Chapter 146

In the hallway on one of the floors of the hotel.

Tatsuya and Miyuki were standing in front of the door to where their Aunt and Mother were currently lodging. They started thinking about how to interact with them. As this might be the first time they will meet in public though right now, this place they're in is a semi-private place. How come this is this first time meeting in public? Their Aunt doesn't want anyone to know their existence because they are or Tatsuya is far too powerful of a magician to be compared to the most powerful magician in this world and Maya also wants them to remain a trump card in case their Family is in dire situation. This is also the reason why they took the name Shiba instead of Yotsuba and it's to disassociate themselves from the family.

The reason they were just standing in front of the door was that they didn't know what to say to their Mother and Aunt, especially their Mother because it had been a long time since they last seen each other in person.

Miyuki turned to her brother, Tatsuya, and nodded with a smile, signaling him to knock on the door. He was about to knock when the door opened at the same time.

"Tatsuya-sama, Miyuki-sama. Maya-sama and Miya-sama had been waiting for your arrival." A girl who opened the door for them, also greeted them while she bowed.

"Minami-chan, it's been a while" Miyuki greeted back with a smile while she held Minami's hands.

"Yes, Miyuki-sama it's been a while." the girl whose name is Minami smiled back at Miyuki. Minami has short, dark purple hair that gently frames her face, paired with large, expressive golden eyes that stand out against her fair skin. She wears a classic maid outfit with a black dress and a neatly tied white apron. The white cuffs on her sleeves and the lace detail along the apron add a delicate touch, enhancing her refined and tidy appearance. A small black ribbon adorns her collar, completing the traditional maid look.

"I assume Hayama-san is doing the duty of Aunt while she is away from home," Tatsuya said Minami nodded in response "Please take us to them," He said.

They then walk for a bit until they reach their Aunt and Mother who are talking happily.

"Tatsuya-sama and Miyuki are here," Minami said respectfully while she bowed.

Maya and Miya turn towards the Shiba sibling before the mother of the Sibling gets up and walks towards them. Miya smiled at both of them "My beautiful daughter" she said with open arms, waiting for her daughter to come and hug her,

"Mother.." Miyuki stared at her Mother with teary-eyed eyes. She tried to hold it in but it was not that long because when Miya hugged her and felt her mother's warm embrace again. She started crying silently on her Mother's shoulder.

"There, there..." Miya said while she gently rubbed the back of Miyuki "I'm sorry for not being there for almost 2 years." She said with a warm smile. She then looks at Tatsuya while offering her other arm telling him to join the embrace but he does not know how to respond to that. Luckily Miyuki ordered him to join them.

Tatsuya then obliged and joined them in their warm reunion.

"Thank you for taking care and protecting your sister" Miya whispered "And we're sorry for giving you the burden of being the future of Yotsuba Family." She added.

Minami and Maya smiled as they silently watched the warm reunion on the sidelines. The family of 3 let go of their embrace.

"You don't have to apologize, Mother, we accepted this duty because we wanted to, isn't that right Onii-sama" Miyuki said with a smile wiping her tears with a handkerchief that was given to her by her Onii-sama.

Tatsuya nodded in agreement to Miyuki which made their Mother smile.

"Hey, what about hugs and kisses?" Maya said on the sidelines while she drank the tea made by Minami.

"It's good to see you Aunt" Miyuki said bowing like a lady. Tatsuya also bows at the same time as Miyuki.

Maya then pouted "You're meanie Miyuki," She said.

Miya then changed the topic "I know both of you have a lot of questions as to why we are here but first let's eat our late breakfast first." She said with a smile before looking at the girl in a maid outfit "Minami"

Minami bowed before excusing herself from the family.

 "Sit down, sit down tell me what you guys have been up to," Miya said with a smile pulling both of them to the table near the window after settling down they started talking about their lives since joining the First High but Miyuki was mostly the one doing the talking,


A certain trailer truck with a huge container at its back was moving along the same highway where the No Head Dragon tried to kill both the First and Second High Students. This particular truck and the other one following it is heading its way to the 9SC for who knows what.

