Chapter 48 Kidnapping the Bride 3

 It's okay, he doesn't like hugging other women either! I hugged Baitong once before, and it was troublesome!



 Although the tall and slender Jian Bai is not as powerful as Hei Tong, she is still a person who has gone through the devilish training of the "Three Colors Family". What's more, as the seventh seat of the "Black Division", she is still very powerful. She is capable. Holding a woman in her arms is simply a piece of cake for her, just a small test of her skills!



 But the moment she picked up Mu Wanwan, Jian Bai knew that there was still a difference between women! Mu Wanwan's weight is very light, unexpectedly light, it can even be said that it is the lightest thing she has ever hugged, and Mu Wanwan's body is... very soft, comfortable, and warm when she hugs her. Compared to Mu Wanwan's body which was hardened by long-term training, it was much more comfortable and more like a woman than her!



 An ordinary woman.



 After walking through the long red carpet, the tall and slender Jian Bai carried the sleeping Mu Wanwan to the master's room at the deepest part of the castle. She opened the heavy door. Under the dim yellow light, Bai Ji Yu Jun's beautiful face was filled with dark tenderness, which made him look as perfect and handsome as a painting. Jian Bai, who was caught off guard, was hit hard in the heart!



 She couldn't tell what kind of weird feeling it was, it just made her feel a little... palpitating!



The moment he saw the sleeping Mu Wanwan in Jian Bai's arms, Bai Jiyu's golden and blue eyes burst out with dazzling colors almost like a conditioned reflex. He dropped the heavy book in his hand and took a big stride. , almost excitedly rushed to Jian Bai. The person whose gorgeous eyes were looking at was Mu Wanwan, not Jian Bai who was holding her!



 "Let me hold her." Bai Jiyu's mellow and sexy voice was nice but trembling due to excessive excitement. He opened his hands to take the petite Mu Wanwan but found that Jian Bai Bai Jiyu, who seemed motionless and sluggish, was impatient and had no patience for a long time. He roared in a low voice: "Jian Bai, don't let go yet!"



 Damn it, he has been waiting for five years, and now he can't wait any longer. He wants to hold Wanwan, he wants to hold her well, and thinks about her like crazy!



 Looking at Bai Jiyu, whose handsome face was blushing due to anxiety, Jian Bai quickly calmed down her shocked expression. Silently, she returned the nimble Mu Wanwan to Bai Jiyu in her arms, and the other party almost snatched Mu Wanwan over, and then hugged her tightly, as if he was afraid of accidentally breaking her. His gentle and almost drowning look made Jane Bai for a while and couldn't come back to his senses. He felt strange in his heart as if he was almost out of breath!



 Why...why does Bai Jiyu have such a gentle side? Impossible... She has been with Bai Jiyu for five years, and she has never seen him show such... a cherished expression. Is this Bai Jiyu?



 Can a wild cat tame a vicious wolf?!



 "Wanwan, my Wanwan, I can finally see you, touch you, and hold you. I miss you so much..." Bai Jiyu's hot thin lips fell on Mu Wanwan's smooth face. , kissing his mark again and again, tenderly but full of endless longing and yearning for the past five years! Looking at Mu Wanwan who was still sleeping with her eyes closed, Bai Jiyu's deep voice was raised with obvious displeasure, "Wanwan, what's wrong with her!"



 Bai Jiyu's question showed that he was addressing Jian Bai. Although he didn't show any obvious anger, he was so deep and scary!



 Hearing that this was the sound that was a precursor to Bai Jiyu's anger, Jian Bai could only carefully avoid the important points and said lightly: "I just want to give her an injection of anesthetic, otherwise how would I bring her here."



 She didn't want to make Bai Jiyu angry for no reason. After all, when he got angry...even she and Heitong had a hard time dealing with it!



 "Really?" His slender fingertips gently and carefully caressed Mu Wanwan's peaceful sleeping face. Bai Jiyu's neither gentle nor serious voice could detect any emotion, anger, sorrow, or joy. The next moment, he suddenly raised his head and said, Jin Yilan's eyes were filled with frost, and his deep voice said angrily: "Did you hurt her!?"



 Wanwan is very afraid of pain. How could Jian Bai use such a rough thing on Wanwan!!!



 "No!" The smart and shrewd Jian Bai quickly and calmly replied before Bai Jiyu got angry: "How could the anesthetic cause her pain? It just made her lose consciousness temporarily."



 Is it necessary to be so angry? Would you feel distressed and angry even if you just gave Mu Wanwan an injection of anesthesia? So... so loyal!



 Loyal? Bai Jiyu is the master of their Hei family, so...could Mu Wanwan be Bai Jiyu's master? How can it be?



 "Don't use such rough methods next time, it will scare Wanwan!" Bai Jiyu's sexy and pleasant voice was extremely serious and serious as if he would not be polite to Jian Bai next time! The little woman in the arms of a very precious treasure!



 His Wanwan was the timidest, what if she was frightened? It was the same five years ago. He scared Wanwan, so Wanwan didn't want him!



 With her hands tightly clenched into fists, Jian Bai looked at Mu Wanwan who was being cared for by Bai Jiyu with a cold expression on her face. A trace of jealousy flashed through her heart. She lowered her head and said respectfully: "I understand. , Owner."



 Bai Jiyu is her master, and she must obey his orders. She will not do anything that will displease him, but... she still doesn't understand!



 Is this woman Mu Wanwan worthy of the love of a treasure like Bai Jiyu?!



 Looking intently at the sleeping little woman in his arms, Bai Jiyu almost didn't want to move his eyes away. He just ordered Jian Bai to be kicked out in a cold voice: "Get out."



 Don't get in the way of him and Wanwan!



 "Yes. Master..." Even if Jian Bai no longer wants to leave, her calm reason still overcomes the demonic obstacles in her heart. She resolutely turns around and walks out, closing the heavy door. The moment the door was closed, with her extremely sharp eyesight, she saw the raised corners of Bai Jiyu's lips!



 Laughing? She didn't expect that Bai Jiyu, who didn't even have many expressions, would know how to laugh. It seemed... In the past five years, the Bai Jiyu she had known was just Bai Jiyu! Instead of... Bai Lang.



 Bai Lang only belongs to that ordinary woman named 'Mu Wanwan'!