Exploration -9

Tak! Tak!

Bai Lung strode confidently down the path, his footsteps echoing through the eerie silence of the chamber.

Even if he tried to walk as quietly as possible he couldn't.


He couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of facing this trial.

After all, he was one of the most skilled martial artists based on his opinion.

what could a simple test of strength and skill possibly throw at him that he couldn't handle?

As he rounded a corner, the path suddenly split into several branching corridors. Bai Lung paused, surveying the options before him.

There was too many split parks here...

"Heh, so the guardian wants to play a little game with me?" he murmured to himself, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

"Very well, I'll play along for now." he speaks coldly.