Chapter 98

Still on the football field.

Gasper who just got out of the school building after eliminating those pawns easily looks at Koneko and the school building back and forth with his mouth wide open. The fiery debris of the building is still shooting sky high in the air and some of it is coming from their side yes Kiba is also here with him watching the fight between Koneko and Riser's peerage. Kiba was about to move but Gasper interrupted him.

"Kiba-san let me," Gasper said with a smile while stopping Kiba. Two magic circles appeared after he cast a magic, and exiting those magic circles a pair of dagger with chains connected to it. The blade is long and slender, tapering to a sharp point, making it suitable for precise thrusting attacks. The blade itself appears to be crafted from a metallic material.

The hilt of the dagger is designed with a textured grip, ensuring a firm hold. Surrounding the base of the hilt is an ornate guard featuring various sharp protrusions and a circular design element. The guard has an intricate and somewhat mechanical look, with parts that resemble gears or machinery components.

Attached to the hilt is a long, robust chain. This chain is made up of thick, interlocking metal links, suggesting durability and strength. The chain allows the dagger to be used in a versatile manner, potentially as a ranged weapon or for entangling opponents. At the end of the chain is a large metal ring, which could be used for welding or as an additional striking element.

Kiba seeing this tried to copy the dagger with his sacred gear but he suffered a headache that prevented him from copying it. He frowned as to why he couldn't copy it but when he thought that this dagger came from Oreki, he just shook his head with a smile before muttering to himself "Of course Oreki had a safety measure for my ability" He sighed after that.

After holding the daggers, Gasper grasps the end of the chain and holds the metal before waving the dagger up diagonally destroying the fiery debris of the school building and preventing the Duo of Kiba and him from getting hit. He pulled both of the daggers to him and the chains made a sound of clinking as the dagger was pulled to him. After the dagger gets near him, he catches both of them by the hilt again.

Kiba stared at Gasper who was looking at the dagger with admiration which he understood because the dagger is quite beautiful in itself and now he was quite curious if the dagger had any hidden ability as he knows that Oreki is not going to give Gasper a normal looking dagger just like that. Kiba shook his head before thinking to himself "No. That's not a normal-looking dagger either even if it does not have an ability cause it has chains connected to it."

However Kiba is also curious about one thing, "Does the dagger have a name?" He asked eyeing the dagger with interest.

"It's Nameless" Gasper answers taking his eyes off the dagger as looks towards Kiba even though he is now wearing blindfolds. However, Oreki who is watching Gasper plans to give him glasses that prevent him from using the ability of his eyes.

Kiba hearing released a disappointed sigh "That's a shame then" He said while still looking at the dagger "And it's quite a beauty not to be named. so you should name" He suggested to Gasper with a smile while nodding sagely.

Hearing what Kiba said, Gasper frowned first before laughing cutely "I think you misunderstood me, Kiba-san" He said while staring through his blindfold at Kiba. He then started thinking something after he noticed that he laughed cutely and wanted to prevent that from happening because he wanted to be manly.

"Why do you mean by that?" Kiba frowned as he asked for clarification on what he misunderstood while thinking for himself too.

"This dagger has a name and is called Oreki-san, the Nameless Dagger" Gasper explained while smiling like he was teasing Kiba's rookie mistake granted his answer was a bit wack too so Kiba misunderstood him.

Kiba stared at Gasper dumbly "Oooh I get it haha" Kiba said while laughing lightly and bonking his head lightly to make himself look dumb. "Did you ask him why he named it like that" He questioned.

Gasper just shook his head as an answer to Kiba's question. Kiba nodded and asked again "Did it have some hidden ability cause you know that came from Oreki" He looked at it curiously while waiting for the answer of Gasper.

"If it has then I don't know of it yet" Gasper replied while moving the dagger around to see if the ability that Kiba said would release itself but to his disappointment it did not it seems he needed to further explore this himself.

"Then you have to find them 'cause this might be a test for you by Oreki" Kiba suggested with a smile while thinking what kind of ability the Nameless dagger had hidden in it.

"Of course, I will," Gasper said while thinking that this might be the key to making himself more manly. Oreki watching this interaction from the viewing room facepalmed himself at the sheer unnecessary big-brain thinking by both of these fools "Man my Fool authority passive on making people lower their IQ is really scary" Oreki thought to himself.

Gasper looked at the other half of the school building that was not blown to smithereens by the blue fireball itself, However, what happened now is that currently as he is looking at it. the fire started spreading like wildfire and it won't be long before the clubhouse by its side got caught by fire.

"Luckily I was able to get out of the building before Koneko blew it up, If not I might have been eliminated by Koneko too," Gasper said with a sigh of relief as getting caught in friendly fire is not a manly thing to do but luckily it didn't happen as he was able to finish his task because what he fought is just pawn with not much ability.

Kiba laughed lightly after hearing that "Let's go toward Koneko" He suggested as he walked towards the standing Koneko who was smiling slightly and admiring her work of art. While thinking that this is the power to achieve inner peace slightly she does not know what would happen if she was able to resolve her own inner turmoil and achieve true inner peace.

Gasper followed behind Kiba, and Koneko noticed their approaching figure from the corner of her eyes so she took her musing about inner peace and all. "Kiba, Gasper congratulations on winning your fight," she said in a flat tone but she was happy that they were able to eliminate their respective opponents easily.

"You too and you did it.." Kiba looked at the half-destroyed building and half fiery before saying "But you did it too much" He smiled in a teasing manner.

Koneko frowned and then stared at the gymnasium that was obliterated by the gigantic sword that Kiba created "You're that one to talk" She retorted but it seemed to her Kiba just wanted to have a fun conversation with them so she did not really take it to the heart.

"We learn from the best" Kiba replied with a smiled which Koneko agreed as she nodded sagely. Oreki hearing this frowned as he did not really teach them a destructive ability except maybe Kiba as that sword that he showed to him and told him to replicate are legendary relic from Type-moon. However, Kiba still has a long way to go in copying those things.

"Gasper is the only one who did destroy anything," Kiba said in admiration.

"We'll the pawns of Riser-san was really weak so I did not do much except simply stab them" Gasper explained while tilting his head to both Koneko and Kiba. And those are really slow too compared to him who in fact is a Bishop who should be specialized in magic.

"Maybe you're just really strong to compare to them," Kiba said with a wry smile but he thought that those Knight might be able to keep up with him because Riser boosted that he won many rating games already compared to Rias who had zero wins. "Or maybe I'm thinking just that many are equal to at least 20-30 wins and what Riser meant is that many are equal to 5 -10 wins," Kiba thought and it not even counted who Riser was fighting as maybe those wins he got was because he fighting a lower rank devil.

"I wish I could watch you fight them, the same with KIba's fight," Koneko said with a flat tone.

"Don't worry Koneko-chan, Rias-sama said that we will watch the replay later after this rating" Gasper replied in an excited tone and he was also about to jump but then he remembered that he needed to be manly at all times.

Koneko and Kiba also got excited after hearing that as their face were all smiling,

"Now let's watch your sister fight," Kiba said as he started walking in the direction of the tennis court

Koneko nodded and followed behind while Gasper smiled excitedly at the prospect of seeing his sister fight just like the time when she told them how killed those vampires in Roma.

After thinking about that, Gasper did a light jog as he followed behind Kiba and Koneko.
