Chapter 86 The Right Time and Place VS the People

 As long as his stance is firm, Mu Wanwan is nothing! He will not be soft on her again!



 Mu Wanwan's teary eyes were clouded with Bai Yuyu's cold and ruthless two-color eyes, and suddenly, she smiled, laughing sadly and sadly, but the tears flowed even crazily! She stretched out her blood-stained little hand and wiped away the tears on her cheeks vigorously, leaving a red and bright blood stain on her snow-white skin, making her look like a sickly bewitching beauty!



 "You're right, you're not Xiaobai, the previous Xiaobai is dead! From this moment on, Bai Guanyu, I hate you! Until I die, I won't forgive you, you will regret it for the rest of your life!" Mu Wanwan, who had been kneeling on the ground, strongly propped up her weak and trembling body, glanced at Bai Jianyu and Zuo Yan, and said with a miserable little face full of indifference: "Next, do you choose to kill me directly?" or imprison me?"



 Mu Wanwan's words made Zuo Yan on the side frown slightly, but her cherry lips hooked an imperceptible arc, and her bloodthirsty eyes looked closely at this ordinary but somewhat courageous little woman, and a trace of amazement flashed in her heart!



 Yo, this woman named Mu Wanwan surprised him, quite an interesting woman, no wonder the boss and Chu Lingfeng care about her so much!



 It's hard to imagine that she's a traitor, no! it's hard to imagine what she looks like when she's angry... So cool


 (PS: The queen of Wanwan's momentum exploded instantly, and there was wood! In the beginning, I thought that the relatives who were abusing the ring were all facing the poisonous wall! Who is our Wanwan? The queen also! You think you can abuse it if you want to! Of course, the next is Xiaobai and Wanwan's home field!)



 Looking at Mu Wanwan's expressionless appearance, Bai Yuyu's handsome face became more and more gloomy, and his heart surged with an unwilling throbbing, he decisively stretched out his slender hand and swept it towards Mu Wanwan's snow-white neck, but the strength was not light or heavy, but it was precisely aimed at the position of the neck nerve, which was enough to make the delicate Mu Wanwan faint-



 Mu Wanwan's petite body fell straight on Bai Yuyu's body, just enough for him to hug him tightly so that he wouldn't fall to the ground!



 "BOSS, can I ask you, what were you doing just now?" **Prince Zuo Yan put on a curious look with a gloomy smile, looked at Bai Yuyu who bowed his head and pondered, and asked with bad intentions!



 Damn, isn't it possible to hurt Mu Wanwan? Now how can the boss do it himself?



 It won't be ...



 "Shut up!" hugged Mu Wanwan's white thin lips and squeezed out two words coldly, the unhappy tone and unhappy tone was enough to make Zuo Yan close his mouth very sensibly, but the narrow peach blossom eyes kept staring at Mu Wanwan in the past!



 That woman scared the boss, it's amazing!



 Bai Jianyu himself couldn't say why he wanted Mu Wanwan to faint, he just ... It's just that I don't like Mu Wanwan's ruthless expression of cutting in two, it's just that my heart was scared for a moment, just a little panicked, it shouldn't be like this, I shouldn't have any palpitations about Mu Wanwan, is it not enough to hate, or is the love too deep...



 After hugging Mu Wanwan and getting into the car, the door closed Bai Yuyu with a 'snap', leaving Zuo Yan outside the car, the black window slowly slipped down, and Bai Guanyu, who had a handsome face and was not very kind, glanced at Zuo Yan coldly, and ordered: "You stay and be responsible for sweeping up the remaining people." "



 The task that should be completed must be completed perfectly! No matter what his mood is now!



 "OK, BOSS!" Prince Zuo Yan made a 'received' gesture, "Just by the way, let's see if Uncle Zong Ming hung up!"




 The carved wooden tables and chairs in the cathedral have all become the best fuses, the fancy windows have all been shattered by the high temperature, the fierce fire is becoming more and more ferocious, the air inside is becoming weaker and rarer, and the people inside are becoming more and more difficult to breathe-






 If he continues like this, he'll die! But... The master he ...



 The scarred Chi Tong reluctantly stretched his neck and glanced at Chu Lingfeng, who was trapped and died in the fire ring, the reason why the fire was too strong he couldn't see Chu Lingfeng's current situation, his small paws clenched into a compassionate fist, wait a little longer, hold on a little longer, and he would be able to ...



 A scalpel flew quickly, accurately, and ruthlessly, and Chitong, who didn't want to expend his physical strength, didn't even avoid it, his strong shoulders were hard to take the knife off Charles, and he knelt on one knee as if waiting for something to come!!



 "Chi Tong, why don't you use illusions, I'm looking forward to waiting for you to finish this trick before sending you to death!" The white medical robe on Charles's body is still as white as ever, he is still as beautiful as ever, and the thin air in the space does not make him look embarrassed Chi Tong's strength is not the opponent of the perverted Charles at all!



 Come to think of it, the first in the "Tricolor Family" is the attacking black boy, the second is the speed-type white boy, and the third is the control-type red child!



Melee combat or something, it's not at all the range of the controllable Red Child! The Red Child is only good at intelligent long-range attacks! In terms of the attack power of actual combat, the Red Child is not Charr's opponent at all! 


Of course, no one knows how terrifying the power of Chitong's so-called real illusion is! 


 Looking at Chi Tong, who was kneeling on one knee and hanging his head motionless, Charles frowned in confusion, another scalpel flew over, brushing Chi Tong's arm, and blood sprayed out, "Don't tell Lao Tzu that you hung up, does not move mean that you want to die!?"



 Strange boy, wasn't he still attacking like crazy just now? Why is he not moving now, he is unconscious, and he still wants to play some trick?!



 Lao Tzu is looking forward to it, come quickly, little ghost!



 "The sun in the sky, the green trees on the earth, our bodies are born on the earth, our souls come from heaven, the sun and the moon shine on our limbs, the green land nourishes our bodies, give this body to the wind that blows through the earth, give thanks to heaven for the land of miracles, may our hearts be safe and healthy forever, I want to share the joy with all my fellow citizens, may I share sorrows with them, please praise our people forever, let us bear witness with red fiery eyes. The bloody fingertips tapped his forehead, and the red boy who knelt on one knee prayed for the family message with great devotion, and the small voice seemed faint in the cathedral that was constantly engulfed by the flames, but it was absolutely firm!