed to ripple through the very fabric of reality, commanding attention and instilling fear in all who heard it.

In the nearby city, the ordinary rhythms of life ground to a halt as the populace turned their heads toward the source of the unearthly sound. Faces contorted with fear and confusion as they tried to comprehend the source of the disturbance, their collective gaze drawn inexorably toward the epicenter of the cacophony.

Dio's howl faded into the distance, the ominous silence was broken by the emergence of two formidable creatures from the depths of his shadow. The first, a massive panther with fur as dark as the deepest night, exuded an aura of primal menace, its muscles coiled and ready to pounce at the slightest command. Beside it, the sleek form of a serpent slithered forth, its black scales glinting ominously in the dim light as it fixed its gaze on Alucard with unwavering intensity.

These creatures, born from the depths of Dio's power, stood as testament to the extent of his mastery over the forces of darkness and madness. They awaited his command, poised to unleash their ferocity upon Alucard with unbridled fury.

Alucard gazed at the new arrival "You know what, let me summon my familiar too." he summoned forth his own familiar, a creature born of the storm itself. As the lightning crackled around him, he called out its name, "Regulus Arum" with an air of authority and command. The bolt of lightning that struck the ground illuminated the battlefield, forcing Dio and his minions to hastily dodge the sudden burst of electrical energy.

From the scorched earth emerged Alucard's familiar, Regulus Arum, a majestic creature with lightning as it's mane and Its red eyes shimmered with electric energy as it stood beside its master, ready to heed his every command and unleash its formidable power upon their adversaries.

Alucard command Regulus as soon as he can "Regulus, play with them" he pointed at the two familiar of Dio with a smirk. Regulus obeyed Alucard's command without hesitation, its powerful limbs carrying it with lightning speed toward Dio's minions. The panther, caught off guard by the sudden assault, found itself ensnared in Regulus's jaws as it bit down on its neck, dragging it away from the battlefield and away from the protection of its master. Meanwhile, the serpent slithered after its companion, its black scales glistening in the dim light as it prepared to engage Regulus in battle.

"Come good doggy and play" Alucard's taunting words rang out across the battlefield, his tone dripping with sarcasm as he referred to Dio's monstrous form as that of a mere dog. With a smirk playing on his lips, Alucard continued to goad Dio, reveling in the opportunity to mock his opponent's appearance and diminish his sense of superiority.

Dio, enraged by Alucard's insults and unfazed by his taunts, bellowed in fury as he watched his minions engaged in battle with Alucard's familiar. The ground shook beneath his feet as he prepared to unleash his full wrath upon his adversary, determined to prove himself the superior combatant and exact vengeance for the humiliation he had suffered.

Dio's fury manifested in the form of blazing purple flames engulfing his paws as he unleashed a devastating punch, the force of which sent Alucard hurtling through the air. Buildings crumbled in his wake, reduced to rubble as the impact reverberated through the surrounding area. With relentless determination, Dio pursued his airborne opponent, his movements akin to that of a primal beast on the hunt.

In a display of raw power and ferocity, Dio intercepted Alucard mid-flight, seizing him in his grasp like a relentless predator capturing its prey. He slammed Alucard into the ground with bone-shattering force, the impact creating a colossal crater that rent the earth asunder. The ground trembled beneath the sheer magnitude of the blow, echoing the intensity of Dio's rage as he sought to assert his dominance over his adversary.

After executing his brutal assault, Dio dragged Alucard by the back of his head, racing through the city streets and grinding his face into the ground, leaving a trail of craters in his wake. "Ha ha! Look at you, mortal!" he bellowed, laughing uproariously as he reveled in his dominance over Alucard. "How does it feel to be thrown around like a toy?" he taunted, oblivious to the fact that Alucard was far from mortal after enduring such a relentless beating.

Dio then hurled Alucard into the air with his usual godly force, gathering all his strength in his legs as he leaped after the airborne figure. The ground cracked beneath him like the delicate strands of a spider's web as he ascended. Upon catching up to Alucard in midair, he enveloped both fists in purple flames and unleashed a devastating blow with all his divine might. The impact resonated with a deafening boom, sending shockwaves rippling through the atmosphere as Alucard was propelled downwards.

As Alucard crashed into the ground, the earth trembled as if beset by an earthquake, the force of the impact reverberating throughout the nearby city. The sheer power of Dio's attack was evident in the widespread destruction it caused, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. He coated both of his feet with his signature purple flames as he made a make shift rocket propeller. He sonic move he move as fast as he can to where Alucard landed and did drop kick resulting again in earthquake the felt again by the people of the nearby city or in the normal people's perspective it's an aftershock. Coating both of his feet in his signature purple flames, he fashioned a makeshift rocket propeller. With a burst of speed, he propelled himself downward, towards the spot where Alucard had landed after receiving his godly punch, executing a dropkick with unparalleled force. BOOM* Once again, the impact reverberated through the earth, sending shockwaves rippling across the land, perceptible even to the inhabitants of the nearby city, who would interpret it as nothing less than a significant aftershock.

The sheer velocity and power of Dio's attack were undeniable, leaving a profound impact on the landscape and those who bore witness to the spectacle. As he surveyed the scene, he observed Alucard buried amidst the rubble, seemingly immobilized by the extent of the destruction wrought by Dio's own power. Waiting patiently for any sign of movement from his adversary, "I can't believe a mortal made me go all out" he let out a sigh of relief, unable to fathom how a mere mortal could have pushed him to unleash his full strength.

However, his moment of respite was short-lived. Just as Dio turned his attention and find his familiars, a startling sound caught his ears—the unmistakable noise of the rubble being shifted and removed. Whirling around, Dio's eyes widened in disbelief as he beheld Alucard standing amidst the debris, seemingly untouched by the devastation that surrounded him. Though his clothes may have been disheveled, Alucard himself appeared unscathed, a testament to his resilience and power.

Alucard nonchalantly advanced towards Dio, he casually brushed debris from his clothing, his smirk widening as he addressed the god before him. "All of that just dirtied my clothes," he remarked, his tone laced with amusement. "For someone of your stature, one of the twelve Olympians," he continued, pausing to meet Dio's gaze, "you're remarkably weak."

The insult landed like a blow, and Alucard's mocking tone only served to exacerbate Dio's wounded ego. Standing before Dio with a smirk playing on his lips, Alucard seemed almost indifferent to the god's status and power, confident in his own abilities.

As Dio heard Alucard's words, a surge of boiling rage coursed through him, pushing his divine might to its very limits. With a deafening roar that shook the ground and sent tremors through the air, he unleashed his fury upon the surroundings. As he did, the black fur that had once coated him began to shift, morphing into a deep crimson hue, a reflection of the inferno raging within him. His form expanded, muscles bulging with newfound strength, and his voice deepened to a thunderous resonance as he spoke, each word dripping with seething intensity.

"Weak, am I?"