Chapter 42 Five Years Later 3

 The conference hall is divided into three entrance passages. One is for the Black family, one is for the Chi family, and the other is for the Bai family. Dozens of confidential officials from Global Central International are standing in the passage on each side with military seriousness. Waiting for the arrival of the three masters of the "Three Colors Family" with a salute attitude——



 Bai Jiyu, who was followed by a huge black wolf, expressionlessly walked into a passage of the Hei family and slowly entered the meeting hall. Behind him were the gradually mature Hei Tong and the members of the "Black Division". The seven members walked to each other's seats, greeted by the salute of dozens of confidential officials from Global Central International.



 The huge and ferocious black wolf half-crouched beside Bai Jiyu like a guardian god. The beast's pupils were full of murderous glare and stared at Mu Miutian, who was sitting across from him and was handsome and handsome in a silver suit as if he automatically regarded him as an enemy!



 Bai Jiyu, who was sitting in the seat of the master of the Hei family, and Mu Miutian, who was sitting in the seat of the master of the Bai family, also arrived on time, but the meeting of the "Three Colors Family" could not start yet because - Chu Lingfeng, the master of the Chi family Not there yet!



 "Humph, I was despised again." Mu Miutian, whose long silver hair was moved to the right side and fastened with a silver ring, looked much more heroic and refreshing. He held his chin with one hand and looked at Bai Jiyu who was sitting opposite him, with a slight smile on his lips. Zhang Qi sneered. Chu Lingfeng was such a man that he hated so much!



 But now they have to pretend to be friendly, what a troublesome family!



 I don't know…how is that stupid woman doing now? I want to end this troublesome meeting quickly and go back to find her!!!



 After hearing what Mu Miutian said, Bai Jiyu gradually clenched his fists with one hand, but his handsome face remained unchanged, as if he didn't care about anything at all, just one gold and one blue But his two-colored eyes looked at the seat where Chu Lingfeng, the master of the Chi family, flashed a cold and ruthless light!



 One day, he will get back everything he lost, including Wanwan!!!



 The silent meeting of the "Three Colors Family" was prolonged indefinitely because Chu Lingfeng, the master of the Chi family, had not yet arrived and had to wait. Although the elders of the black and white families were slightly dissatisfied, they, after all, They are all experienced and capable people, and they were very calm! Who makes the Chi family the most powerful among the current "Three Color families"?



 The lost balance is not so easy to regain!



 After an hour passed, a heavy sense of depression lingered in the silent conference hall. Even the elders of the three families began to commotion and couldn't hold back their anger. However, Bai Jiyu and Mu Miaotian still looked calm and calm, not show any signs of anger. Affected by time and pressure, Mu Miutian's generous hands leisurely followed the hair of the white fox on his legs, with a cold smirk on his beautiful face.



 Just when a riot was about to break out in the meeting, a red and majestic flying eagle flew in first, soared, and hovered above the spacious conference hall, emitting a loud and threatening roar, instantly breaking the silent atmosphere of the conference hall!



 "Sorry, I'm late." The deep magnetic voice was full of majesty and awe. Chu Lingfeng, who was dressed in a crisp red suit, walked in with elegant steps. Behind him was only Chi Tong, but there were no "Red Division" people!



 It is said that since Chu Lingfeng inherited the master of the Chi family, he has never let the seven members of the "Red Master Regiment" appear in front of the public. Over time, these seven members have become a mystery!



 Chu Lingfeng, who had been late for a long time, elegantly and calmly sat down on the seat of the master of the Chi family. He glanced at Bai Jiyu and Mu Miaotian with his red eyes and smiled seductively with his thin red lips: "I didn't expect that we could meet again. What a miracle." He stretched out his strong long arms, and the red eagle soaring above flew down to Chu Lingfeng's strong arms at great speed, and its sharp mouth let out a deafening roar, extremely powerful!



 "Let the meeting begin." Chu Lingfeng's slender fingertips tapped on the table repeatedly, and he said lazily in a low-magnetic voice.



 The moment the diamond flashed, both Bai Jiyu and Mu Mountain saw the diamond ring on the ring finger of Chu Lingfeng's left hand!!! The expressions of the two people, whose handsome faces had always been calm, suddenly changed drastically, and they were about to go berserk!!!



 Diamond ring...Wanwan and Chu Lingfeng got married? !



 Damn Chu Lingfeng! ! !





The end of the meeting to sign the inheritance of the "Three Colors Family" not only means that Bai Jiyu and Mu Miaotian have inherited the Black and White families but also means that they have command and control of the entire family. After five years of rigorous training, they finally finally Able to leave this historic castle!



 "Master, where do you plan to live after you leave here?" The 13-year-old Heitong is already 165 meters tall. He is slender and tall, but his skin color is still the color of dark chocolate. His cool and handsome face shows that he loves to wear Chinese Tang suits. With an immature childishness, he looked at Bai Jiyu who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass, inserted his hands into his sleeves, and asked calmly.



 The Hei family has secret villas and castles all over the world. It doesn't matter which country Bai Jiyu wants to live in. Their Hei family's industry only needs to be operated secretly!



 Leave it to the Bai family during the day!



 However, wouldn't he be separated from Bai Tong? ...That little idiot had called him just now to vent his anger. He was really worried about letting her stay with Mu Mountain!



 Looking out at the hazy and mysterious mountain scenery through the floor-to-ceiling glass, Bai Jiyu's golden and blue pupils shone with an unknown dark light. He turned his head to look at Heitong behind him and said coldly: "Call Jian Bai in. ."



 There was something he had to figure out, no! It should be said that he must get it back. It doesn't matter what method he uses, as long as he can get back to him!



 He has endured it for long enough. He doesn't want to endure it anymore, and he can't endure it anymore. His heart... has reached its limit!



 After hearing Bai Jiyu's summons, Jian Bai, who was cold and capable in a black suit, walked in. Looking at Bai Jiyu, who had a deep and vague expression on his face, he frowned and asked, "Is something wrong?"



 Strangely, Bai Jiyu has learned how to hide his emotions in the past five years, but now the expression on his face has changed, deep and angry... He is angry, no! He was probably furious, but she couldn't understand who he was angry about!



 "As you said, as long as I become the master of your Hei family, you will try your best to take back everything that belongs to me." Bai Jiyu turned around his stalwart body, his two-colored eyes, one gold and one blue, staring straight at Jian Bai, his voice was almost cold to the extreme!



 Five years, he spent five years in this hellish place just to inherit this damn Hei family. God knows... He was about to go crazy from the longing in his heart if it weren't for... if it wasn't for his strength. If it wasn't enough, he wouldn't be forced by Chu Lingfeng's pressure to stay here for five years!



 "Yes, you are our master now, and these are the things we should do for you." Although he didn't know what Bai Jiyu was angry about, the smart Jian Bai knew very well that he must not do this at this time. If you disobey him, once the wolf is angered, it will be very scary! Enough to devour people!