Chapter 99

Up in the air of the tennis court before Grayfia announced another batch of elimination of Riser peerage.

Two giant red balls are floating up above the air of the tennis court without much effort and right at the opposite of the two red balls is Valerie floating using her blood-red wings. She then flew towards one of the red balls.

Valerie tapped the red ball in front of her which sounded like metal being tapped "Oi are you still there?" She asked as if someone was inside the Red ball.

"Of course, I am, you dumb bitch" someone inside answered and shouted angrily as she hurled insults at Valerie for asking the obvious question.

"Don't call me dumb bitch! you dumb bird!" Valerie shouted back while tapping the red ball harder two times to the girl inside which is Ravel as she is the only other bird other than Riser who's not doing anything yet despite more than half of his peerage already eliminated from the game which makes the outsider think that Riser is pretty confident in his ability to win this game on his own.

"Stop that you dumb vampire" Ravel shouted angrily from the inside, changing the insult as Valerie didn't want to be called dumb bitch. However, even if she acts tough, her ear still can't get used to the sound reverberating inside the red ball every time Valerie hits it. The first time she was enclosed here she thought that she would just need to destroy this with her barehand but she forgot that she was bishop so when she punched the metal-like sphere from the inside her hands got fractured which she was able to heal cause Phenex blood allows it and out of anger she did it again which of course it happen again.

"You should give up now little bird you won't be able to get out there," Valerie said in a casual voice while tapping the Red ball again that she made out of her blood which she solidified like a metal by putting more mana than she usually does when she creates stakes for the offensive. Why she did do this if she wanted to fight? Well she decides to go against it when she sees how weak Mihae and Ravel are compared to her, especially Mihae as from what she can see about this girl, she's a support type instead of an offensive type like Ravel here inside the red ball in front of her.

 And Mihae the quiet and reserved girl is on the other red ball if anyone asks. Mihae might be thinking about how useless she is currently right now because she said to her King that she is going back up his sister but as of now she can't back up Ravel and she can't even do shit like freeing herself from this confinement that their enemy created for them. She keeps hearing Valerie and Ravel berate each other, she wants to intervene but changes her mind as she is the lowest level here so she just releases a sigh as she sits inside while they wait for the rescue of their King.

"I will get out of here, Vampire and if I don't my brother and his Queen will help me" Ravel shouted while laughing loudly "And we will eliminate all of you and win this rating game with just us" She added while thinking on doing victory lap to this vampire when she meets again after they win the rating game.

"I don't think you still understand the gap between us and your group, little bird," Valerie said with a sigh while looking at the damage that Kiba made after plunging the Gigantic sword he created up in the air above when She looked at Koneko just standing their waiting for Xuelan and the Twin to finished the fireball they're trying to create and throw it to Koneko. She just shook her with a sigh again but smiled when remembered that this would be over soon.

"It's you who don't understand the gap between us," Ravel said in confidence while nodding sagely even though no one could see her here "We have Phenex blood in our veins, so that makes us automatically superior and powerful to all of you vampire" She explained with a smug look on her face before adding "Except for Rias-same as she is a noble blood but Riser will be suffice to beat your King into submission." She said casually,

"Hahaha" Valerie laughed loudly after hearing that absurd claim from Ravel but she did not know that the new RIas was quite strong already by leap and bond compared to Riser,

"Why are laughing did the pressure of fighting against us get you?" Ravel asked in a confused tone still confident that they would win even though she here trapped inside the red ball with no way out and just waiting for the rescue of her brother.

"No, I just find it hilarious that a Phenex like you Ravel-san is trapped inside a cage like a pet bird with nowhere to fly," Valerie said in a playful tone while tapping and kicking the red ball hard reverberating the sound causing the ear of Ravel to bleed again.

However, Ravel does not react even when she is in pain from the bleeding ears cause they will automatically heal but the number one reason she does not react to it is because of the insult that Valerie said to her even though Valerie meant it to just tease but still the same, to be honest.

Silence descended between Valerie and Ravel or to be exact Ravel had gone silent which made Valerie confused "Oi! Did something happen in there? ready to give up and forfeit maybe?" She asked tapping the red ball with her finger.

"I'm not a cage bird so you take that back" Ravel shouted as she gathered her Phenex fire with her hand while trying to melt the cage but to no avail it did not bulge.

"Ooh did I hit something hurtful? Gonna cry?" Valerie teased and when she was about to tap the red sphere, she stopped herself cause felt that the sphere was hot before saying "Are trying to get out now? I really did hurt your ego huh." She teases while smiling.

"After I get out of here I will beat the shit out of you vampire," Ravel said with fury while her body is on fire as she is supercharge all of her mana to melt the red sphere from the inside.

"I don't think you have that kind of ability little girl but if you did get out. I will forfeit myself from rating game" Valarie teased and at the same time promised that she would quit if Ravel did get out which does not matter even if she forfeited cause Rias and Akeno can already Riser and his Queen easily with her and the rest peerage help and they can just relax in the viewing room while watching the rest of the show unfold.

