Chapter 61

Note: A lot of Yapping again for a least 1 and a half weeks,


In the ORC room Japan Time zone before Valerie arrive via teleportation.

Rias and her peerage were relaxing, each engrossed in their own activities. However, Kiba stood against the wall, attempting to exude an air of coolness, although it was debatable whether he was truly doing anything at all. Meanwhile, Koneko indulged in his usual routine, munching on sugary snacks and occasionally sipping tea prepared by Akeno.

Akeno and Rias also enjoyed their tea, though they opted for crackers or biscuits to complement the bitter flavor while discuss mundane and supernatural things. "Nee Nee, do you know what's trending today on Twitter?" Rias asked with a smile, leaning forward towards her trusted confidant and friend, Akeno, her Queen piece. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she awaited Akeno's response.

Akeno, on the other hand, wore a perplexed expression as she turned to Rias. "Rias, you do realize I don't use Twitter, right?" Memories flooded back to her when she once posted a picture on the platform after reluctantly creating an account. The response was disheartening; people accused her of photoshopping the image, claiming that nobody could possibly be as beautiful as her. This criticism deeply upset her, leading her to abandon Twitter altogether.

Rias responded with a smile, her hands waving gently in the air. "I know, I know! I just wanted to share something with you because I believe it could be useful as a reference for us in the future" she explained, a mischievous glint in her eye as she playfully moved her eyebrows up and down. Akeno couldn't help but be intrigued by Rias's enthusiasm, despite her reservations about social media platforms like Twitter. Maybe there was something worthwhile in what Rias wanted to show her after all.

Rias revealed the trending content on Twitter to Akeno, the usually composed girl found herself blushing as she perused it. "Well, that was quite a read" she remarked with a smile, her hand delicately touching her cheek as she shifted slightly in her seat. The contents of the material had certainly caught her off guard, but she couldn't deny the intrigue it sparked within her.

Rias began to fangirl over the artist, enthusiastically shouting, "Exactly! The artist truly captures the essence of the characters' emotions, and the intimate scenes... well, let's just say they're incredibly immersive." She elaborated on her admiration for the artwork, immersing herself in the discussion as she subtly inserted herself into the shoes of Tsukimoto, the female character from the hentai.

"Is there a chapter 2?" Akeno inquired, her curiosity piqued by the possibility of further installments. She found herself unexpectedly drawn into the fanbase, intrigued by the allure of the artist's work and the anticipation of future developments. Perhaps this very enthusiasm was what had propelled the artist's creations to trend on social media platforms.

"Sadly, there is no chapter 2 yet" Rias sighed, her disappointment evident as she scrolled through various social media platforms and forums in search of any hint of a sequel. Despite her efforts, the elusive chapter remained beyond her reach, leaving her resigned to the uncertainty of its release. As she navigated through the online landscape, a nagging thought crossed her mind: perhaps the artist, Kami-sato sensei, had chosen not to publish the continuation just yet.

"So, when is the next chapter then?" Akeno and Rias turned to the source of the question, their expressions reflecting confusion. Their usually reserved companion, Kiba, now held his phone, likely having just finished reading the discussed hentai. His gaze met theirs, silently conveying his curiosity as he awaited their response.

Caught off guard by Kiba's unexpected question, Rias and Akeno exchanged a bemused glance before smiling at each other

Rias couldn't help but smirk at her precious Knight, Kiba, as she rested her chin on her palm. "You've already read it? How cute of you" she teased, her playful tone tinged with amusement. It was a rare sight to see Kiba engaging so openly in their conversation, and Rias couldn't resist teasing him about it.

Akeno joined in the playful exchange, directing her teasing gaze at Kiba. "Ara, I didn't know you would be interested in this kind of stuff" she remarked with a smirk, enjoying the opportunity to rib her usually reserved companion. Turning to Rias, Akeno added, "He's all grown up" before redirecting her attention back to Kiba. "And here I thought you weren't interested in this kind of material, despite constantly seeing Rias in her lingerie" she continued, her teasing tone laced with amusement.

"Pervert" the usually reserved and adorable Rook, Koneko, chimed in, her comment adding fuel to the playful banter. Coming from the innocent and precious member of their group, her insult carried an unexpected punch, eliciting a chuckle from the Rias and Akeno.

