Chapter 112

Outside a certain fortress, the structure exudes an advanced and futuristic appearance, with its outer facade almost entirely made of metal. Predominantly gray with hints of bronze, the metal shifts color based on the changing light and weather. The surface walls of the fortress are marked by light-like veins that blink intermittently, mimicking a heartbeat. These veins are not confined to a single wall; they run through all the walls protecting the fortress, distributing energy to its weapon systems.

The weapons are positioned in various parts of the fortress, such as the upper walls where turrets made from the same material as the walls are installed. These turrets resemble standard machine guns but shoot laser projectiles capable of incinerating almost anything in their path. Remarkably, these turrets are fully automated, requiring no human operators. At the corners of the fortress stand massive rail guns, capable of destroying and vaporizing targets with electromagnetic force at high speeds, though they are ineffective against Herrschers, which are entirely different beasts.

At the center of the fortress, there is a tower also covered with the same light-like veins. This tower emits a dome of light made of electromagnetic force to protect the fortress from enemies and invaders. The tower also has a camouflage system integrated into its design, making the fortress hard to find by normal means. The main entrance features a reinforced, sturdy gate that slides open to allow entry for those outside. The light-like veins running through the fortress extend to this metallic sliding door, indicating that it too is integrated into the fortress's energy distribution system.

At the main entrance of the fortress, two soldiers stand just outside the camouflage system. Although the fortress is built with advanced technology, the soldiers are equipped with standard weapons like MP4s and Desert Eagle sidearms. They do, however, have mini computers on their wrists for browsing information or communicating with the command center if an intruder needs to be dealt with. The soldiers are not alone at the entrance; two women are also present. One of them, with a small chest—an A or B cup at best—seems to be engaged in conversation with each other. Despite the sad and lonely expression of the smaller-chested woman, the other woman appears quite happy, smiling gently as they speak.

"Are you really not going with us to the hibernation chamber?" the woman with the small chest asks in a sad tone. Her expression shifts to that of a confident and serious woman who has fought countless battles for survival, leading her people to victory. However, not all victories bring joy or happiness, as the survivors dwindle with each encounter, lowering morale. Despite this, she remains unaffected, always recalling something her late captain once said: fighting for everything beautiful in this world is worth living for. These words make her feel invincible, though she ultimately failed to save her world from its end.

"Are you really asking me that again, Fu Hua?" replies the smiling woman. The woman named Fu Hua has long flowing gray hair with strands framing her face, and intense bright blue eyes reflecting her determination. Her form-fitting black bodysuit, accented with blue and purple, emphasizes agility and strength, with protective armor sections. Her combat gloves and boots feature intricate, functional designs, adding to her high-tech, battle-ready look.

"At least give me a reason, Eden," Fu Hua pleaded, her tone desperate. "Just give me a reason why you don't want to enter the hibernation chamber and be with us in cryosleep." Her eyes, nearly brimming with tears, reflected the fear of losing another friend or family member.

Eden, with long red hair and piercing yellow eyes, sighed deeply. She wore a black and dark red outfit with gold accents, featuring a form-fitting top with intricate designs and cutouts. The high collar and shoulder pads enhanced her authoritative look. Her asymmetrical skirt, with red fabric peeking through, created a dynamic contrast. Accessories like gloves and gold hair ornaments, along with black boots with white and gold accents, completed her ensemble.

"Eden sighed at Fu Hua, then spoke in a melancholic tone. "We already fought a war with the Herrscher," she said, gesturing with her chin towards the wasteland before the main entrance of the fortress. "And we miserably and unconditionally lost, despite our full effort and power." Her voice carried a note of pity. "I don't want to experience and live through that again."

"We are not going to lose again like that, Eden. Instead, we are going to win, no matter what, if you are with us," Fu Hua asserted confidently, placing her fist to her small chest. She stared at Eden with undying will, hoping her determination would convince Eden to stay.

Eden shook her head, seeing the stubborn and determined expression on Fu Hua's face. "No. I'm already..." She looked up at the sky, her voice trailing off. "I'm already tired," she said with a tired sigh, looking down and smiling bitterly. Then she looked up and gave Fu Hua a genuine smile. "That is my true feeling," she said.

