Chapter 11 Death Game

 Chitong's jet-black eyes were like those of a cat. They were dark and shiny, with no white at all. They were a pair of very strange and strange eyes. Pink and cute, he strolled forward like a little gentleman. His thin and soft red hair made his cute and chubby face more distinct. His excessive maturity that did not match his age did not detract from his handsomeness and cuteness at all, making him look just like him. Like the little prince of the British royal family!


 "My master is sleeping. If you are racing, the rules are still the same." Chitong, who is small but courageous, walked straight up to the white wolf, raised his cool pouty face, and looked at him without fear with his cat-like eyes. The white wolf, who was as tall and tall as a king looking down on the world, said: "Are you new here? But the rules here are very simple, the winner is two hundred thousand, and the loser is four hundred thousand!"


 "Of course, this is not the biggest bet. If you are brave enough to play death racing, no matter if you lose or win, as long as you can come back here alive, you can take away one million from the master!" As he said this, Chitong seemed to Thinking of something, he turned away from his cute little fleshy face and looked at Mu Miao Tian who was smiling evilly from beginning to end, and said coolly: "I remember you, your last death racing was very... It's wonderful, even my master was awakened by the people shouting for you."


 To this day, he can still clearly remember the first words the master said when he woke up from the wild shouting: "That man is not simple." 』


 Mu Miao Tian, does this person deserve such a high evaluation from his master?!


However, there are indeed not many people who are brave enough to play death racing, and Mu Moutian was the first person to kill his opponent during the game. At that time, Mu Moutian didn't even have the slightest panic about killing someone, and still Smiling with disapproval!!!


 "Really? In that case, let's have a death race." Mu Miaotian gracefully tied his long silver hair that reached his chest into a ponytail like a Milky Way waterfall. Next to the wolf, the handsome face smiled mischievously and said: "Whether you win or lose, you will get one million. This will be good for both of us!"


 Moreover... killing people during a death race is easy and without legal responsibility. It's a win-win for him!


 White wolf? Tsk! Mu Wanwan, you stupid woman dare to keep other wild men at home for him!!!


 Bai Lang glanced at the feminine and beautiful Mu Mutian coldly. Bai Lang still had a cold and handsome face, not concealing his hostility towards Mu Mutian at all. His golden and blue eyes were dark and dark, and his thin lips Zhang Qi said coldly: "Humph, yes!"


 Wanwan only needs him, and he only needs Wanwan. This male who is hindering them should disappear!!!


 As long as this male disappears, Wanwan will only rely on him!


 Seeing that Bai Lang and Mu Miao Tian agreed, the little pink child half-closed his eyes and explained arrogantly: "Since you two have reached a consensus, you can choose at will among the seven motorcycles there. Get ready for the competition. It's time to start, just follow the old rules, tie your hands to the emergency brake."


 The hands tied to the emergency brake cannot escape even if they encounter an accident and want to escape. In other words, if the motorcycle is with the person, the motorcycle will kill the person!


 This is a terrible death game. Most people don't have the guts to come here and play this death game!

 Two long rays of light flashed at extremely high speeds on the spacious road surrounding the dark mountain tops. Two extremely fast rays of light, one black and one white, crossed and chased each other, biting each other like a fight to the death. The two rays were extremely gorgeous. The black and white light beams look so dazzling and crazy on the dim mountain road, like an endless battle between light and darkness!

 Bai Lang chose a dark black motorcycle. Although he had never driven a motorcycle, due to his keen nerves and extremely high learning ability, he gradually mastered the skills and became proficient in it after only a few laps of driving!


 Looking at the silver-white beam of light in front of him that was drifting at high speed, the white wolf wearing a black helmet could not see the expression on his handsome face at this time. Only his two-color eyes, one gold, and one blue, looked so deep and fierce, and the hands driving the motorcycle As soon as he let go, the dark and dazzling motorcycle followed him at the speed of a flying arrow, easily making the same high-speed drift as Mu Miao Tian——


 Not only are wolves extremely adaptable, but their learning abilities are also amazing!


 People's noisy and crazy shouts filled the entire mountain. The Bai Lang's amazing strength and Mu Miaotian's reappearance made this group of empty and depraved people feel like they had taken stimulants, shouting like crazy, as if they You can also feel the high-speed and extreme pleasure of this death game!! There were screams and shouts one after another. The headlights of the luxury sports cars were even brighter than the lights on the mountain road. The colorful headlights filled the dim mountaintop——


 The Chi Tong standing outside, wearing a red eagle-print Italian handmade suit, made him look even more polished. The crazy shouts that covered the entire mountain made him tighten his eyebrows in a way and tighten his pink lips. Dissatisfied: "These vulgar people don't understand gentleman's politeness and demeanor. They are so loud that they have to wake up the master!"


 Huh, his master's sleep time is very precious, these rogue vulgar people who don't understand manners!




 Chi Tong's all-black eyes scanned the two dazzling beams of light, one black and one white, that were drifting at high speed on the mountain road. The soft and waxy child's voice couldn't help but praise: "These two guys are really good. !"


 Their speed, skills, and courage are all extraordinary, and it looks like the people outside are crazy about them!


 Are they called Bai Lang and Mu Mu Tian? When the master wakes up, he still has to report it to the master. These two characters always feel that it is not simple! They may become the master's enemies in the future, why don't give them to them now——


 "Who?!" Just as Chitong was pondering whether to eradicate Bai Lang and Mu Moutian, he, whose hearing was trained to be extremely sensitive, felt the wind behind him becoming harsh, and he suddenly turned around. With a small body, I saw several giant bodyguards in black being killed in an instant without feeling anything. One, two, three... the bodyguards protecting "Chu Shao" one by one. After falling, they couldn't even figure out what was going on, and they couldn't see where the enemy was!


 Inexplicable fear enveloped the top of the mountain. The giant bodyguards in black suits saw their companions being knocked down one by one by the enemies in the dark. They suddenly became nervous and alert. Although they were world-class well-trained bodyguards, their actions were... The incredibly fast enemy made them all panic!


 Just when everyone started to panic, the calm and reserved Chitong's all-black eyes suddenly darkened, getting deeper and darker. His childish voice shouted coldly: "Come out, Baitong!"

