Exploration -8:

After the low, rumbling voice spoke, the Holy Disciple remained calm, his eyes scanning the chamber for any sign of the speaker.

He raised his voice once again,"Who are you?"

The voice chuckled lowly, a sinister sound that echoed through the chamber. "I am the guardian of the Void Emperor's treasures,"

The Holy Disciple's eyes narrowed, his mind working quick as possible with ideas. "You're protecting the treasures of the Void Emperor? Why?"

The guardian's voice sounded once more, crackling with raw energy, "I was created for this purpose, to defend the treasures of the Void Emperor against intruders such as yourselves,"

Bai Lung stepped forward, his eyes darting around the chamber, "So, you're just a guard dog then?" he said, his voice edged with sarcasm.

Guardian: "..."

The guardian remained calm at such disrespect...