Chapter 33 - Unexpected Heroism

After bringing her things to her new assigned bedroom, Serena took a moment to settle in, arranging her belongings in the cozy space. As Serena continued her duties in the kitchen, Yeye, one of the kitchen staff members, approached her with a wistful expression. "Serena, I wish I could also have a private bedroom like yours. You're so lucky and talented," she remarked, her voice tinged with longing.

Serena offered Yeye a sympathetic smile, unsure of how to respond to her colleague's comment. "Thank you, Yeye," she replied softly, not wanting to boast about her newfound accommodations.

After finishing her work in the kitchen, Serena returned to her new room, only to find Aviva already there, diligently making her bed and preparing a basin of warm water for her bath. "Aviva, you really don't have to do all this," Serena protested gently.

But Aviva shook her head, her expression determined. "I want to do this for you, Serena," she insisted, her eyes filled with sincerity. "You've been so kind to me, and I want to show my gratitude in any way I can."

Moved by Aviva's words, Serena nodded gratefully, allowing her to continue with her tasks. As the night wore on, Serena found herself growing accustomed to Aviva's presence and the sense of companionship they shared.

The next morning, Aviva was there once again, assisting Serena in getting ready for work despite her protests. "Aviva, you really don't have to do this every day," Serena insisted, feeling guilty for inconveniencing her.

But Aviva simply smiled and shook her head. "It's no trouble at all, Serena," she replied, her voice gentle yet firm. "I want to help you, and this is the least I can do."

Grateful for Aviva's support, Serena allowed her to assist her. As Serena made her way to the kitchen, she couldn't help but notice the somber atmosphere that hung in the air. Sensing something amiss, she approached Yeye, her curiosity piqued. "Yeye, what's happening? Why is everyone gossiping?" she inquired, her voice laced with concern.

Yeye's expression grew grave as she relayed the news to Serena. "We heard that a criminal, possibly a spy, is in the palace," she explained, her voice tinged with fear. "A few hours ago, a man attempted to attack Prince Oliver while he was taking a stroll in the palace garden. Thankfully, Prince Oliver's guard intervened, but the attacker managed to escape."

Serena's heart sank at the news, the gravity of the situation sinking in. "Is Prince Oliver alright?" she asked, her voice filled with concern for the safety of the Prince.

Yeye nodded solemnly. "Yes, thankfully Prince Oliver was not hurt," she reassured Serena. "But the palace is on high alert, and the guards are searching for the culprit as we speak."

As Serena continued her duties in the kitchen, a sense of unease lingered in her mind, knowing that a criminal was rumored to be present in the palace. Despite her attempts to focus on her work, the unsettling thought gnawed at her thoughts, casting a shadow over her day.

As evening descended and Serena made her way back to her room, her steps echoed softly against the polished marble floors as she made her way back to her room, her mind still clouded with worry. Suddenly, amidst the dimly lit corridors, she caught sight of a figure cloaked in black, darting with stealthy intent.

Before Serena could react, the figure lunged towards her, a gleaming blade catching the faint light of the hallway. Her heart raced with uncertainty as the cold metal pressed against her skin, the tension thickening with each passing moment.

In the distance, the echoing footsteps of approaching guards signaled the imminent arrival of help. "Stay back!" the assassin hissed, using Serena as a shield against the encroaching guards. "One step closer, and she dies!"

But a commanding voice pierced through the chaos, freezing everyone in place. It was Adam, flanked by his men, his gaze unwavering upon the assassin. "Hold your positions," Adam ordered, his voice authoritative and resolute.

"There's no need for violence," Adam continued calmly, his words cutting through the tension like a soothing balm. "Even if you harm her, you'll never escape."

Yet, the assassin remained unmoved, the blade pressing slightly harder against Serena's delicate skin, causing a minuscule droplet of blood to form. Adam's heart raced with apprehension, his mind grappling with the gravity of the situation. He knew he had to act, but uncertainty clouded his judgment.

As Adam hesitated, Serena seized her chance. With the assassin momentarily distracted, she unleashed her expertise in martial arts, swiftly disarming the attacker with astonishing speed and precision. With a decisive kick and a well-placed strike, she incapacitated the assassin, rendering them helpless on the ground.

With the threat neutralized, Serena stood tall and resolute, her eyes ablaze with defiance. Adam watched in awe as Serena effortlessly defended herself, his admiration for her courage and skill growing with each passing moment.

With the danger averted and the assassin subdued, Adam rushed to Serena's side while the guards swiftly apprehended the attacker. "Are you alright?" Adam asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Serena flashed him a reassuring smile, her composure unwavering. "I'm fine," she replied calmly.

Adam nodded, a sense of gratitude washing over him as he surveyed the scene before him. He knew that this young woman's bravery, who is standing before him, had saved them from a potentially deadly confrontation, and though they were strangers, he felt a newfound respect and admiration for her resilience and strength.

Adam felt compelled to learn more about her. "I appreciate what you just did," he said, his voice softening with genuine appreciation. "You showed remarkable courage."

Serena met his gaze, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and humility. "I couldn't just stand by and do nothing," She replied, her voice steady despite the lingering tension in the air.

Adam extended a hand towards her. "I'm Adam, the palace guard commander" he introduced himself. "And you are?"

"Serena, I am a new chef" she replied, shaking his hand firmly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Serena," Adam said with genuine warmth.

As the guards led the captured assassin away, Adam's attention turned back to Serena. His gaze lingered on the injury on her delicate, smooth neck. Retrieving a silk handkerchief from his pocket, he extended it towards her with a gentle motion. "Here," his voice was soft, imbued with a calming warmth. "Use this to wipe the blood from your neck," he instructed, nodding towards the injured area with a gesture of care and concern.

Serena delicately touched her neck, her fingers coming away with a smear of blood. "Oh... It's fine," she murmured, inspecting the injury on her fingertips. "Just a minor injury."

Adam shook his head gently. "Just take it. Besides, I feel responsible. If I had been more competent, I could have prevented the attack and spared you this injury. It's the least I can do."

Serena hesitated for a moment before accepting the handkerchief from his extended hand and gently dabbed at the small droplet of blood on her neck. "Thank you," she said softly, her voice tinged with appreciation.

Adam nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer than necessary before he averted his eyes. "Though it's a minor injury," he began, his voice careful yet sincere, "I still suggest you apply some ointment."

Serena nodded gratefully. "Thank you for your concern. I'll take care of it," she assured him.

Then, with a soft smile, he added, "I should see to it that you're properly thanked and rewarded for your bravery," his tone gentle yet earnest.

Serena's response was spontaneous. She shook her head softly, a small smile playing on her lips. "That's not necessary," she replied, her voice warm and gracious.

Adam smiled, impressed by her humility. "Nevertheless, I insist," he said firmly. "Please, allow me to show my gratitude."

Serena hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Alright," she agreed. "Thank you, Adam."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Adam turned to leave, his mind already racing with plans to ensure Serena's bravery was duly recognized. As he walked away, he couldn't shake the feeling that this chance encounter had brought someone truly remarkable into his life.