Chapter 10 Natural Enemy

 "It's crazy, but I like it, young master!" Bai Lang's innate arrogance aroused the interest of the group of wealthy children. One of them introduced: "If you want to make quick money, we can I'll take you to find Chu Shao, Biao won two hundred thousand in one car ride!"


 Bai Lang's thick eyelashes were slightly lowered, like a curved fan casting a stunning shadow on his eyelids. He murmured to himself: "Two hundred thousand..." as if he was thinking about something!


 If you win once, you can get 200,000 yuan, which is enough!


 Suddenly, Bai Lang raised his sharp eyes, opened his thin lips, and said calmly: "Take me to see him." His restrained domineering attitude made him look both calm and dangerous!


 Chu Shao? Who came?


 "Take me with you by the way!" A gentle and smiling voice sounded from behind Bai Lang Gao Jun. The magnetic voice had a wicked smile, but it was not annoying at all!


 Hearing the sound, the white wolf turned around out of wolfish vigilance. His two-colored eyes, one golden and one blue, stared coldly at the playful and smiling bad boy behind him, with a flash of vicious murderous intent flashing through him!!!


 This person... is the man in Wanwan's photo, his name is... Mu Miaotian?!


 Mu Miao Tian's beautiful face is just as Mu Wanwan said. He is several times more beautiful than her. His delicate and charming facial features and his handsome face always bring out a naughty smile. His silver hair reaches to his chest. His long hair was as soft and bright as the stars in the sky, and his purple eyes were unfathomable, making it impossible to see through him! Mu Miao Tian was dressed in pure white, even his hair was naturally silver-white. In this dark and dirty world, he looked so different and dazzling, like an angel who accidentally entered the restricted area!


 But don't forget, there is also a Satan named Lucifer hidden among the angels!


 "Oh! It turns out that A Tian Dajia is here! You finally show up again. Your death-style racing last time has almost become a classic. We look forward to your coming every day just to relive the ultimate pleasure of death. !" Seeing Mu Muotian's arrival, the children of the wealthy party were all very excited!


 This is not the first time Mu Miao Tian has come to this crazy and dark place. He is the same age as Bai Lang and he is also eighteen years old, but both of them seem too extraordinary!


 A wealthy kid jumped off his luxury motorcycle and walked up to Mu Miao Tian. Just as he was about to pat him on the shoulder, he nimbly avoided it. His soft and handsome face still had a smile that was so bad that it made people mad, but it was gentle. The voice has cooled down: "Don't touch me! These clothes were given by my woman. I don't want to smell like others!"


 After saying that, Mu Miao Tian gave the unparalleled and handsome white wolf in front of him a meaningful look. The two of them were silent for a moment when their eyes met. But it is full of instinctive hostility and long-hidden murderous intent!


 What a fox! This is Bai Lang's first instinctive understanding of Mu Mutian, a cunning fox!


The characters of wolves and foxes are very similar. They are not only cunning but also very intelligent. Their intelligence and calmness in desperate situations often make people.


 And wolves are said to be the natural enemies of foxes!!!


 After Bai Lang and Mu Muotian looked at each other for a long time, his bright and intoxicated eyes were mixed with sinisterness. His cold lips said bloodthirstyly: "What would happen if someone was killed while driving?"


 "No matter what, that person will take care of it." Mu Muotian narrowed his purple eyes faced the white wolf, and replied with a mischievous smile.


 In other words, if someone is hit and killed by a speeding car, he does not need to bear any legal responsibility! The owner here, Chu Shao, will solve it for them. To a certain extent, this is the best place for killing people!


 The dim yellow street lights are like a carnival in the night. Parked on the spacious mountain road are seven dazzling bullet-shaped motorcycles in seven different colors. The red of the flames, the darkness of hell, the brilliant silver, the blue of the sky, The bright gold of the sun, the charming purple of the mist, and the natural green! These seven bullet-shaped motorcycles were modified by Chu Shao at a large sum of money. They have the fastest performance. The ultimate speed is as fast as a bullet and dangerous. Even a professional motorcycle rider may not be brave enough to drive one. Seven "death bikes", because even a small mistake can be fatal!!!


 A flaming red extended version of Lincoln dazzled in the night like an eternal fire. Outside the extended version of the Lincoln, dozens of giant black men in black suits were guarding the car. They were dressed in black like professional bodyguards. The faces are lined up outside like door gods!


 "Chu Shao, the two of them want to race." Everyone brought Bai Lang and Mu Moutian to the territory of "Chu Shao", but they did not dare to get too close because the black man guarding the car outside "Chu Shao" The bodyguard is the world's most senior spy bodyguard, killing people in cold blood!


 "Get out of the way." A childish voice sounded in the red carriage. It was just a child's voice, but it made the black bodyguards guarding the outside of the carriage immediately make way for a passage, and respectfully opened the door to let the people inside get out!


 A little boy about nine years old, wearing a red suit with eagle patterns, flashed out of the car with sharp movements. The little boy had a fair and cute face, but he put on a cool expression that was not suitable for his age. The little boy's hair The color is extremely rare, it's red! Like a small flame, cool and crazy!


 "I am the Chi Tong who serves my master. My master is sleeping. If you need anything, I will take care of it!" The Chi Tong Xiaogui Dadi crossed his short arms and looked at Bai Lang and Mu coolly with his pink and tender face. Miao Tian, ​​from the childish voice, I can tell that this cool little brother Chitong is a little boy!


 A nine-year-old baby pretends to be a cool and mature adult. Anyone who sees this scene can't help but laugh. However, there is no disrespectful laughter at this moment, because I have been crazy and played in this area. Everyone knows that there is a little devil with terrible tricks next to "Chu Shao"! No, Chitong cannot be described as a little devil at all. He is not like a child at all. With his bold methods, unexpected intelligence, and calm personality, Chitong is not only physically young. , he is no different from adults at all, even... more outstanding!


 They are rarely lucky enough to see the true face of "Chu Shao". Usually, this little boy does everything for "Chu Shao", just like a personal guardian!


 "What a cute kid, especially those eyes." Mu Miao Tian wickedly stuck out his tongue and licked his red lips, his evil laughter and sexy licking made people blush with such evil charm! His purple eyes looked straight at Chitong's pair of watery black eyes like glass beads, and he smiled meaningfully.


 Those eyes have incredible abilities. This kid is not simple!


 Bai Lang, who had been silent all this time, had already noticed Chitong's eyes at first sight, but his unparalleled handsome face remained expressionless and calm, and his thin lips murmured: "Illusion..."


 Just like a trap in the forest that can confuse the enemy!