Chapter 147

After Miyuki defeated her opponent, the platform that they were standing on went down while it going down she bowed to the spectator gracefully. She then walks towards the player tunnel to meet up with her Onii-sama. She then started thinking about her Oni-sama's smiling figure as he awaited her glorious return from her war but she saw her brother she smile vanish as Tatsuya was just waiting for her normally like the usual brother trying to pick up his sister in front of the School gate.

"Miyuki" Tatsuya said.

"Onii-sama, I want to tell them that I won because of your CAD engineering," Miyuki said with a smile.

"Thank you Miyuk but how many times do have to tell you, " Tatsuya said with a smile while he patted Miyuki and it made the latter close her eyes to enjoy the pat of her beloved Onii-sama.

"But Onii-sama I want the whole of Japan to know about your prowess in engineering and..." Miyuki said.

"Miyuki!" Tatsuya shouted a little bit to Miyuki, interrupting her in the process. However even though he shouted at her, there was no hint of anger or malice.

Miyuki lowered her head a bit and looked down the floor. Tatsuya however held her chin and made her look up to him. "Miyuki, I don't need the approval of anyone but you and maybe, to that extent Aunt and Mother." He said with a smile"

Miyuki smiled brightly hearing that "Onii-sama..?" but her smile when she noticed Tatsuya was looking at the walkway of the player tunnel. Tatsuya then moves Miyuki at his back before saying "Show yourself" his hand is raised as he prepares to use Decomposition.

After a good minute of silence, in front of the Shiba Siblings started shaking and glitching before the 3 figures showed up. Tatsuya lowered his hand as soon he recognized this individual.

"Oreki, Kudou and..uhm..." Miyuki said as she recognized this figure except for the last one.

"It's Kiba-san, Miyuki" Tatsuya said with a smile to Miyuki.

"Ah.. Kiba-san, I'm sorry for not knowing your name" Miyuki apologized while lowering her head slightly Kiba replied it was okay and it does not really offend him.

Tatsuya quickly asked the question he wanted to ask "Why are sneaking around here?" He asked.

"Minoru here had a bright idea that he wanted to sneak behind both of you but in the he failed," Oreki explained with a shrug.

"Forgive me for doing that" Minoru apologized. He wanted to test if he could completely fool Tatsuya's elemental sight or not but it seemed the result was quite obvious already. Tatsuya and Miyuki accepted the apology before reminding them that he shouldn't do that in the future.

If Minoru wanted to test his stealth capability then Tatsuya said he could just (fucking) asked.

"You're going to need a lot of practice before you can completely bypass his eyes," Kiba said seriously as look Tatsuya in admiration because even he won't have any chance at hiding around if those are looking vigilantly.

"Eh, I don't you need to practice that much because even if you try hard, Godsuya here would just find a way how to counter your hard work," Oreki said.

Tatsuya frowned upon hearing this unnecessary nickname, he was about to correct him but her sister, Miyuki came forward at lightning speed in front of Oreki "As expected of you Oreki, you recognized my Onii-sama'd ability is akin to a god" Miyuki said enthusiastically as she looked at him with eyes full of admiration. Even though her Aunt Maya already told her that Oreki and her group might be time travelers and knew them already. She still can help but want to get close to him because he praise her beloved Onii-sama and he also gave him suck good nickname.

"What can you expect, game recognized game," Oreki said while nodding at Tatsuya but the latter ignored him and just stared at him like he rock in the road. Oreki didn't get angry with that kind of attitude towards him. "and besides are you forgetting that I can pretty much read your mind? So it's so easy for me to know that someone had a god-given magic" He said while he pointed at his head.

"It doesn't matter, I'm happy that someone thought that my Onii-sama's abilities are a blessing rather than a curse or even be called a monster," Miyuki said with anger that she started using her magic unconsciously making the player tunnel turn freezing cold.

"That escalated quickly," Kiba said as his breath turned smoky ice.

Tatsuya was about to stop her from turning this place into the North Pole but Oreki was a step ahead of Tatsuya.

Oreki snaps his fingers in front of Miyuki's face. This resulted in the magic that she cast to disappear completely. 

When Tatsuya saw that Oreki was about to do something, he got curious and used his elemental sight to check what Oreki was going to do, and what he saw was that he used a MIM of some kind to counter Miyuki's MIM Cocytus. 

Miyuki then stared blankly at Oreki before asking "How did you do that?"

"Your Onii-sama already knows what I did, so might as well ask him" Oreki shrugged.