Fu Hua's expression softened, the weight of Eden's words sinking in. She could see the exhaustion in Eden's eyes, the weariness from countless battles and losses but she did not give up on persuading her. "Then you don't have to fight, Eden! You can just..." Fu Hua's voice rose in desperation before she toned it down, trying to think of a way to convince Eden to enter the hibernation chamber with them. She remembered Eden's main occupation before joining MANTIS full-time. "You can perform and sing in front of a large crowd again, just like you always did, after we wake up from cryosleep." She smiled, hoping this would persuade Eden. "We can help you gain more fans and admirers."

Eden chuckled lightly, then sighed. "Thank you for reminding me that I'm not a soldier or a fighter. I'm just a simple girl who loves singing and performing." She smiled, recalling the old days when she performed on the streets before the first Herrscher appeared. However, she also remembered the concert in Australia that ended in tragedy, where her fans were burned to ashes by the Herrscher of Fire. This memory made her gloomy, but she shook it off and kept smiling. That tragic day not only claimed lives but also extinguished her passion for music.

Hearing this, Fu Hua's eyes brightened with a glimmer of hope. She smiled and started to speak excitedly, "Then are you..." but Eden quickly interrupted her, dashing her hopes.

"But my answer is still a big NO. I don't want to go with the rest into the hibernation chamber," Eden said in a casual tone, giving Fu Hua a gentle smile. She then looked out at the wasteland filled with radioactive Honkai and said, "I just want to end it here. But now that you've reminded me of my passion for music," she looked back at the sad Fu Hua, "I will sing until the end of this current era. I'll probably drink a bottle of wine too, as I wait for the era to end." She smiled brightly.

"But..." Fu Hua was about to say something again, but Eden stopped her by saying, "No more buts. I've already decided to go." Eden said this with a stern look, which Fu Hua reluctantly accepted.

Fu Hua was almost in tears but held them back, not wanting to embarrass herself in front of the two guards watching like statues. "I guess that's it, huh?" she said with a strained smile. "Another friend is going away, leaving for the afterlife... if there is one." She looked at Eden with a sad smile.

"You'll still have those two even after I leave," she said with a smile to Fu Hua before adding, "And if you add the weird Aponia, then that's three." She chuckled a bit, and even the sad Fu Hua chuckled a little.

Fu Hua turned to one of the soldiers and ordered him to bring a bottle of wine and a glass, while the other soldier fiddled with his wrist computer. She then stared at Eden firmly. "Even if she is weird, she's still part of MANTIS and fought with us till the end," she said sternly, crossing her arms.

"Yes, yes, you won't hear it from me again, literally," Eden replied with a smile, shrugging as she looked at Fu Hua. They stared at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"I will miss this," Fu Hua said, gazing at the night sky with its beautifully blinking stars.

"Me too, in the afterlife," Eden said with a smirk. They laughed together again at the dark humor.

The soldier then arrived with a basket containing a bottle of wine and a glass. He handed it to Fu Hua respectfully, saluting before returning to his post.

Fu Hua nodded at the soldier's respectful behavior before handing the basket to Eden. "Here," she said with a smile.

Eden accepted it with a smile and hugged Fu Hua tightly. "Good luck on protecting all the beautiful things in the future," she whispered in Fu Hua's ear, causing her to shed tears she had been holding back.

"You remember," Fu Hua said, crying and sniffling.

Eden let go of the hug and smiled. "Always," she said, watching Fu Hua dry her tears and snot.

Eden then walked to an armored jeep nearby and sat in the driver's seat comfortably. She turned it on easily and opened the side windows before saying her last piece with a warm smile, "May all the beautiful things in your future be blessed." She then drove off as soon as she said that.

As Fu Hua watched Eden drive off, she shouted with all her might, "I will always remember you, Eden!" The already distant Eden responded by waving, like a cool non-protagonist character.

Fu Hua smiled and whispered to herself, "Not just you, Eden, I will always remember everyone." She watched the armored jeep disappear from view in silence.

The soldier who had been fiddling with his wrist computer approached her respectfully. "Ma'am, Dr. Mei said she needed you in the Operating Room."

"Tell her I'll be right there," Fu Hua answered, starting to walk towards the Operating Room but not before looking back one last time.