Chapter 60

Alucard responded with a nonchalant yawn as he observed Dio's new appearance, seemingly unfazed by the transformation. However, Dio, instead of becoming infuriated by Alucard's apparent indifference, chose to ignore it and walk towards Alucard. As he steadily closed the distance between them, Alucard couldn't resist but say this just for the sake of it, his words dripping with sarcasm, "Oh? You're approaching? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?"

And to no ones surprise, Dio, who should have been ignoring such provocations, unexpectedly retorted, "I can't beat you to a pulp if I don't get closer." His fists ignited with a deeper hue of purple flames as he spoke, signaling his intent to engage in close combat. Amused by Dio's response, Alucard's smirk widened as he welcomed the challenge, "Oh ho! Then come as close as you like," he reply, stretching out his arms in a gesture of invitation as he too advanced towards Dio.

The giant werewolf and the fake vampire, differing in size by almost three meters, stood face to face, they engaged in a brutal slugfest, "ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!" Alucard suddenly shouted incoherently, catching Dio off guard. As they exchanged punches, Dio gave him a puzzled look. Ignoring Dio's confusion, Alucard reveled in the moment, thrilled to be making a JoJo reference. With Dio unleashing a relentless barrage of punches while Alucard seemed to be enjoying himself. With each blow from Alucard, Dio's skin, muscles, and even bones were torn apart, yet he swiftly healed himself using his vines to stitch his wounds back together. Meanwhile, Alucard remained unscathed, though his clothes were being torn to shreds, much to Dio's satisfaction.

The clash between them was intense, with each punch echoing like thunder as they exchanged blows. Dio's ferocity and Alucard's nonchalant demeanor created a stark contrast in their fighting styles. The shockwaves from their punches reverberated through the surroundings, causing destruction in their wake. The sheer force of their clash shattered buildings and cracked the ground beneath them, creating a chaotic scene reminiscent of a battlefield. With each strike, the air itself seemed to tremble, echoing the intensity of their confrontation.

Dio observed Alucard's nonchalant demeanor and unscathed appearance despite the barrage of punches he delivered, doubt began to creep into his mind for the first time in his entire existence. He found himself questioning how Alucard remained unharmed, pondering over the mysterious resilience of this seemingly mortal foe. Thoughts raced through Dio's mind as he grappled with the uncertainty of the situation. How could a mere mortal withstand the full force of a god's onslaught? Was Alucard truly as he appeared, or did he harbor secrets beyond mortal comprehension?

As Dio grappled with his doubts, a faint memory stirred within him, a lesson his father Zeus had attempted to impart long ago. Though Dio had struggled to grasp its significance at the time, the memory now resurfaced with newfound clarity. Zeus had recognized Dio's innate talent for combat, dubbing him a natural brawler, and sought to teach him a technique suited for intense slugfest battles like the one he faced now. "What was the technique again? Ah, The Fist that Surpassed Time," Dio mused to himself, recalling the name of the formidable ability his father had wielded against his grandfather Kronus in the ancient tales of divine battles.

Dio immersed himself in the memory of his father's teachings, the image of Zeus demonstrating The Fist That Surpassed Time became vivid in his mind. He murmured the name of the ability to himself, feeling a surge of madness mingled with newfound understanding coursing through his being. In that moment of clarity, Dio ceased his relentless assault on Alucard, his movements halting abruptly as he stood motionless, consumed by his revelation.

Alucard, sensing the shift in Dio's demeanor, also came to a stop, intrigued by the sudden change in his opponent's behavior. With a curious expression on his face, he observed Dio closely, waiting to see what revelation had seized the god of madness in the midst of their intense battle.

"HA HA HA HA, I see it now, I see it now," Dio laughed loudly, his deep voice adding to the eerie atmosphere. "It's all in the name, HA HA HA! Thank you, father, for imparting this knowledge to me," he exclaimed, his words laced with fervor as he offered thanks to his father for bestowing upon him this profound knowledge. His gaze turned toward the heavens, a gesture of reverence and acknowledgment to the divine source of his enlightenment. Turning his attention back to Alucard, Dio's expression hardened with resolve as he acknowledged the role his adversary had unwittingly played in his enlightenment "And I thank you too. If it wasn't for you, I would not have received this enlightenment," he declared, his voice tinged with a hint of malice as he clenched his fist with newfound purpose. "And I will destroy your very being using this," With a vow to annihilate Alucard using his newfound ability, Dio prepared to unleash The Fist That Surpassed Time, channeling the power of his enlightenment into a devastating strike aimed at eradicating his opponent's very existence.

