Chapter 36 Five Years Ban 2

 However, compared to Mu Wanwan's tangled delusion that she was secretly having feces, the will of the giant men in suits was very clear and consistent, that is, to safely deliver 'Miss Wanwan's' birthday gift to her intact, without any mistakes. Oops, because the master was there to supervise and it was related to 'Miss Wanwan', so they all woke up and held every birthday gift carefully, even their muscles contracted and tightened. I'm afraid that because of their extraordinary strength, they might accidentally break the delicate gift. By then, they will probably be able to hold a funeral together!



 Although the master is not benevolent at all, the system in the family is fair, rewards and punishments are clear, and the rising and falling tones are very reasonable. In their eyes, the master is undoubtedly a sensible, noble, and extremely smart master! but--



Once the matter has anything to do with 'Miss Wanwan', their rational and fair master will immediately change his face, oh! No, their master will not change his face, and it is said that he will not 'swear'. The master will only tell them the cruel truth with a cold and handsome face: "This kind of mistake is a mistake that only an idiot would make, and, only the brainless and retarded will not know what mistakes they have made until the problem breaks out, and the extremely stupid people will make the same mistakes over and over again. When a problem occurs, they will only ask others what to do, which is super stupid. All in all, you'd better go home and buy a coffin and wait for death."



 This is their rumored master who cannot 'swear' but is extremely vicious, ruthless, and sharp with his words. It is said that several fragile bodyguards were so verbally 'taught' by their master that they almost wanted to imitate Qu Yuan and jump into the river!



 Of course, as long as the matter has nothing to do with 'Miss Wanwan', their master really won't 'swear', because the master has been taught the gentlemanly etiquette of the British royal family since childhood!



 After a group of giant men in suits with mournful expressions retreated, they politely raised their faces and closed the door of the cozy little house. Only Mu Wanwan and Chu Lingfeng were left alone in the room!



 "Why did you give me so many birthday gifts?" Mu Wanwan shook the small but exquisite gift box in her hand, curiously opened the pink and cute packaging, and opened it to take a look! The result - one word, embarrassing!



 There was a large and bright diamond inside the box, and the most embarrassing thing was that an astonishingly large diamond was carved into the shape of a baby pacifier. The craftsmanship was exquisite and cute, but! Facing such a valuable diamond pacifier, the ashamed Mu Wanwan didn't know what to say!



 All right! Chu Lingfeng, your boss has a lot of money and doesn't care about the money of a big diamond, nor does he care about wasting the value of such a big diamond, but don't you think it's a pity? Diamonds are a woman's dream! used it to make a pacifier!!!



 How can you embarrass your sister-in-law?



 "This is your first birthday gift, do you like it?" Chu Lingfeng walked up to Mu Wanwan, a light and doting smile appeared on his handsome face, and his dark skin turned an imperceptible dark red. , as if a little embarrassed.



 This was the first time he gave a woman a gift, so he didn't know what kind of gifts women usually like. Therefore, he ordered his subordinates to do some inquiries and surveys on the streets and the Internet, and the one with the highest number of votes was Diamonds, so he thought about it and decided to combine diamonds and pacifiers into one!



 "Uh..." Looking at the shiny diamond pacifier in her hand, Mu Wanwan felt that she was embarrassed except for thunder, but looking at Chu Lingfeng's eyes, she was focusing on her seriously, with those sparkling eyes. It's like a primary school student waiting for praise - look, I finished my homework without any typos. Teacher, you want to praise me. Mu Wanwan swallowed her breath and said with a crescent-moon smile, "I like it."



 Although it's a bit shocking!



 "Hehehe, I knew Wanwan would like it." Chu Lingfeng smiled confidently because he had done enough homework beforehand. He half-bent down his tall and handsome body, staring at the petite and cute girl with his red eyes. Mu Wanwan said seductively: "Kiss me."



 "Wha, what?" Mu Wanwan's silly little face looked so innocent and cute. Her sudden, watery starry eyes stared at Chu Lingfeng in disbelief, whose handsome face was so close. I don't know where this place feels anymore!



 Her cool man asked her to kiss him?! Boss Chu, are you not sick today??



 "You have received my gift." Looking at Mu Wanwan's innocent and cute little face, Chu Lingfeng lovingly stretched out his long slender hands and gently kneaded her snow-white cheeks, and then said: "You like me too. A gift, so you have to kiss me."



 The extremely crooked truth became so upright and natural in Chu Lingfeng's mouth!



 "Oh." Mu Wanwan, who was already dumbfounded, actually raised her toes and kissed Chu Lingfeng, because her brain was in a severe state of attack now, although she couldn't understand the difference between receiving a gift and kissing him. It didn't matter, but he was so sure that she had no choice but to kiss him!



 Mu Wanwan was completely confused by the next development. Because Chu Lingfeng said that he wanted to make up for her birthday gifts for the past twenty-one years, he also prepared twenty-one 'bizarre' birthday gifts for her. Of course, in addition to the occasional Being secretly shocked by the 'weird' gift, Mu Wanwan had to give it a silly kiss after receiving it...



 After the twentieth kiss, Mu Wanwan, who was out of breath and blushing, felt that her birthday this year was too late!



 "This is Wanwan's 21st birthday gift, and it is also her last birthday gift." Chu Lingfeng licked her bright red lips, took out a small red exquisite jewelry box from the lapel of her straight suit, and handed it to her. He opened it in front of Mu Wanwan. Inside was an exquisite diamond ring. Mu Wanwan's delicate face was reflected in his red pupils as if she were the only one in his eyes. He said in a sincere voice: "Wanwan, let's get engaged."