Chapter 154

Sona and Tsubaki arrived at the Battle Board venue. With them in tow are Sona's other peerage members. Sona looked around and saw Rias' peerage about to enter the Battle Board venue. They're not the only group here, Tatsuya and friends are also here and they are about to enter the venue too.

Sona and her peers thought they were late but it seemed all of the important people just arrived. Their group ran towards the entrance to catch up to the other groups. Once they arrived in the main arena, they saw the other groups watching down below except Rias' peerage who were just talking idly because they already saw what was happening below and what was going to happen as Oreki already told them. It's the same with Sona's group.

Sona and the Co. Approached the Rias' peerage which the latter group noticed and nodded as a greeting before going back to talking among themselves except Valerie and Kiba.

"Welcome back everyone" Valerie greeted them. Sona and Tsubaki greeted Valerie back while the others in their group went straight to join Koneko and Co. Who were talking idly to each other. The peerage of the Sona has been developing a crush on Minoru because why not? He is really good-looking and well-behaved too.

Sona and Tsubaki shook their head while sighing at that behavior. Tsubaki then went and talked or flirted with Kiba for a while before joining the others. Sona is quite jealous that Tsubaki got what boy that she wanted to be while she is just here waiting for the boy that she likes to come to her but she is the one going to plan on how to make the boy come at her.

Valerie totally ignored Sona's expression "How was the hunt?" She asked.

"The prey is just a bunch of normal humans so it was easy to hunt them down" Sona replied with a shrug "But there are a lot of them scattered around" She added. The Generators and Traditionalists are not the only attackers as there are also armed gunmen with no aptitude to magic attacking the venue. Her group was tasked by Oreki to kill them in their own way. The reason their group was quite late by a margin even though they were only fighting normal humans is that there were a lot of them like an army of them and she wondered or asked Oreki how the hell they were able to get those people here without alerting the authorities, Oreki just answer Magic.

"Where's the other two?" Sona asked.

Valerie knew the two in question "They are taking their sweet time to torture those people" She said with a shrug.

"You mean Akeno only, right?" Sona question.

"Rias is trying to learn the ropes," Valerie said with a wink. Rias said to her and Akneo that she wanted to be versatile.

Sona just shook her head tiredly before looking down at the venue and saw the moving blood going towards the water. Valerie also looks towards it "It's going to start soon.


Tatsuya's group of friends are looking at blood moving closer and closer to the water.

"Onii-sama should we do something about this?" Miyuki asked in the passing moment because she does not care much about what happens as her Onii-sama will solve or kill anything that can potentially harm her.

Tatsuya did not answer Miyuki's question quickly, he looked at the other groups that were inside the venue too or to be more specific, he was looking at Special of the Second High. That group is just talking happily without a care in the world. In conclusion, the treatment of the blood below is not really a problem for them. He then looks at the other group composed of Juumonji, Hattori, and Kirihara, this group is the opposite of the former group as they are quite tense and ready to go to battle if the result of the blood touching the water is a threat. This group seems to want to do something to the blood but can because they can't stop the blood from moving.

Tatsuya then side glances at another group or an individual that joined them earlier who keeps on pestering and talking to Miyuki but the latter just keeps on smiling while slowly getting closer and closer to her Onii-sama. She does not even want to talk to him which is quite obvious. However, the individual which is obviously named Masaki, did not stop even seeing the clear discomfort from Miyuki. 

Tatsuya moves in between Masaki and Miyuki making the latter sigh and relief while the former frowns at this gesture and is a bit angry too that he wants to lash out at Tatsuya. However, Masaki realizes that the man before him is the brother of his dream girl so he holds himself back and blames Oreki for poisoning the Shiba sibling's mind that he is creepy and weird. "Damn you Yotsuba for painting a bad picture of me to them" Masaki whispered with venom in his voice.

The Shiba Siblings that heard that look at each, Miyuki wanted to bash the head of Masaki for talking shit about her future stepdad. Lucky for the Creep, Tatsuya is here to stop Miyuki from freezing his soul.

Tatsuya and Miyuki return their sight to the blood that is about to touch the water. When the blood joined the water, it then started glowing with bright light and the ground was shaking too but not to the point that it could be qualified as an earthquake from the perspective of a Japanese.

When the shaking and light stopped, the people who were watching all of that waited while holding their breaths so as to not spook what was in the water. However, nothing really happened after they waited for almost 10 minutes.

The first 2 minutes, they were all tense up. 5 minutes after the people with short fuse like Erika started to get annoyed but not to the point that she wished something bad happened but after 10 minutes the group collectively calmed their nerves down because there was nothing happening.

"All of that bloody movement just for what? Just to be absorbed by the water like bitch!" Leo said with a smirk while he crossed his arms.

"And they say blood is thicker than water but it seems based on what we saw it's the other way around," Erika added mockingly. Why does she have to mock the poor blood that just wants to go on swimming? It does not even have a mind of its own.

Masaki joined in by saying and chuckling "Well that was a waste of my time waiting for nothing." He turned his attention to Miyuki before giving her a smile "But it's worth it too because I get to see a beautiful sight" He added.

The group collectively cringe after hearing that one.

The target of affection just smiled but deep down, she wanted to throw up. She plans to reject Masaki's advances or make him stop entirely but she remembers what Oreki said that this guy does not take no for an answer, she changes her mind and does not want to waste any effort on him. She'll let her Onii-sama handle the situation because as she imagines, her beloved Onii-sama won't let this guy get on their love affair. She squirms in delight after thinking of her Onii-sama protecting her from this creep like a knight and shining armor.

Miyuki is absolutely right on the money on that thought, Tatsuya will do anything for her even if it's shameful like going naked in front of a crowd of people.

Seeing Miyuki squirm like that, Masaki smiled internally as he thought that his charm and smooth talking were able to get through her. "Seems like being here slowly erases what Oreki said to them about me," He thought while swearing that Oreki would pay for what he did him and dirtying his name by saying nonsense about him like being a creep to the Shiba Siblings, especially Miyuki. He was planning on clearing his name but seeing the squirming figure of Miyuki, he did not need to do that much. His daydreaming was interrupted by a collective gasp from the group. He turns his attention to the people of Tatsuya's group and they all looking up diagonally with widened eyes and shocked expressions except for Tatsuya and Miyuki but he does not know that. This prompted him to look up too and after seeing what they looking at, he too did the same expression as him.

What they looking at is a Monster made out of water with multiple faces emerging from its fluid form. The faces are ethereal, glowing with a soft white or bluish light, and they express various emotions, creating a haunting, otherworldly presence. It had the body of a snake or a Chinese Dragon with saw-like fins from the beginning of its body to the end. The soft purple and blue hues surrounding the creature enhance its magical and serene yet eerie appearance, suggesting a being of great power and mystery. 

As for the size, the people from the hotel can see it floating and make out of what is the appearance of the creature even though its location is quite far from the venue of the N9S.