Chapter 34 - Late Night Concerns

As Adam walked away, Serena found herself lingering in the corridor outside her room, her mind still reeling from the adrenaline rush of the recent encounter. A troubling thought wormed its way into her consciousness, spurred by the memory of the perilous situation they had just narrowly escaped.

"This assassin was incredibly dangerous," Serena mused silently, her brow furrowing with concern. "I can't help but wonder if Prince Oliver is truly alright."

The worry tugged at her heartstrings, overshadowing the fleeting relief she felt from the thwarted attack. Despite the reassurances she had heard, Serena couldn't shake the nagging doubt about the prince's safety. After all, if someone dared to target the prince, it was only natural to question the extent of the danger he faced.

With a heavy heart, Serena hesitated at her door, grappling with the weight of her decision. Should she brave the late hour and her modest position within the palace hierarchy to check on Prince Oliver? Despite the uncertainty, her heart urged her to seek out the prince, to ensure his well-being firsthand.

"I should at least make an attempt," Serena resolved quietly, summoning her inner strength. "And perhaps, I can inquire about his condition while I'm there."

Recalling a snippet of conversation overheard in the bustling kitchen, Serena set off towards what she hoped would be Prince Oliver's quarters, her steps guided by a blend of concern and apprehension. As she traversed the royal grounds, Serena observed the distinct divisions between each royal member's residence from a distance, each one standing as a testament to their individual status and influence.

Finally, she approached a heavily guarded entrance, where Alexander, the stalwart chief guard of Prince Oliver, stood watchfully by the door. Recognizing him from her first encounter with Prince Oliver, Serena's heart quickened with nervousness as she prepared to inquire about the prince's well-being.

Summoning her courage, Serena approached Alexander, her voice tinged with her underlying concern. "Is Prince Oliver alright?" she inquired, her tone laced with genuine worry.

Alexander's stern demeanor softened at the sight of Serena, his familiarity with her evident. "Yes, he is," he reassured her, his voice steady. "If you wish to see him, you may."

Grateful for the opportunity, Serena followed Alexander as he led her to the door of Prince Oliver's chamber. With a respectful knock, Alexander announced Serena's presence to the prince.

"Your Highness, Serena has come to visit you," Alexander's words floated softly on the night air, reminiscent of gentle whispers carried by the nocturnal breeze, tinged with a subtle urgency.

Prince Oliver, who had been preparing to retire for the night, straightened slightly at the unexpected visitor. Swiftly adjusting his attire, he composed himself before welcoming Serena into his chamber. As Serena stepped into the serene ambience of the dimly lit room, she couldn't help but notice the genuine surprise in Prince Oliver's eyes, a flicker of emotion crossing his features.

"Serena," he greeted warmly, his voice a soothing melody in the hushed atmosphere. "What brings you here at this late hour?"

Meeting his gaze, Serena felt a wave of relief wash over her. "I simply wanted to ensure your safety," she confessed softly, her concern evident in her eyes. "After the harrowing events earlier, I couldn't help but worry."

Prince Oliver's expression softened at Serena's heartfelt words, a genuine appreciation shining in his eyes. "Your concern means a great deal to me," he admitted sincerely. "Rest assured, I am unscathed, thanks to the swift actions of my guards."

Serena nodded, a sense of reassurance enveloping her. "I'm relieved to hear that, your highness," she murmured sincerely.

As they conversed, Prince Oliver's attention abruptly shifted to Serena's neck, where he noticed a slight knife injury.

Serena felt a pang of surprise as Prince Oliver moved closer to inspect the wound, his sudden proximity catching her off guard. His hand extended to check the injury on her neck, but as she instinctively took a small step back, startled by his sudden closeness, his hand hung in the air.

She couldn't help but feel a rush of mixed emotions at his unexpected concern, her heart fluttering with confusion, unsure of how to interpret his actions.

"It's nothing serious," She assured him, her fingers gently tracing over the injury on her neck.

Prince Oliver felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him as he withdrew his hand, attempting to conceal his unease. His gaze, filled with a blend of curiosity and genuine concern, lingered on Serena's injured neck as he gently posed the question, "How did this happen?"

Serena hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to disclose. "There was an incident earlier," she began, choosing her words carefully. "An assassin attempted to use me as a shield to escape from the guards. Fortunately, they were able to apprehend him before anything more serious occurred."

Prince Oliver nodded, a furrow forming on his brow as he absorbed the information. "I'm glad you're safe."

Prince Oliver glanced at Serena's injury once more, his concern evident as he summoned Alexander. "Fetch some ointment for Serena's injury," he instructed, his tone conveying a sense of urgency mingled with care.

Serena interjected quickly, her voice tinged with reluctance. "It's okay, really. It'll heal soon," she insisted, her hand unconsciously reaching up to touch the wound.

But Prince Oliver remained steadfast, his expression firm yet gentle. "I insist," he replied, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Alexander nodded respectfully and swiftly departed to fulfill the prince's request. Moments later, he returned with a small jar of ointment, presenting it to Prince Oliver with a deferential bow.

Prince Oliver accepted the ointment and turned to Serena. "Come, sit here," he invited, gesturing towards a nearby chair. "I'll apply this ointment on your injury."

Serena hesitated, her mind racing with a whirlwind of confusion. She couldn't shake the memory of Prince Victor's similar request to apply ointment on his face, and now, Prince Oliver's insistence on tending to her injury left her perplexed. What was with these princes and their displays of concern and vulnerability?

Taking a deep breath, Serena accepted the jar of ointment from Prince Oliver's outstretched hand. "It's fine, Your Highness. I can apply it myself," she said softly.

Prince Oliver's expression softened as he observed Serena's hesitation, a flicker of understanding crossing his features. "Very well," he acquiesced, a hint of disappointment underlying his words. "If you insist."

"I'll apply this ointment in my room, it's already too late. Now that I have seen you're fine, I should take my leave now," Serena said gently.

Prince Oliver nodded understandingly, his eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions. Despite his disappointment at Serena's departure, he respected her decision. "Okay, Serena," he replied softly, his voice tinged with warmth.

As Serena left the room, Prince Oliver turned his attention to Alexander, his earlier concern for Serena now replaced by a steely determination fueled by anger. "Where is the assassin who was captured?" he demanded, his voice laced with urgency.

Alexander hesitated for a moment, sensing the shift in Prince Oliver's demeanor. "A guard just reported to me that he is taken to the prison for interrogation," he replied, his tone cautious.

Prince Oliver's jaw clenched, his frustration evident as he clenched his fists. "I want to go there now," he declared firmly, his gaze piercing.

Alexander paused, startled by the brewing tempest in Prince Oliver's eyes. It was a look he had never beheld before, a tempest swirling beneath the surface, its thunderous roar muted but palpable. Without another word, Alexander nodded silently, acknowledging the weight of the moment.

Together, Prince Oliver and Alexander made their way to the prison, their footsteps echoing in the silent corridors of the palace. As they journeyed onwards, Alexander couldn't help but steal a glance at Prince Oliver. The look in his eyes was something Alexander had not seen before—a fire burning within Prince Oliver's eyes, fueled by a desire for justice and retribution.