Chapter37 Five Years Ban 3

 The engagement allowed Wanwan to bear his exclusive label, and they would officially hold their wedding five years later. By then, he and Wanwan would be together forever, and nothing could ever separate them! He stay by Wanwan's side forever!

 Mu Wanwan was startled by Chu Lingfeng's sudden engagement. She looked uneasy with her eyebrows slightly furrowed. She half-cast her eyes and did not take the engagement ring from Chu Lingfeng's hand as expected, as if deep in her heart What are you struggling with? 

Being engaged to Chu Lingfeng should not make her feel uneasy, but why did she suddenly tremble and hesitate at this moment? She always felt as if something was waiting for her ahead, which made her afraid to reach out and accept it...

 So uneasy, why are you so uneasy?

 "Why don't you accept it? Wanwan doesn't want to be with me?" Seeing that Mu Wanwan was reluctant to accept it, Chu Lingfeng knew that she was hesitating, but this time he couldn't see why Mu Wanwan was hesitating. Undecided, he stepped forward and gently hugged Mu Wanwan, who was looking down in despair, and whispered in her ear with an intoxicating voice: "Wanwan, don't you believe that I can give you happiness? I love you very much, so don't Doubt my sincerity towards you! Everything I do to you is sincere!"

 There is no pretense, he loves Wanwan, and there is no doubt about it!

 "No, Chu Lingfeng, I have never doubted your sincerity." Mu Wanwan, whose face was deeply buried in Chu Lingfeng's arms, said uneasily: "I'm just... just a little scared and a little uneasy. I I don't know why I suddenly feel this inexplicable emotion, it's just that my heart is... very unsettled."

 Could it be that Bai Lang left? She was still a little worried about Bai Lang's whereabouts.

 "Shh, stop talking Wanwan. I didn't expect that I would make you uneasy. It's because I'm not good enough!" Chu Lingfeng hugged Mu Wanwan even tighter as if he wanted to melt her whole body into his arms. , the slender and beautiful big hands lifted her delicate face, the two hot lips pressed down without saying a word, sucking non-stop, and the tongue hungrily explored her mouth. Only in this way will his heart have hope, his nerves will be relieved, and the blood and cells in his body will no longer moan in pain.

 He doesn't want Wanwan to leave him, he doesn't want Wanwan to feel uneasy, Wanwan must be by his side, forever!

 The two people's lips and tongues were entangled in love. Chu Lingfeng secretly put the diamond ring on the ring finger of Mu Wanwan's left hand, and wrapped her small hand tightly with his big hand! When their lips parted, Chu Lingfeng's handsome face showed a firm expression, and his magnetic voice said seriously: "Wanwan is with me, there is no need to hesitate."

 Seeing Chu Lingfeng's firm and serious expression, Mu Wanwan's chaotic brain suddenly became clear. Her little head was buried in Chu Lingfeng's strong chest, and she said shyly, "Yes." The two put their hands together. The fingers are intertwined, even tighter!

 Yes, with Chu Lingfeng, there is no need to hesitate at all! It's because she worries too much!

 Chu Lingfeng is the right person for her life!


Where exactly is the genealogical headquarters of the "Three Color Family"? This is a mystery in the world. No one knows where the real "Three Color Family" is!

In a mysterious mountain with an altitude of more than 3,000 meters, under the hazy mist, an ancient family full of mysterious legends stands in this mysterious mountain, deeply hidden in an unknown area of ​the world——

 Passing through the cover of the forest leaves, and gradually entering through the layers of psychedelic white mist, you can reach the world's legendary headquarters of the "Three Color Family" castle, hidden in the ancient mysterious mountains more than 3,000 meters above sea level. The castle seems to have a long history, and can even be said to be the product of ruins. The old city walls are still unyielding. It is obvious that before the long history, the construction technology of the "Three Colors Family" had reached a height that must not be surpassed. Level!

 The ruins of the castle are grand and spectacular, and the complex structure is not like European and American castles. Instead, it seems to have many elements that are difficult to imagine together, such as the Chinese stone dragon on the roof of the castle, such as the British style The folk reliefs on the exterior walls, such as the Japanese dry landscape garden.

 This ancient ruins castle with a huge area is simply a combination of historical elements from China, the West, and Japan. It is full of rich mysterious historical colors and shocking!

 Just looking at the appearance of the ancient ruins castle is enough to shock the soul, but what will it look like inside——

 In an outrageously large room, the area alone is at least more than two hundred square meters. Everything that should be found in a room that combines Chinese and Japanese styles is present, including mahogany luxurious classical furniture, and simple and elegant decoration. They all work together perfectly, and the construction technology is unique and extraordinary!

 Only two handsome young men were living in a room of more than 200 square meters, one in black and one in white. Suddenly! The boy in the white shirt casually picked up the priceless antique vase beside the bed and threw it at the locked iron door, but——

 There was a harsh and shattering sound, and the fragments of the antique vase were scattered all over the floor. The most frightening thing is that the fragments were covered with flashing electric shocks. The iron door closing the room was equipped with fatal electric shocks. If ordinary people were not careful, If you touch it, you may die instantly!

 "Fuck!" Mu Mutian cursed angrily and decided to give up the stupid idea of ​​breaking through from the main entrance!

 Damn it, what on earth is going on?! First, he was put away by the "Master Chu" who was too strong to be human. When he woke up, he found that he was imprisoned in this room and could not get out. What made him most unhappy was that he lived with that wild wolf. In a room, it's terrible!

 "What on earth is going on?!" There were only two of them in the room. As a last resort, Mu Miutian gritted his teeth and asked the Bai Lang sitting opposite. Although they were opposite, because the room was too big, they The distance between the two is at least dozens of meters...

 The slender fingers clenched tightly, and the pain on his right shoulder reminded Bai Lang of the shame of losing to Chu Lingfeng. His two-colored pupils, one golden and one blue, darkened, condensed with deep whirlpools. The voice was cold and abnormal: "We lost."


 I was so damn unwilling to lose to that man!

 Bai Lang suddenly stepped off the soft big bed. He looked a little pale and weak as the blood on his handsome face had not yet recovered. He walked to the iron door where deadly electricity flowed, picked up a broken vase fragment, and passed it through the gap in the iron door. The sharp fragments were thrown out from the square position, but the Bai Lang aimed at only one square position very accurately, and the angle was also perfect!

 With a 'pop', the fragments pierced the controller three meters away from the iron door, destroying it easily. The current flowing on the iron door also disappeared immediately, and the mechanism of the first door was cracked!

 The Bai Lang is trapped in an unknown place and imprisoned, but he still maintains a calm analytical mind. This may also be the nature of the wolf! Keen observation, single-minded goal, and clear purpose!


 "Master Bai Lang, please go back." Several giant men wearing black suits with wolf totems blocked the door, obviously not wanting to let Bai Lang out!