Chapter 47 Kidnapping the Bride 2

 "You are so disobedient." Looking at the fragments of the vase lying on the ground, the indifferent Jian Bai glanced at Mu Wanwan, and shot Mu Wanwan's left leg without warning with the pistol, causing her to He suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground, sweating and panting!



 What's going on? It doesn't hurt? And there was no blood. This woman's pistol was not used to kill, but... to anesthetize her!?



 "What on earth is going on? What on earth do you want to do to me? Tell me your purpose!" Now that she knew that the other party did not want to kill her, Mu Wanwan's stubborn temper returned and she covered her head. The completely numb left leg was waiting for Jian Bai to ask unyieldingly!



 After Jian Bai looked Mu Wanwan up and down with her wise and cold eyes, her red lips slowly said: "Kidnapping you, and then imprisoning you, eh! The approximate process should be like this."



 It's really strange, this woman looked scared to death, why didn't she beg for mercy? Most people will beg for mercy, right?



 "Wha, what!?" Jian Bai's horrifying words made Mu Wanwan think that she was suffering from auditory hallucinations. Otherwise, how could any kidnapper speak so arrogantly before the kidnapping, as if it were just for entertainment? It's... too scary!



 She is a human being, not a cat or dog, and kidnapping is illegal!!!



 "So, whether you are willing or not, you must come with me." Jian Bai, who had always been extremely cold and cold, paid no attention to Mu Wanwan's complicated, tangled, and shocked thoughts. She just told Mu Wanwan the facts in a business-like manner. , the formulaic indifferent voice seemed to have no regard for the law. The pistol was raised again, and then he shot Mu Wanwan neatly in the chest. After that... Mu Wanwan fell into the darkness numbly - —



 Putting the pistol filled with anesthetic into his suit, Jian Bai, who was wearing a black suit, walked ably to Mu Wanwan who was unconscious on the ground. His cold eyes stared at her condescendingly, and his eyebrows were slightly raised, cold. The voice said in confusion: "It's confusing."



 Why should we choose such a woman? Bai Jiyu.



 A wild cat can't tame a ferocious wolf!



 She had never seen it before!





Mu Wanwan is missing!



 Chu Lingfeng, who had rushed back from the early morning flight that night, did not find Mu Wanwan when he returned home, nor did he hear her cheerful laughter to welcome him back. What greeted him was a deserted silence in the room! Chu Lingfeng's heart instantly froze and became cold!



 From the broken vase fragments on the ground and the destroyed cell phone of Mu Wanwan, it seemed that Mu Wanwan must have been kidnapped. Before that, Mu Wanwan had some conflicts with the person who kidnapped her. !



 damn it! Who is so unafraid of death that he even dares to touch his Chu Lingfeng woman!!! He swore that he would not make things easier for those who hurt Wanwan!!!



 Chu Lingfeng, who exuded a fierce murderous aura, had a gloomy and deep handsome face, which looked strange and scary. He took out his mobile phone with an unusually calm mind, spoke a series of Italian words fluently, then conveniently closed the door and went out. Got——


 There is an elegant castle hidden in the forest on a remote side of the urban area of ​​N city. The classical Chinese luxurious carvings and luxurious decorations like royal nobles fully demonstrate the noble status of the owner of this castle!



 The security on the outside of the hidden castle is very tight, with layer after layer of security gates that not even a fly can fly in!



 Jian Bai, who was driving a black Volkswagen car, showed his identity as the "Black Division" and passed the three-level review process before he could drive into this hidden ancient castle in Athens. Jian Bai looked at the rearview with a cold expression. Mu Wanwan, who was sleeping in the mirror, pursed her red lips slightly!



 The accelerator was pressed hard to the bottom, and the black Volkswagen sedan drove into the center of the castle at an incredibly fast speed——



 There is a long white stone staircase in front of the gate of the elegant and luxurious castle. There is a soft long red carpet on the staircase, and on both sides are people from their Black family's "Black Wolf", Like the presidential palace, they all bent down at 90 degrees and waited respectfully to guard it!



 "Is she Mu Wanwan?" Hei Tong, who had his arms crossed, looked at Mu Wanwan sleeping in the carriage with a cool expression. His thick eyebrows slightly furrowed and he muttered, "Why does this woman look so familiar?" I seem to have seen this woman somewhere before!



 "I think so too!" Bai Tong, who had been hiding behind Hei Tong, half-stretched his cute little head, his big crystal clear eyes sliding up and down, and patted Hei Tong's strong shoulder, suddenly realizing: " Little Hei Zai, I remember! We already met Mu Wanwan five years ago! She even asked us if we were the illegitimate children of Master Bai Lang and Master Tian!"



 Hahaha, the fate of the world is so wonderful. People who have only met once will meet again five years later. Or maybe they are destined!



 After Bai Tong said this, Hei Tong quickly remembered it. He looked thoughtfully at Mu Wanwan, who was delicate-looking but not beautiful in the carriage, and murmured to himself: "No wonder."



 No wonder his bastard master was so obsessed with this woman named 'Mu Wanwan'. It turned out that they had lived together for a while five years ago!



 Wolf, once you become dependent on you, it will last a lifetime!



 "What's the wonder?" Bai Tong, who has very good hearing, heard Hei Tong's mumbling, looked at Hei Tong like a curious baby, and asked sweetly!



 "Nothing." Hei Tong looked like a young elder and decisively interrupted Bai Tong's curiosity. After all, once this little idiot gets curious, he will annoy a person to death!



 Heitong looked at Jian Bai, who was calm and silent, and then at Mu Wanwan, who was asleep in the carriage. He thought for a while and suggested, "Let me carry her in."



 With that said, Heitong wanted to bend down and pick up Mu Wanwan who was sleeping in the carriage, but was calmly rejected by Jian Bai who was thinking deeply at the side, "No, let me do it."



 The wolf doesn't like anyone of the opposite sex touching what belongs to him! Even if Heitong is only 13 years old and doesn't pose a threat, she can't guarantee that Bai Jiyu will be angry. After all, 13-year-old Heitong is still half a man!



 Although he didn't know what Jian Bai was worried about, Hei Tong knew that Jian Bai was a thoughtful and smart woman, so he trusted what she said. He took a step back and gave way and said, "Then you can hold me. "