Chapter 153

The students and civilians alike around Yoruichi's vicinity started celebrating and cheering after they killed all the generators and ninjas that were attacking them earlier. They could have been wiped out and all killed by this pesky ninja's stealthy ability but lucky for them Yoruichi was there to save them and also help them kill all of the enemies while evacuating and protecting the civilians.

One of the female students approached Yoruichi who was looking at something before asking "Miss, should we help the other students?" The girl is facing the back of Yoruichi while also admiring the strong woman. The girl stopped what she was doing as she noticed the thing that Yoruichi was looking at.

What they are looking at are monks or wannabe monks wearing cone-shaped hats.

The girl's face contorted before shouting to the other students "Enemies!" The celebrating students look towards the girl before looking at the enemies that she mentions. Their bodies tensed up and got ready again to fight another round of battle. The civilians with them slowly walked back so as to not interfere and also to hide their presence.

Yoruichi turned to the girl "Leave this to me and help the other students and civilians that needed help" She smiled as she ordered the girl. The latter wanted to argue but she's boss.

The girl ran back to the other students and told them what Yuroichi said. The students nodded to Yoruichi before leaving the sexy woman to fend off to upcoming gank.

The monks did not bother to chase after the students. They just simply encircle Yoruichi before two monks attack.

"No talking? I like that" Yoruichi said with a smirk.

The two monks' attack method was throwing a knife at Yoruichi that was connected to a thick wire. She just caught this by the wire casually but something happened after she caught that. The wire or the knife started to release some kind of wave-like magic or sound.

"I don't know what is happening but I don't really care" Yoruichi just shrugs because what the monks are doing is clearly ineffective against her. She then yanks the two wires resulting in the two monks getting pulled in the direction of Yoruichi. The two then collide with each other getting themselves knocked out.

The other monks that the result they wanted to see did not happen. As for what the two monks did, they cast magic or countermagic called Cast Jamming as anyone knows counter magic or prevent magic from being used while in the area of effect of Cast Jamming. However, they didn't expect Yoruichi to take out their guys without using magic but if watched the fight between the ninjas and Yoruichi they could see her killing that ninja with just strength and speed.

The monks looked at each other while they nodded in silent agreement. They then pulled out and unsheathed the sword they were carrying. They then started chanting gibberish and after that, the sword ignited with flames.

"Oho fire sword" Yoruichi remarked "How about this.. your fire sword vs my Hell Stab" She added before showing her hand to the monks. Lightning sparks covered her body in the blink of an eye before it dissipated leaving only her hands being covered by concentrated lightning.

Yoruichi did not wait as she used her superior speed and hell stab to massacre the monks. She probably did not even need to use the Hell Stab but she just wanted to use it. She looks at the corpse around her before looking in the direction of the Battle Board Venue before saying "About time to join them" She then proceeds towards the said venue.

Meanwhile in the enemy camp.

"Did you find her?"

"Our Goddess is nowhere to be found"

"Contact the ninja and tell them to find her!"

"We can't contact any more ninjas"

"They seem to have been wiped out already!"

These people are Traditionalists too and to specific they Onmyoji. They specialize in spirit magic and they can't only summon ordinary spirit. They can also summon elemental spirits and it is the said spirit to create or control specific elements. They can also used to spy on others, just as they doing now trying to find their Goddess but in the end, they can't even see the shadow of her.

"Damn it! Find her! We can't let that filthy modern magician taint her! She's ours to breed and repopulate the Traditionalist!"

Unbeknown to them the Goddess they are talking about is lurking in their shadow and she is not the only one here. Her best friend/King is also with her. After hearing them say they wanted her body. Both the Goddess and the King's magic powers flare up.

The skin hair of the Onmyojis all stood up as they felt the monstrous magical power. They all turn around and see the target that they have been looking for.

"Ara, Ara, a bunch of frogs wanted to eat a Swan meat?" Akeno said with a smirk while she licked her lips as she thought about how to punish these fools.

"They are really courting death.. if Oreki heard... No, he already knew about that why he sent us here to deal with them personally" Rias said,

"Goddess come with us and we will..." Before the random Onmyoji could finish his sentence, an earth spike pierce his asshole all the way to his head before dying.

"My body only belongs to Oreki," Akeno said.

"And my mine if anyone is asking," RIas said.

With that said and done the Duo of Bombshell killed all the wannabe Onmyoji.


Both Gasper and Valerie are helping to clean up the corpses of the ninjas and generators after they evacuated the civilians and injured students. There were also some dead among students and civilians but they already separated their corpses from the enemies to prevent Oreki from accidentally doing his thing to the ninjas and generators corpses later.

While the students were covering the ninja's corpse, they noticed that the ninjas had paled and thin bodies which them question why are they like this.

"Because they are dead, so stop asking dumb questions dumbass."

"They just died! They won't go pale as soon as possible."

If they try to touch the ninja's corpse they will notice the lack of blood but they don't really want to touch the corpse of their enemies because it's gross.

Valerie already knows that the blood of those ninjas is already near the venue of the battle board. How does she know this? She's Dhampir! Blood is her lifeline but she does not have blood all the time as she is half-blood.

"Don't think too much about that because round 2 is about to start," Valerie said while looking at the approaching Monks and some Onmyoji.

Hearing what Valerie said the students had some questions in their mind but soon saw the answer. They are about to get ready to fight again but Valerie instructs them to stand down which prompts them to ask why.

Valerie ignored the question, she turned to Gasper "You know what to do" She said before walking menacing towards the enemies.

Gasper then turns towards the students before using his sacred gear to stop their time.

"Sorry boys, I'm going make this quick and painful" Valerie said with a smirk before pricking her finger and extracting blood out of it. She then started twirling the blood until it became a blood-red scythe.

Valerie then started twirling the scythe before doing an upward slash from the left and right side toward the group of monks and onmyoji. The group then received a needle-like attack that emerged from the ground where they were standing. This pierces them from different parts of their body making them scream in pain but it's not enough to kill them.

Valerie didn't deliberately kill them but the next attack will. Before they could even recover, something happened to the blood needle that pierced the monks and Onmyoji changed its shape to a sphere the size of a marble. The marble-sized blood started scattering around near the monks and Onmyoji.

Valerie twirled her scythe again like the baton and moved it from the left and back before returning to the front again as she completed the move, she faced the students while her back was facing the enemies. 

At the same time as Valerie was doing her scythe trick, the marbles ' blood started glowing in an orange hue. The monks and onmyoji had a bad feeling about this but they were too injured to move or too slow to move. When looked at this from afar it's like fireflies glowing but the color is getting brighter and brighter.

Valerie then stops the playful twirling of her scythe before slamming the handle to the ground. As if it's where waiting for the signal. The blood marbles exploded. At first, it was only one, like a chain reaction all the marbles exploded. The monks and onmyojis being in the epicenter of the explosion turn to shred as their flesh and bone are scattered in the vicinity like a rain of meat.

"Did you see what did Gasper? That's called the rule of cool" Valerie said flipping her.

Gasper wanted to retort to his sister that he had already seen Koneko do that in person but he stopped "Looking cool Valerie-nee." He said as he freed the students from time stop.

Valerie nodded smugly before looking at the students "Carry the corpses of your fellow students and civilians outside the hotel!" She instructed.

The students nodded in response before Valerie and Gasper left for the Battle Board venue.