Miyuki looked at Tatsuya and later nodded.

"So you have family problems," Oreki said.

"I don't consider the whole Yotsubs as a family because of the way they treat Onii-sama" Miyuki replied just like Tatsuya. The only family in her eyes are her Onii-sama, her Mother, and her Aunt. Maybe add Minami and the Kuroba Twins in the mix too.

Tatsuya stepped forward and calmed Miyuki down as he tapped her shoulder. "Miyuki tells her about our Auntie."

Hearing this, Oreki's eyes lit up "Oho… Maya here? Because it's about damn time" He said with a smile.

"Yes, Aunt is here and my Mother and both are quite excited to meet you," Miyuki said while frowning why is her Mother too excited to meet Oreki?

"Your Mother too? but why?" Oreki questioned with a frown on his face.

Mituki nodded to confirm but she and Tatsuya didn't know the reason for their mother's excitement.

Oreki's frown turned to a smirk when he thought of the reason that he would surely make it happen.

"Do you have an idea Oreki?" Miyuki asked.

" With how thirsty you are to your Onii-sama you're still quite innocent," Oreki said with a smirk. 

"Hehe" laughed weirdly as she blushed while she held her face and moved her body like a worm. She didn't even deny her wanting to bone by her brother.

Kiba get what Oreki meant and just sigh at this horny bastard wanting to bag the Shiba sibling's mother. Minoru just like Miyuki didn't get it too. However, the ever-smart Tatsuya got what Oreki meant and stared at him with deadpan eyes.

"Better call me Father in future. Son" said Oreki in a low voice. Kiba facepalms while Miyuki doesn't even hear and Minoru questions what is happening.

Miyuki recovered from her worming moves and started talking about how great her Onii-sama was while Oreki just nodded and agreed to her as he also praised Godsuya on his own.

However, their conversation got interrupted when a pair of Third High students approached them.

The pair stared at Oreki's group with a smug smile, especially the red-haired creep bastard.

"Ichijou Masaki," said by red-haired while staring at Miyuki.

Kichijouji Shinkurou" said the almost shota.

"Shiba Miyuki"

"Shiba Tatsuya"

"Kiba Yuuto"

"Kudou Minoru"

One by one, they introduced themselves except Oreki who started talking again to Miyuki making the latter think it was quite rude of Oreki but she already understood quite well that he did not like Masaki and she also didn't ask why as she was more focused on their conversation about her Onii-sama greatness.

Masaki got angry inwardly as Oreki did not introduce himself to them. However, that's not the only thing that made him angry. When he saw how happy is Miyuki talking to Oreki, it made him jealous and angry even more.

"That's quite rude of you not to introduce yourself," Masaki said with his voice seething but Oreki still ignored and to that extent Miyuki too.

Kiba, Minoru, and Tatsuya wondered if Oreki had some sort of vendetta towards Masaki but they shook their head as they thought he had to have a good reason for doing this.

"Oi.... Introduce yourself" Masaki demanded like a child "I'm talking to you Yotsuba!" He shouted.

Miyuki and Oreki turn to look at Masaki with deadpan eyes. "But clearly I wasn't talking to you Incel looking motherfucker." Oreki said with venom.

The Trio then confirms that Oreki does not like Masaki at all.

"I'm talking to my friends here, Fake Ass Alabama" Oreki said lightly insulting the Shiba Siblings "So when I'm talking to them, I'm talking to them and when I said shut the fuck up, I'm talking to you" He added.

Miyuki and Tatsuya do not know how to react to the tirade of Oreki to Masaki and they don't how to react to the insult they received from him because they don't the meaning of it. Is that even an insult to begin with?

Oreki turn to his companion before saying "I'm gonna need a motherfucking crepe before I play and go crazy on this bitch ass" He said which Kiba and Minuro nodded. They walk away but not before Oreki said "And Miyuki be careful of that guy, he won't take a No for an answer"

Masaki was only able to properly take in those insulting words after Oreki's group was out of sight. "Yotsuba!!!! you and your family are clearly the worst kind of magician!" He shouted and started hurling additional insults at Oreki and the Yotsuba family without knowing there were Two Yotsuba nearby.

Miyuki frowned but did get angry at this and the same for Tatsuya. They just walk away and ignore this clearly deranged person.


Sorry, but there won't be any new chapters for the next week or possibly the week after that. The reason is that I've run out of ammo and need to stack up chapters again. Please expect similar pauses in the future as well.

Thank you for your understanding and thank you for reading this week.