The Sect Master!

The next day,

Greetings! Sect Master!

Inside the large hall, a small group that consisted of three girls and two boys walked in and saluted a man with black hair sitting on a large magnificent throne, made out of pure gold.

The sect master was donned in a celestial black fabric with his skin looking middle-aged.

His rosy cheeks and healthy complexion did not match his age but it did contrast the streaks of grey just above his temples.

Seeing his beloved disciple, the girl standing at the front, along with the other four youngsters, immediately put a smile on his face but he soon maintained his composure, with a light cough.

"Qing Li! Where have you been all this time, don't you know, a tournament was going to happen soon to select you for the position of Saintess?" The Sect Master roared with a bone-chilling voice.

Saying that, he looked at her from top to down, only to be left frowning...