Chapter 111

That was a fuck ton of magic in the wiki of The Misfit of Demon King Academy.


Oreki POV

Looking around, all I see are sand covering the wreckage of rusted cars with some new cars that might still work if someone put in the effort are overturn and their windows shattered like glass..wait they are glass or fiber glass cause I don't really know what they used in this kind of stuff. Skyscrapers have fallen as the once symbol of the future lie crumble, meeting the ground or becoming buried in the sand—no, it's not sand; it's just dust, a whole lot of dust covering the broken metals of the former.

"Anakin would use Death Star on this planet if he saw this" I muttered to myself while smiling.

How did this place look before everything went south? I'll never know, or I could just reverse time, see it, and in the process save the people of this world. But I don't want to; it's not really my problem. The MANTIS already did their best to protect this world. I don't want to make them look incompetent in their job. The MANTIS warriors are pretty cool if you ask me.

The MANTIS, or the Fire Moths, were the protectors of this world, shielding it from inevitable doom even at the cost of their own lives and well-being. Maybe some of them did it because they knew this world would eventually fall, and they wanted to go out with a bang.

However, I know for sure that they genuinely did it because they were all good people. Even if they tried to deny it, they were good people. Well, someone did change and became the bad guy, but that is for the future Valkyries to deal with. And yes, I'll let Himeko die as there won't be any development for the main protagonist if she doesn't die at that point. And yes, I will get Himeko too. And If it's still not obvious the world I am right now is the Honkai Impact 3rd Previous Era.

As I walk through the desolate landscape, the air thick with dust, I find it hard to breathe. But then again, I'm not human to begin with. The ruins of a once-thriving city surround me, now just a graveyard of broken dreams, devoid of human life.

Yet, amidst the desolation, there's still some semblance of life. Rats scurry through the rubble, cockroaches dart across the cracked pavement, and lizards bask in the faint sunlight filtering through the clouds of dust. Even the stubborn blades of grass that manage to push through the cracks in the concrete serve as a testament to the resilience of life in the face of adversity. "Bravo, MANTIS," I murmur into the void, a slight teasing tone in my voice, though it's probably inappropriate. But who's judging? I'm just acknowledging their efforts, right? Besides, I can't help but appreciate the irony of it all.

Glancing around once more, a memory floats to the surface—an Adventure Time episode ending about Lemonhope walking through the future of the Land of Ooo.

"Poor guy. I'll go there off time to give him some company" I kick a toy lying on the ground, expecting it to move just a little, but it goes flying much farther than anticipated. As it tumbles through the air, I realize it's an action figure of Kosma, the Protector of Children. It must have been a hot cake among the children of this dying world, a symbol of hope in the midst of despair. 

Speaking of Kosma, I wonder how long it took Griseo to find a planet, or if she ever found one at all. I don't really know, and I don't plan to do the research, as being in the timeline of this world is just a one-time thing. However, I hope she found a planet. You know what? I'll bless her with a little bit of luck because just like that 8 foot tall Persian King says "I'm a benevolent God"

I continue walking, fiddling with the surrounding busted and rusted tech that might not see the light of day after thousands and thousands of years in this world, before hearing a melody or singing from afar. Ah, it seems my fish to fetch is already here, doing her thing. She already gave up on saving the world and left it to future generations to do the saving. They failed miserably, but they did their best, and that is enough for me to tell that they really are good people. From what I remember, she planned to let Honkai radiation consume her, ending her life.

Yes, that's right—the surroundings are Honkai radioactive. The cockroaches, lizards, and rats I saw on the way here were freaking huge, like normal-elephant huge. They even tried to attack and eat me too. It was utterly disgusting, especially the cockroaches and rats. Ugh, just remembering their appearance makes me shudder. However, I easily disposed of them by surrounding them with a barrier and crushing them within it, just like Gojo did to Hanami. I made it quick—not painless, but quick.

The lizards, though, were harmless and were just minding their own business, basking in the night sky and flicking their tongues in and out of their mouths, Welp that just gave me an idea to do to my girls in their precious moments. Damn it! I really need to stop thinking perverted things, especially as I'm going to meet a beautiful woman. I don't want her to think I'm that kind of guy... or do I? Back to the lizards, they even want me tp ride them, which was nice of them, but I declined. I did, however, I did give them lots of food, which made them insist even more that I should ride them. They were really cute. Sadly for them, though, they are going to be erased from history as time is cruel to these creatures, I sigh loudly,

Anyway back to the beautiful singing that I keep on hearing as I walk this wasteland like graveyard and as to be expected her, she is the perfect candidate for the second vocalist of the band I want to create and maybe singer to the bar that I want to create for Tom and Jerry to manage to help them curve and stop their addiction on playing games. And I will not admit that I was the one who cause them to get addicted to it cause I bought them consoles and games so give them something fun to do while I'm out of the house. Back to the fish that I need to ...I don't know fish oh right fetch, fetch is the right word, I continue walking while following the melody or singing that was being carried by the windy weather to my direction.

I could probably just teleport that direction but the door that I created brought far away cause I always made it so that the door decide the place that it wanted me to go AKA If want to experience random scenario I need the Door to bring me to random location that make that random scenario I want. "That was a lot wordy and bullshit that I thought" I sign, I the look from look from a far and see the one and only Eden The previous holder the Star of Eden who is singing while sitting on rock, I can see that she drinking too base on that wine bottle and wine glass beside.

I look up a bit at the windy weather before changing wind coming from my direction. With a bit of manipulation I directed the wind and made the it go to Eden's location. Why I did? because instead of approaching her, I want her to approach me you know as I have been saying I'm fishing my vocalist and I need a bait for that. And what kid of bait is going to get her to come to me? Of course it's going to be the one and only passion she hand in world, the one reason she is popular to this world and It's probably already obvious what is it cause she been singing this whole while in this wasteland waiting for her to die of raidoactive honkai and that is Music, that was a mouthful just to reveal that.

Anyhow, I create a grand piano with the authority of the Visionary pathway. Now that I created this do I need to go out buy the instrument for the band with Ryo if I can that just clicked my fingers then voila I already the thing that I need. However when I though of Ryo getting upset with me cause she wasn't able to spend my money to her own enjoyment, I scratch the idea of magically creating things if I can hang out with girls I like to be part of my harem and even if they won't be part of the harem, I would still hang out with them. And I hope right now Ryo already ate her launch properly with real food...sigh* She probably eating grass right now and because I already thought of it and jinxed it.

I take a seat at the chair in front of the grand piano, stretching my back, arms, and shoulders before skillfully play the pian as he time it at right time when the bridge of the song for solo play.


I never thank the people who gave power stone to this fic.

"Thank you for reading and for giving me power stone" Shiki said while bowing.