With a mocking tone and a smirk that stretched from ear to ear, Alucard responded to Dio's newfound confidence with nonchalance. "Oh ho? getting cocky are you?" he taunted, his voice laden with amusement as he stood before Dio, unperturbed by the looming threat. "Let's see what you've got then," he goaded, his posture relaxed and casual.

Without dignifying Alucard's taunt with a response, Dio coated one of his fists with the familiar purple flames, a display of power unique to him. He surged forward with the speed of a bullet fired from a gun, closing the distance between himself and Alucard in an instant. As he neared his target, he began his punching motion, and in that critical moment, time seemed to come to a halt, yielding to Dio's newfound control.

A triumphant smile appeared in DIo'face as he reveled in the sensation of power coursing through him, relishing in his perceived mastery over time itself. However, in a twist both unexpected and, in hindsight, perhaps inevitable, Alucard remained unaffected by the temporal stasis, seemingly preoccupied with a mundane task—picking his nose. Dio, oblivious to this sight, was abruptly met with a grisly fate as his head erupted into a flurry of fragments. The culmination of his own abilities, compounded by the reflection of madness inducement, resulting in a catastrophic end as his brain simply could not withstand the strain.

With the flow of time restored to its usual rhythm, Dio's headless body stopped and stood still for a moment before starting to shake. Like a dam being broken, thousands upon thousands of bats burst forth from the neck of the body, moving in a specific direction. When it stopped releasing bats, tentacle-like vines erupted from the neck of Dio's headless body. The vines wiggled and, perhaps out of instinct, the body attacked Alucard with a punch since he was the closest. Seeing this, Alucard couldn't help but chuckle, remembering Emiya's famous quote, "And they say people die when they are killed." He calmly met the punch with his own fist, reminiscent of Whitebeard punching a giant.

As the fists of Alucard and Dio's body connected, the very air between them fractured, generating a shockwave that rippled outward, obliterating whatever remained of the surrounding houses. The automated body got flung away while it's arms got obliterated however tentacle like vine sprouted to it's shoulder.

Alucard surveyed the devastation wrought upon the city before absolving himself of responsibility, opting to shift the burden onto the government. "I trust the Romanian President will see to it that the displaced citizens I teleported find new housing," he remarked casually, leaving their fate in the hands of the authorities. Should they fail to act, he silently bestow them with a little bit of luck, knowing they would need it.

Alucard heard a rumbling sound and turn to look at it. He can see Dio's body already rampaging and destroying anything it can see? or feel "Why did you have to accidentally kill yourself?" he mused, disappointment evident in his voice. "You were so close to embodying the true essence of Dio if you hadn't perished after using Zeus's specialty," he remarked, punctuating his words with a pinching motion of his fingers. With a resigned smile, he added, "Why am I even talking to you" he smile as he shook his head.

"On the bright side, Tsukoyomi is still going to be my first god kill," he said with a smile, recalling the deity who had bestowed Hikaru with a literal 'sharingan lite'. He couldn't wait to eliminate both of them, knowing it would sow further panic among the gods and their respective pantheons.

As if in response to the insult, Dio's body stopped and then rushed towards Alucard with great speed. "Oh shit, I'm sorry," Alucard said with a casual smile, waiting for the body to appear in front of him. As soon as it did, he used his planter pathway ability to create vines that wrapped around Dio's body, immobilizing it. "I know you want more but sorry, I already had my fun," he added, smirking.

Alucard created a wooden staff and walked toward Dio's body. He was about to release its shikai when he thought of a bright idea and snapped his fingers. He then dispersed the staff he was holding.

"You know what, you're already dead, so it's not worth it," he said in a casual tone. "So I'm gonna send you back to Olympus so they can bury you themselves."

He then created three tarot cards and attached them to the body, buffing it a bit before teleporting it to Mount Olympus.

"Now then," he said, casting a glance in a specific direction and calling out to his familiar, "Regulus!" At his command, a lion comprised almost entirely of lightning bolted towards him from the indicated direction. Regulus halted in front of him and sat obediently, resembling a domestic cat awaiting his next instruction.

Alucard walked towards Regulus and began playing with him while asking, "Did you enjoy tearing them?" Hearing this, Regulus nodded in response as he relished his master's grooming of his lightning-maned fur. "Good boy, good boy," Alucard praised, enjoying the interaction as much as the lion. He then instructed, "Go back now, okay?" Regulus appeared sad at the command, but Alucard reassured him with a smile, "Don't worry, I'll call you again if I fight lightning-based god." It was a promise that Alucard knew would likely come to fruition in the future. Regulus nodded in understanding as Alucard dispersed him.

He then teleported behind some idiot siscon and a descendant of a wanna be Lucy who have been watching the fight.