Riser-sama Rook and 2 pawns had been eliminated" Grayfia announced,

Ravel was not shocked when she already accepted that Riser peerage got outclassed by their opponents.

"It seems like only 4 of you left and it's just a matter of time before we win," Valerie said in a playful tone.

Ravel ignored her attempt to tease her. "Do you really promise that you will forfeit?" Ravel asked while her body was still on fire by the way she could just use her hands welding machine to melt the metal in front of her but she did not know that and just wanted to brute force everything. She already also realizes that the vampire is stronger than her so she wants to accept the condition that the vampire gave to her.

"I promised. go wild" Valerie reassured her with a smile and Mihae who was hearing smiled lightly also as she was grateful for the vampire taking it easy on them.

"And by the way, I'm Dhampir" Valerie reminded

"Oh sorry about that" Ravel apologized.

"Now go wild and break free little bird," Valerie said while she waited if Ravel would be free from her cage or not.

"Then be prepared to forfeit," Ravel said confidently before doing Goku stance when he was doing a super Saiyan evolution

"Aaahhhh!!" Ravel shouted with fury and vigor while using all of her mana in her body and blood until she was able to emit fire all over her body like a human torch or in this case, a devil torch, All of her clothes got burned that's include her undergarments but her skin mainly fairly unscathed even her blonde hair.

Valerie seeing that the red sphere was getting hotter distanced herself "Oh my! She's really going to do it huh." She praised as she watched the red sphere shake with intensity and start glowing red because of the intense light that Ravel's fire was generating inside.

Inside the sphere, Ravel's hair which was previously in twin drills style now cascades to her back with some of it floating as she tries to do a super saiyan lite evolution because her pupils have gone missing as her mind goes blank in the sheer intensity of what she is doing.

From the outside of the sphere. Valerie noticed that the red sphere started melting and boiling as the Phenex fire burned them. The melted parts of the sphere started falling and drizzling down the tennis court and when it touched the ground it sizzled the earth itself.

Even Mihae who is also trapped inside the other red sphere felt that the hot temperature being generated by Ravel Super Phenex mode granted that metal amplify heat however that's not all air surrounding the metal sphere of Ravel also started shaking and putting pressure on it.

The Trio of Kiba, Koneko, and Gasper also felt the heat coming from the red sphere but not as intense as Mihae is feeling right now but enough to make them sweat slightly.

"Wow that is intense," Kiba said while watching from afar

"I'll give the bird a prop but still weak," Koneko said with a flat tone.

"Koneko-chan you should underestimate them too much," Gasper said with a smile.

The red sphere that contained Ravel started cracking like an egg all over it before the red sphere exploded into smithereens and that debris flew all over that place. Valerie shields herself with her hardened blood to prevent her from getting hit while Gasper shields their group using his chain daggers.

After that explosion, Ravel can be seen floating at the place where the red sphere explodes. Her appearance being covered by Phenex fire can be seen as menacing to a normal devil as her eyes are all white and her wings made of fire are bigger than his brother normally can do.

Ravel looked at Valerie "I won" She said her voice a bit distorted and after saying that her fiery appearance extinguished itself and her naked body became visible for the others can see but luckily Oreki prevented Sirzechs from seeing the innocent girl nake body while Gasper and Kiba turn around out of respect. She then started falling down as she lost consciousness due to overexertion of mana and before she hit the ground she started disappearing which is a sign that she is eliminated from the game.

"One of Riser-sama's bishops has been eliminated" Grayfia announced which the Trio that was watching closely celebrated.

"Good job Valerie-san" Kiba nodded with a smile while giving her a thumbs-up

"Valerie-neesan did not even do a thing but she eliminated her easily, so COOL" Gasper shouted excitedly.

".." Koneko did not say a thing but she just gave Valerie a thumbs up.

Valerie smiled seeing this before looking at the other red sphere "Hey you another girl up now or it's going to hurt, I'm going to do" She warned Mihae,

"No, I can't give up as my King would be furious" Mihae explained as she did not want her King to target her with his wrath after this.

"Fine then" Valerie controlled the red sphere and opened holes all over it which made Mihae visible from the outside. Valerie then cut her palm to make her bleed before controlling it and making countless droplets of blood surround the red sphere. 

Mihae seeing this makes a confused face wondering what could those droplets do that could hurt her but then their eyes widen in shock after seeing what is happening at the same time her butts clench as she prepared for what is about to her "Why do I have to jinx myself" She muttered to herself.

What Mihae was seeing was those droplets started changing their shape and turning to stake pointing its sharp edges to the holes of the red sphere. Valerie then stared at Mihae with pity "You asked for it" After that, she commanded the stake to pierce Mihae through the hole. 

With a swishing sound. the stake moves swiftly piercing Mihae through the hole of the sphere and from the outside point of view it looks like one of those magic tricks called Sword Box Trick that a fake magician would do but in this case, it's all too real as Miahe got stab in different parts of her body and was not even able to scream before getting eliminated.