"It's not like that" Kiba vehemently denied their teasing, his face flushing crimson with embarrassment as he glanced at his friends and his master, Rias. Though he tried to maintain his composure, he couldn't shake the embarrassment that washed over him, his cheeks burning with shame.

"It's alright, Kiba. Akeno and I understand" Rias nodded sagely, her smile genuine as she expressed her pride in her precious Knight. She gazed at Kiba with affection, appreciating his vulnerability and the trust he placed in their friendship. Then, curiosity sparked in her eyes as she posed a question with an innocent tone, "Unless you're interested not in girls, but in boys?" She looked at him intently, awaiting his response with genuine curiosity.

Kiba's cheeks flushed even deeper at Rias's question, caught off guard by the unexpected inquiry. He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before responding, "No, it's not like that at all."

"Then what is it, Kiba?" Akeno smiled at him, her expression warm as she gently probed for the reason behind his sudden interest in Kami-sato sensei's work, especially considering the artist's status as a newcomer in the industry. Her genuine curiosity reflected the close-knit nature of their group, where open communication and understanding were valued.

"I just want a hobby" Kiba said earnestly to Akeno and Rias, his tone serious as he continued, "Instead of focusing too much on my revenge, why not spare some time to appreciate art like this?" With a solemn expression, he showed them his phone, displaying one of the pages of the hentai created by Kami-sato sensei.

Koneko lowered her head, seemingly to spare her innocence, before taking a jab at Kiba without a second thought. Her words carried a hint of venom as she remarked, "You've changed, Kiba-san." Glancing up slightly to confirm that Kiba was no longer displaying the hentai on his phone, she turned her gaze back to him, her expression now contorted with disgust. "You've become a pervert just like that" she added, her tone laced with disdain, before returning her focus to her snacks.

Rias chuckled at their antics, her amusement evident as she reassured Kiba, "It's okay to like this kind of stuff, Kiba. You don't have to deny it." Her smile was warm and encouraging, reflecting her support for his interests and needs. As she spoke, Rias subtly acknowledged Kiba's adolescence, understanding the natural curiosity and exploration that accompanied this stage of life. With a knowing smirk, she added, "And you are a growing teenage boy after all." It was a gentle reminder of the realities of adolescence, hinting at the typical interests and behaviors that often accompany this phase of development.

Kiba was on the verge of explaining himself, but he quickly abandoned the idea, realizing that it might only reinforce the perception of him as a pervert. With a resigned sigh, he leaned back against his metaphorical "wall of shame" feeling defeated and unsure of how to navigate the teasing from his friends. As the morning progressed, he remained silent, lost in his thoughts and avoiding further discussion on the topic.

"Hey, stop trying to turn him into a pervert like you, exhibitionist" Akeno playfully insulted Rias, her smirk widening as she joined in the teasing. Despite the playful nature of her remark, there was a hint of truth in Akeno's jest as she always saw her nude from time to time.

Rias turned her gaze towards Akeno, a playful glint in her eyes as she retorted, "Look who's talking—you're the wannabe sadist but actually a closet masochist." Her smirk widened as she delivered the teasing remark, knowing full well that Akeno's inherited her father's masochist and her mother's sadist personalitiy.

"Touche" Akeno conceded with a smile as she glanced at Kiba, appreciating the underlying sentiment behind his interest in Kami-sato's work. Turning to Rias, she continued in a casual tone, "I think what Kiba meant is that Kami-sato might not just draw ero-manga and try different things." Her explanation carried a sense of curiosity, hinting at the possibility of exploring the artist's versatility beyond their initial impressions. With a slight frown, Akeno added, "As you know, his art feels immersive, as if he is using magic." She looked at Rias expectantly, silently questioning whether there might indeed be something supernatural at play within the artist's creations.

Rias shook her head, dismissing the notion of magic in Kami-sato's art. "No, I already checked it myself" she affirmed, her tone resolute as she revisited the ero-manga once more to double-check for any signs of supernatural influence. After ten minutes of thorough examination, Rias concluded, "Yup, nothing. I'll have my brother read this if there's any magic that I can't detect." With a decisive nod, she decided to delegate the task to her powerful brother, trusting in his ability to uncover any hidden enchantments that might elude her own scrutiny. 