Inside the container are men who are wearing black leather jackets and even though there's no sunlight inside this closed container they are all wearing sunglasses. The number of men inside this huge container is roughly 30. They are all standing and lined up in two lines with 15 on each line.

"Mr. Zhou, The Generator is on their way," said the man who was talking on the phone while seated in the passenger seat of the truck.

"Please give my thanks to Mr. Huang for assisting"

"Mr. Huang said that you don't have to thank them but instead we thank you and the Head Boss for providing the JP branch with more Generators."

"I'll be waiting at the designated location."


Zhou Gonjin looks at his phone for a while before putting it in his pocket. Currently, he is inside the shopping center near the venue of the 9SC. He is smiling while observing the different kinds of people doing their own thing with the majority of them doing shopping or window shopping and eating in the cafeteria side of the shopping mall where he is now drinking refreshments. He wanted to be subtle and not attract attention that much but his handsome appearance made the women in the vicinity stop and look at him as they admired him with men too doing the same thing.

"What time are they gonna be here?" asked the woman opposite Zhou Gonjin.

"They will be here soon" Gonjin answered knowingly with a smirk.

"They better, I need to watch the event for some alibi," The woman said whose name Hashibana Yuki. She picked and drank the drink that Gonjin ordered for her.

"Trust the plan, Ms. Assassin"


In the venue of the Ice Pillar Break and the arena below.

Miyuki just uses an A-class spell called Inferno. The audience roared in surprise when they saw her use this spell because they knew that ordinary magicians were unable to use or cast their spells. However, now they know that Miyuki is no ordinary magician and should have known already because her beautiful and perfect appearance gave it away.

The ice pillar of the opponent started melting while the ice pillar of Miyuki became even more solid as a rock.

"Ara... is that magic special in any way. Mayumi-san?" Akeno asked their new friend and future sister-wives.

Mayumi is looking below the arena with a serious expression as she wonders what kind of background Miyuki and Tatsuya have "That magic is called Inferno. It's a medium-scale magic that works by dividing the target area into two sections and decreasing the kinetic and rotational energy of all objects within one section and this surplus energy can then be released into the other section in the form of heat. This way, conservation of energy is still maintained while applying the principle of reverse entropy from thermodynamics."

The group was in awe of that logic behind it.

"This world really is all science and logic," Sona said in admiration while also sighing. "Even with my intelligence, I don't think I can create a new magic on my own here" She added.

"Well, lucky for you all the basic magic is available to the public and even this one is free," Mayumi said with a smile. She already knows about them not being from this world after Oreki shared information with her about that World and she now understands why they are strong because that world's magic system is quite loose. As long as you will it, it will be the type of magic.

"I already downloaded all the magic available here so we can use it back our world in case something unexpected happened," Tsubaki said while she adjusted her glasses.

"Speaking of unexpected, Mayumi, Oreki told us that we should be prepared to make a move because something unexpected is going to happen today," Valerie said.

"I already know about that, my father informed me about it. In fact, most of the known magicians here, are already bracing themselves." Mayumi replied before looking at around the audience "What I don't understand is why the spectator seems way too calm even with tighter security." Mayumi question.

"Don't think too much about that. Can you protect yourself?" Akeno questioned Mayumi's ability.

"Of course I can. I'm well versed in magic and skill as well. The reason that lost to you in speed shooting is that you're magic system is stronger." Mayumi said confidently.

Akeno laughed lightly after hearing the latter half of what Mayumi said. "That's good then, what about your sisters?" Akeno asked though she already knew that they were currently doing their own thing away from here but she just wanted to ask.

"My personal bodyguard is guarding them, so don't worry about that," Mayumi said confidently.

Gasper who is also in this gasps as he realizes something causing the group to look at him and ask her what's the matter "You shouldn't have asked those questions" He said. Akeno gave him a questioning look making him answer "As you know already, I didn't interact much in the past but during that time I also started watching anime" He said.

The others are confused about what the hell is Gasper talking about. 

"What I'm saying is that both Akeno and Mayumi just raised the flag, in simple words you guys jinxed yourselves."