The sect master created system!

The sect master's eyes widened further, a mixture of shock and disbelief on his face. He looked at Bai Lung, his gaze hardening with his veins popping up.

"Love huh... Hmph!" he hmphed, his voice dripping with skepticism, "I never thought you would do something so foolish... Are you that naive to think that I will allow it?"

Bai Lung felt a shiver run down his spine, but before he could respond, Qing Li spoke up once more.

"I am not asking for your permission, I am demanding it as your disciple," she said firmly, her eyes locking with her master's.

"I have worked hard for sect all this year, I am simply requesting a trial of soul for him," she added.

The atmosphere in the room grew tense. The three spectators held their breaths, awaiting the Sect Master's reaction.

The old man's face grew red as he clenched his fists tightly.

"You dare defy me, disciple?" he said through gritted teeth, anger flaring in his eyes.