Chapter 3:Exposed Pretty Wolf Boy

 "Bai Lang?" Mu Wanwan muttered the strange name of Bai Lang before pouting and muttering," I'm Black Wolf!"

 Bai Lang? What's the name? Who would choose such a strange name? Do you think you're filming?

 Even though Mu Wanwan's muttering was very soft, Bai Lang, who had extremely sharp senses, still heard her. He suddenly jumped up and grabbed Mu Wanwan's slender wrist with his broad hand. He asked," You, too, Wolf?!"

 He was a different race from the wolves. He had always thought that he was the only special one. He did not expect that there was another companion here!

 That's right, this little prey was a little small and weak, but he would Protect her in the future!

 Mu Wanwan, a young girl who was a university student, was called a wolf by a handsome young man. Mu Wanwan felt that this was the most powerful curse she had ever heard in her twenty years of life. Killing without being seen was like this. She clenched her white pink fists and bared her teeth." Wolf, your head!" Mu Wanwan crossed her slender waist with one hand and shook her wrist was grabbed by Bai Lang with the other. She said rudely," Hey, don't talk nonsense to me anymore. I'll find clothes for you. How long do you want to show off your figure, you an exhibitionist?" Let go!"

 If it weren't for the fact that you were so handsome that the heavens couldn't tolerate it, I wouldn't have cared if you lived or died! 

 Bai Lang seems to be quite tall. I wonder if Sweetie's clothes fit him?

 "Clothes?…Exposing?" Bai Lang couldn't understand a single word Mu Wanwan said. He only held Mu Wanwan's slender wrist tightly, subconsciously unwilling to let her go, much less let her leave his side!

 This little prey is his, isn't it? He had told her his name and they had already agreed. Why did she still have to leave?

 "Let go, bastard! My hands are killing me!" Mu Wanwan didn't know why Bai Lang had suddenly gone crazy. His grip on her suddenly increased a lot, as if he wanted to crush her bones. She didn't understand why a person would have such great strength!

 Bai Lang frowned. He didn't quite understand Mu Wanwan's words either. He knew from Mu Wanwan's voice that Little Prey must be feeling very uncomfortable right now, but he didn't want to let her go. How could she not abide by the agreement? Wasn't she supposed to accompany him when she already knew his name? This little prey was too cunning!

 Bai Lang felt that he had been cheated. Although wolves were fierce by nature, the partner they identified with was the only one for them. They were unusually persistent and even domineering! Moreover, Mu Wanwan was someone who had saved him before, which only deepened his overbearing persistence!

 Bai Lang's unusually handsome face was gloomy. His large hand suddenly let go of Mu Wanwan's slender wrist, but in the next moment, without warning, he pounced on Mu Wanwan and fiercely pulled her into his embrace. He massaged her petite and soft body vigorously as if he wanted to insert her into his embrace. His strength was unusually fierce. In addition, the wet droplets on his body had not been wiped off yet. As soon as the two of them got close, Mu Wanwan's clothes were also wet and stuck to her body, revealing her graceful and slender figure!

 A pair of warm and broad hands moved around her body. Mu Wanwan, who was tightly hugged by Bai Lang, felt like she was about to suffocate. Her delicate little face flushed red seductively. Her beautiful eyebrows were tightly knitted together, and she felt like she was being raped by a pervert. She could not help but tear her throat and shout," Damn pervert, what are you doing?!"

 A pair of warm and broad hands moved around her body. Mu Wanwan, who was tightly hugged by Bai Lang, felt like she was about to suffocate. Her delicate little face flushed red seductively. Her beautiful eyebrows were tightly knitted together, and she felt like she was being raped by a pervert. She could not help but tear her throat and shout," Damn pervert, what are you doing?!"

 Ignoring Mu Wanwan's pig-slaughtering roar, the stubborn Bai Lang did not want her to leave him. His strong hands nimbly suppressed Mu Wanwan's resistance. His wet breath randomly wrapped Mu Wanwan in his arms. His large hands inadvertently brushed her raised chest, soft and elastic. The feeling was so good that Bai Lang could not bear to let go. His slender fingers unconsciously closed and clenched the 'ball' in his hand.

 "Ahhhh!indecent" Mu Wanwan's high-pitched screams echoed continuously in the small bathroom, especially deafening! However, the wolf claw on her chest showed no intention of leaving. She continued to hold it lecherously as if she was playing with something fun. Mu Wanwan was so angry that her face turned green. Her modest courage was instantly injected with blood. With an ear-piercing sound, her soft little hand hit Bai Lang's handsome and elegant face!

 For a moment, both of them were stunned. Mu Wanwan was stunned because she was afraid of being attacked by a pervert and because she was ashamed and angry. In addition, she was surprised that the pervert who attacked her chest was a peerless beauty. Under the various mental disorders in her mind, Mu Wanwan was in a mess!

 The reason why Bai Lang was stunned was because since he became conscious, other than his mother (female wolf), no other wolf dared to approach him, or even…touch him!

 Not only did this little prey help him clean his body, but it was also not afraid that he would be willing to touch him. The soft hands on his face felt good, but why did this little prey hit him? Even though she didn't hurt him at all, she even made him feel very comfortable!

 However, the body of this little prey is a little strange-

 "Your chest is swollen." Holding the soft 'ball' in his hand, Bai Lang interpreted Mu Wanwan's anger from being attacked in the chest as panic from being discovered! For example, there were two lumps of soft flesh swelling on her chest, but he did not have them on him. Therefore, this little prey must be sick!

 Or maybe the bloodline was not pure and mutated. Some of the wolves would degenerate into dogs!

 Bai Lang's words almost caused Mu Wanwan to have a heart attack. Her delicate little face was flushed red, and her starry eyes were burning with flames of anger. Panting, she shook off the large hand that was still molesting her chest. Gritting her teeth, she said fiercely, "Screw you! Your chest is swollen, your whole family's chest is swollen!"

 Not only did he openly assault her chest, he even cursed her chest to be swollen. This Bai Lang was simply a beast in clothes. Did you think that just because he was handsome, he was amazing? Just because he was handsome and strong, he didn't need to call the police.

 Bai Lang frowned slightly and looked at Mu Wanwan, whose face was flushed red, in confusion. Her panting little appearance was like a rabbit with red eyes in the forest. She was innocent and cute, and her rosy little mouth panted and closed as if she was silently seducing him. Under some strange circumstances, he bent down his handsome face and kissed Mu Wanwan's chattering little mouth without warning. His sharp tongue kept invading Mu Wanwan's mouth like a charge. It stirred with her little tongue, and the saliva melted together!

 "Don't be angry." The clumsy and simple three words were recited in Bai Lang's sexy and mellow voice, which was exceptionally pleasing to the ear! Mu Wanwan, who hadn't recovered from the intense kiss just now, blushed and stared blankly at the unbelievably handsome Bai Lang in front of her. His magnetic and pleasant voice lingered in her ears, causing her brain to go on a temporary strike. She nodded blankly and was infatuated!

 Facts proved that it was unknown whether he should call the police if he was handsome and strong, but it was true that he was handsome and had a chest attack and a strong kiss on Mu Wanwan!