Chapter 41 Five Years Later 2

 "Those things don't matter." Bai Jiyu said uninterestedly, looking down at his tie, his heroic eyebrows raised, and he said coldly: "I think I know how to do it, I don't need to look for you next time. "



 Hearing this, Jian Bai smiled lightly and said, "You learn pretty quickly." But she felt a little disappointed in her heart.



 He is a cruel man. Once he learns how to do it, he will leave you alone. Hahaha, he looks like a wolf!



 "Let's go." Bai Jiyu, who didn't want to waste any more time, ordered in a cold voice. His handsome face looked expressionlessly at the tightly closed switch in front of him, and a trace of cruelty flashed through his golden and blue eyes!



 Only Jian Bai and Heitong could open this all-steel switch, to prevent Bai Jiyu from escaping!



 "Yes, Master." Her slender hands tightly covered her chest, and Jian Bai, who was half-bent, obeyed respectfully. Then she took out the 'card' on her body and lightly swiped a cable at the crack of the door, sealing it along the way. All the electric doors in Bai Jiyu's room opened automatically!



 The exit of the deep corridor is the cathedral of the Hei family, and waiting for the new master of the Hei family in the cathedral is Hei Tong and a group of high-level people from the "Black Master Group"!



 Bai Jiyu walked out in a pure black suit, followed by a huge black wolf that made him look even taller and unreachable. Jian Bai, who had been silently following Bai Jiyu, walked to the "Black Division". In the seventh position, everyone led by Heitong knelt on the ground to welcome their new master——



 "Master, congratulations on becoming the master of our Hei family. From now on, all of us will obey your orders."



 Loud and respectful voices resounded throughout the cathedral. The Black family, inherited by Bai Jiyu, will rule the darkness of the world and become the "King of Darkness"!




 A Japanese-style room in the ruins of the old castle.



 In a high-tech shooting range full of cherry blossom trees, pieces of cherry blossoms fluttered in the wind with the sound of gunshots. A beautiful silver-haired man wearing shooting glasses and holding a silver-white pistol kept shooting. Shooting at the humanoid solitaire that was dodging rapidly up and down, every shot fired accurately hit the heart of the humanoid solitaire. The man's shooting ability was very powerful, and there was not a single missed shot! Trained for a long time!



A beautiful white fox with snow-white fur was jumping around with the gunshots fired by the man, and its golden beast eyes shone proudly!



 "Master Tian, ​​why are you still here!" The lithe Bai Tong appeared behind Mu Miutian at some point. At the age of 13, she was already very beautiful. Her delicate facial features and snow-white skin were like a glazed doll. Her silver hair was as brilliant as the Milky Way, and her snow-colored kimono set off her increasingly mature figure. She looked at Mu Miutian who was still shooting, and said angrily: "Master Tian, ​​you should go change clothes and get ready. Got it!"



 The gathering of the "Three Colors Family" is no ordinary gathering! What's more, today is an important day for Master Tian to continue the Bai family! There will be international officials from United Universal present to witness it!



 This is a ritual of inheritance!



 "What a shame!" Mu Miutian put down his pistol and took off his shooting glasses. He turned to look at the crystal clear Bai Tong behind him. His beautiful lips said with a malicious smile: "White fox, bite her!"



 snort! Bai Tong just loves to nag! troublesome!



 After hearing Mu Miutian's order, the beautiful white fox jumped up quickly, wrapped its sharp claws around Bai Tong's body, and tore at her snow-white kimono. It opened its mouth wide and exposed its sharp teeth, trying to bite off Bai Tong's snow-white body. When Bai Tong grabbed his neck, he was thrown away by Bai Tong's sharp knife——



 "Ah ah ah - Master Tian, ​​how could you ask the white fox to bite me!" Bai Tong was arranging the messy kimono on his body while looking pitifully at Mu Miutian with a smirk on his face. Yinxin said!



 You must know that anyone bitten by a white fox will become...



 Wearing a white shirt and trousers, Mu Mountain is beautiful and ethereal, with long silver hair that is as bright as a waterfall tied up high, and his exquisite facial features reveal an otherworldly temperament, making him look as beautiful and pure as an angel, but his personality is - —



 "Who told you to be so verbose? This time is a lesson. Next time I'll just make you dumb." Mu Miaotian, who looked as beautiful as an angel, shrugged innocently, looking at Bai Tong's pale little face with charming purple eyes. He threatened evilly.



 "Uh--" Bai Tong, who has always been timid, still hasn't made any progress five years later. When she doesn't hold a knife, she is just like an ordinary 13-year-old girl. She suddenly picked up the beautiful but cunning girl. The white fox looked pitifully at Mu Mountain and said, "Then I would rather have my neck bitten by the white fox..."



 Woohoo, little black boy, Master Tian is indeed Satan in angel skin! It's so terrible. She has been abused for the past five years!!!



 She very much doubted whether Master Tian had a bad tendency to abuse!!!



 Looking at the stupid white boy who surrendered immediately after being intimidated, Mu Muotian rolled his eyes speechlessly, glanced at his mouth, and muttered: "Tch, what a stupid boy!"



 But this extremely stupid boy is still the one who serves him, ah! Terrible!



 "Let's go, White Fox." Mu Miaotian calmly called out to the White Fox who was held in Bai Tong's arms, then turned and left. He was not in the mood to bully the frightened Bai Tong anymore!



 After the white fox used its sharp claws to break away from Bai Tong's little hand, he jumped down and ran quickly to Mu Miaotian. The master and the fox left with graceful and proud steps, obviously ignoring Bai Tong completely!



 The dumb Bai Tong took a while to come back to his senses. The first time——



 He took out his cell phone from his kimono and dialed Hei Tong's phone number. No one answered the message box. He took a deep breath and looked at the phone. The lion roared: "Little Hei Tong, I was abused by that bastard young master again!!!" "



 The little birds that landed on the cherry blossom tree were immediately frightened by Bai Tong's amazing lion's roar and flew away in danger of disaster! In the past five years, Bai Tong, who has been 'abused' by Mu Miutian countless times, the only person who protects her is Hei Tong!





The "Tricolor Family" gathering conference hall has an area of ​​tens of millions of square meters and can accommodate tens of thousands of people. It is like a glorious and gorgeous conference hall. The conference room is divided into three colors: black, red, and white. The people sitting on it and listening are the top senior figures of the Hei family, Chi family, and Bai family, and they will listen and witness the content of this meeting throughout! And in the center of the surrounding area are the seats of the three masters of the "Three Colors Family"!