Chapter 2:Pretty Wolf Boy 2

 A minute later, Mu Wanwan regretted saying too much because the other party didn't know what 'underwear' was!

 Three minutes later, Mu Wanwan hated herself for being too much because the other party didn't know what it meant to wear underwear!

 Five minutes later, Mu Wanwan dragged the man with a perfect and strong figure into the bathroom. Yes, the man's figure was so sexy that almost all female compatriots drooled. Although he didn't stand up, it was still very impressive. However, Mu Wanwan would only be in the mood to appreciate men's beauty if his body was clean. Mu Wanwan only felt that he was slightly better than a beggar when he was dirty like a baboon…

 As soon as the shower was turned on, clear and warm water flowed onto the man's sexy naked body, gradually washing away the dirty dirt on his body and revealing his originally healthy, sunny complexion. Not only was his figure perfect and sexy, but his bronze-colored muscles revealed a healthy luster. Mu Wanwan could not help but stretch out her slender fingers and poke the man's chest a few times. The feeling was very elastic. One look and one could tell that he was a sunny athlete who trained frequently!

 The warm and comfortable water flowing on his body was something that the man had never experienced in his eighteen years of life. His large and strong hand reached out and grabbed Mu Wanwan's fair and delicate wrist tightly. He looked through the hair in front of him at the shower head in Mu Wanwan's hand and asked curiously but clumsily," What, what?" Something?

 " Ah…Let go of me! You're going to break my hand!" The man suddenly stretched out his hand to make Mu Wanwan dodge in time. The strength was so strong that it seemed like he wanted to crush her wrist bones. The pain was so painful that she almost wanted to smash the shower head on the man's body, but she felt that something was wrong when she thought about it carefully.

 Because a small showerhead can't kill such a tall and strong man!

 The man actually couldn't understand Mu Wanwan's words, but he could tell from her painful screams how uncomfortable she was at this moment. This was like how he coldly looked at his prey in the forest before it was dying. He had a sense of superiority as a king! However, he couldn't kill this little prey in front of him because this prey had saved him before.

 The next moment, the tall, naked man released his grip and snatched the shower head from Mu Wanwan's hand to continue studying it curiously. Mu Wanwan, on the other hand, bared her teeth and rubbed her bruised wrist. She stomped her foot angrily and looked up. The man turned the shower head and warm water sprayed onto his face, which was covered by his long hair. The sudden 'attack', stunned the man!

 Mu Wanwan couldn't help but burst out laughing when she saw the man's amused expression. Her crisp laughter was filled with youthful vigor." Pfft…Hahaha, you're so funny. Don't tell me you haven't even used the shower before?" Mu Wanwan wiped the tears from her laughter and walked forward mercifully. She took the shower from the man's hand and placed her hands on her hips." Sit down. You're too tall. I can't wash your head."

 Sit?! This time, the man understood Mu Wanwan's words and subconsciously frowned. As the king of the forest, how could he obey a small prey, even if this small prey was his benefactor, let alone a dog? He was a wolf, a fierce and mighty king!

 In the end, Mu Wanwan admitted defeat despite her soft and hard treatment. She took a deep breath, bent down, and extended her hand slightly. She made a gentlemanly " please " gesture and said seductively," Boss, please! Sit down!"

 In the end, Mu Wanwan admitted defeat despite her soft and hard treatment. She took a deep breath, bent down, and extended her hand slightly. She made a gentlemanly " please " gesture and said seductively," Boss, please! Sit down!"

 Mu Wanwan's respectful tone and weak posture completely satisfied the domineering attitude of a male king. The tall and strong man sat down cooperatively. Even though he was naked, the strange thing was that the naked man didn't make people feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, he had the elegant temperament of a noble son from Greek mythology. Mu Wanwan felt less uncomfortable looking at his naked body as if she were admiring a beautiful Greek painting.

 Mu Wanwan gently moistened the man's jet-black hair with the warm water from the shower in her hand. Mu Wanwan gently rubbed the man's jet-black hair with her fair and soft hands. Unexpectedly, she realized that the man's hair was not as hard as she had imagined. Instead, it was soft and fine. The quality of his hair was very good!

 F * ck you! Not only is this man's figure perfect, but even his hair quality is better than hers. Is this going to let her live?!

 The more Mu Wanwan thought about it, the angrier she became. The more she thought about it, the more unbalanced she felt. Her hands rubbed the man's hair with a lot more force, but it made the man feel very comfortable instead. There was a very strange feeling in her body. She felt numb and had an indescribable comfort! He had never had prey in the forest touch him like this before, but he liked the touch of this little prey very much!

 After a few rounds of clean water, Mu Wanwan finally washed the man's soft black hair clean. She thought for a moment that she didn't seem to know what the man looked like, so she leaned down and brushed the long hair off the man's face with her soft little hand. She lowered her head to take a look-stunning to the point of dementia!

 The man looked stunning. His perfect and deep facial features were like they had been carved out by a god. His youthful handsome face showed that he was still very young, and his deep outline gave him the feeling of a mixed-race child. He was handsome like an Apollo god. What made Mu Wanwan unable to shift her eyes away the most was that the man had a pair of incredibly beautiful two-colored eyes. On the right was a brilliant gold color, while on the left was a clear sky blue color. His noble and rare eyes made him look like a favorite of God in heaven. There was not an inch of imperfection in her entire body. If such a perfect and beautiful man was a beggar, Mu Wanwan felt that there was no place for her in this world. She would rather dig a hole and bury herself!

 Is there a mistake? A beggar is a hundred times more handsome than the popular idols. She doesn't want to live anymore. She doesn't want to hit people like this!

 " You…What's your name?!" Mu Wanwan had never admitted that she was an infatuated person. Her little brother, Xiao Tiantian, was already handsome enough, but when she met such a world-class man in front of her, Mu Wanwan still couldn't help but be infatuated!

 This man didn't look like a beggar, so who was he? Why would she kidnap him naked in the street?

 Little prey asking his name? The man thought for a while before saying two words," Bai Lang."

 The name was the wolf's life. Once one reported the name to the other party, that person would be the most important in the wolf's life!