While Rias and Akeno engage in conversation, Koneko, having already satisfied her hunger with a generous portion of snacks, quietly slips into a peaceful nap

"If there's no magic at work," Akeno began, her curiosity piqued as she browsed social media for the first time in a while, scanning through the comments. "The fans are getting rowdy and demanding him to release chapter 2 are genuine" she remarked, her tone tinged with confusion. As she scrolled through the fervent pleas of the fans, Akeno couldn't help but feel intrigued by their passion and eagerness for more of Kami-sato's work.

Reflecting inwardly, Akeno understood the fans' fervor all too well. "Well, it is understandable" she mused to herself, recalling the immersive experience of reading the hentai. Lost in the story's world, she had found herself drawn into the characters' lives, imagining herself and Oreki as the protagonists. The intensity of her own experience echoed the sentiments of the fans, fueling her understanding of their demands for more content from the talented artist.

"I know, right? Even famous celebrities are joining the crowd, or maybe they're just in it for the clout" Rias exclaimed with excitement, her voice laced with enthusiasm as she observed the influx of well-known figures expressing their anticipation for chapter 2. However, her excitement waned as she furrowed her eyebrows, recalling instances of celebrities riding the coattails of someone famous. Shaking her head, she turned to Akeno with a smile, her admiration evident as she showed her phone. "Famous mangaka are also truly impressed by it, and Toriyama sensei is advising him to do manga instead of doing ero-manga" she explained in a voice filled with admiration for Kami-sato's work. With a sense of excitement, she displayed a social media post featuring the renowned mangaka of Dragon Ball, Toriyama sensei, endorsing Kami-sato's talents.

"Speaking of Dragon Ball, did our golden shenron summoner contact you yet?" Akeno questioned Rias, her tone tinged with a hint of longing. She couldn't help but miss him, especially his smug-looking face and those piercing blue eyes. As she reminisced about their last encounter, a blush crept onto her cheeks. Despite it being just a day since they last met, Akeno found herself yearning for his presence, feeling a sense of longing that she couldn't quite shake. Even though it had only been a short time since their last meeting, she couldn't deny the depth of her feelings for him. The same could be said for Oreki, whose absence she also felt keenly. Lost in her thoughts, she couldn't help but acknowledge that she was, indeed, feeling "down bad," as the saying goes.

"Why do you have to remind me of him?" Rias's fangirling mode shifted to a pouting one as she crossed her arms over her chest, her expression turning into a tsundere gesture. "What is wrong with him? Saying that he wants us in his harem but not visiting us or just sharing his LINE ID with us, Hmph" she grumbled, her frustration evident. Despite her demanding demeanor, deep down, Rias harbored genuine feelings for him, after she rememeber kissing his cheeks the day before yesterday,

"Maa maa, maybe he's busy right now" Akeno suggested with a gentle smile, attempting to placate her friend's frustration. However, she also shared Rias's sentiment that Oreki should have contacted them if he was occupied or had plans to leave. Despite her effort to reassure Rias, Akeno couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment at Oreki's lack of communication. As she reflected on the situation, Akeno realized that adopting a mindset akin to that of a supportive wife was a positive step, reflecting her growing affection for Oreki and her desire to ensure his well-being.

"Or maybe he's already on the hunt" Rias replied to Akeno with a smile, though the mention of Oreki's potential whereabouts brought forth angry tick marks to her forehead. She started to calm down bit as she thought it was inevitable for someone like Oreki to have a harem.

Initially confused, Akeno quickly grasped the implication behind Rias's words. "Oh, a hunt for girls to add to his harem" she nodded sagely, her understanding dawning upon her. She acknowledged the possibility that Oreki might be preoccupied with his pursuit of potential additions to his harem.

"Yup, I wouldn't be surprised if he suddenly teleported here with a girl" Rias affirmed, her certainty regarding Oreki's potential arrival with one or possibly multiple girls evident in her tone. With a hint of amusement, she envisioned the scenario of Oreki materializing before them accompanied by a new addition or additions to his harem. Despite the unpredictability of Oreki's actions, Rias remained confident in her assessment of his tendencies, knowing that he had a knack for surprising them with unexpected developments.

And Rias is right or just half right cause after she said that a blonde girl with red eyes wearing Kuoh uniform suddenly appeared before them.

She is looking to the right asking the wall "Wait what?"