Chapter 87 The Right Time and Place VS the People 2

 "Hey, hey, little ghost, don't tell Lao Tzu, you have not braided your braids before you book a place with Jesus!" Red Child's small prayer Charles couldn't quite understand what it meant, but there was a faint uneasiness in his heart—



 What kind of tricks is this red-eyed little ghost playing, I have a very bad feeling...



 In the fire circle on the other side, the air in the fire circle was several times weaker than the one outside the fire circle under the ferocious fire, and almost every breath was a thick fire smoke, not to mention a death match, would be a problem for ordinary people to even hold on for a while! And the person who fell this time was not Chi Hao, it was Chu Lingfeng!!



 How can it be!?



 "As for me, I breathe a lot less than ordinary people, and I don't know why everyone in the group says I am like a camel. "Chi Hao, whose left hand and left foot were abolished by Chu Lingfeng, barely relied on his right foot to support the weight of his body, looking at Chu Lingfeng, who had to kneel on one knee and gasp, revealing a look of 'I am still the most scheming', but his heroic and awe-inspiring face had already been beaten by Chu Lingfeng!



 What a pity! I'm afraid that after going out, I will have to lie in bed for at least a few months to recover!



 However, Chu Lingfeng is powerful, and being beaten is not his forte, just eating Chu Lingfeng's fist, he is really about to die of pain!!



 Chu Lingfeng, whose face was very wrong, breathed in a big gulp of air, but it was mostly smoke, and he resolutely covered his snort and mouth with his sword eyebrows furrowed, and if he sucked it up, he would not die, but he would also be smoked to death by the smoke!



 The body consciousness is starting to blur, this time it's really bad, it's annoying to be knocked down by a mere NO.3!!



 "If I were your opponent under normal circumstances, I would definitely lose in your hands in less than 10 minutes, but now is not the general situation, the right time and place are still very important!" Chi Hao knew that he should go up to give Chu Lingfeng a fatal blow at this time, but damn it!





 "Not only is the time and place favorable, but people are also very important, sir!" Amid the raging flames, a huge figure rushed in, and Uncle Zong Ming, whose clothes on his right hand and right foot were burned, came in to support with blood on his forehead!



 NO.1 AND NO.3 ARE HERE, IN THE CURRENT STATE OF CHU LINGFENG... There is no chance of winning at all!



 "Hey, buddy, you're finally here to save the scene, I thought you were broken by Xiao San!" Seeing that Uncle Zong Ming was still alive, Chi Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief!



 With the head of their 'Black Division' here, Chu Lingfeng won't be able to run away this time!



 "Hmm... I wasn't destroyed by Xiao San, I was almost destroyed by Mu Wanwan's woman!" Uncle Zong Ming confessed embarrassedly, after all, he was NO.1 no matter what he said, he was actually given an army by Mu Wanwan's woman, and he was almost burned to death, hey, if this matter was known by Zuo Yan's fucking pervert, he would laugh fiercely!



 Hey, so women are his natural enemies, and he is most afraid of women, but there are still two tigresses at home, sad!



 "But-" Uncle Zong Ming grabbed Chu Lingfeng's neck with one hand, and with amazing arm strength, he lifted Chu Lingfeng high with one hand, and he took out the military broadsword hidden behind him, and the sharp blade reflected Chu Lingfeng, who had a frustrated face, "You're finished, Chu Lingfeng!"



 Without Chu Lingfeng having the slightest room to think, the military broadsword in Uncle Zong Ming's hand boldly slashed at Chu Lingfeng's throat!



 The blood was red, like the hottest flame spreading throughout the cathedral—





 When Zuo Yan rushed to the cathedral-like a furnace, the glass windows around the cathedral suddenly all exploded, and countless glass fragments flew out from all directions, Zuo Yan, who was closest to the cathedral, couldn't dodge it at all, he wittily pulled out the knife, and swept the defense without panic, until this glass storm disappeared, he retracted the knife smoothly, and continued to approach the front of the cathedral, and his fingertips just touched the closed door instantly-



 The door was kicked open!!



 "Fuck you, which blind fool is in the way, get out of the way!!" Uncle Zong Ming, who kicked the double-layer gate, obviously entered a state of rage, and he didn't see clearly that the person who came was Zuo Yan, so he directly started scolding!!



 "Go die, you give me a death, grass and mud horse! Why don't you give me death!!" Uncle Zong Ming is not the only one who has gone berserk, and the perverted Charles's super self-obsessive-compulsive disorder has begun to attack again, and he is running out with Chi Hao, who can't move while cursing him fiercely and telling him to die quickly!



 "Don't worry, if I die, I will also take down you two terrorists to accompany the burial!" Chi Hao, the Counter-Strike Inspector, became very righteous at this moment, he quickly glanced at the person blocking the door, and immediately scolded: "Damn! Zuo Yan is dead, this place is about to explode, don't get in the way!!"



 As soon as Chi Hao's word 'explosion' was uttered, the extremely witty and flexible ** prince Zuo Yan immediately bounced away and rushed backward away from the cathedral, without the slightest intention of pulling the three of them!



 It's ruthless enough, ruthless enough!



 The ground began to shake slightly, and the next moment, the cathedral with only the skeleton left exploded, and the window beams flew all over the ground, and the violent impact made Zuo Yan, Uncle Zongming, the perverted Charles, and Chi Hao all fly out!!



 It can be seen that the explosion is quite powerful!



 Looking at the sky that was gradually darkening overhead, Uncle Zong Ming exhaled heavily, and his heart rate was still beating wildly: "Ah... It's finally alive!"



 Kiss your wife, baby girl, baba is back!



 "Ah..." Zuo Yan, who fell not lightly, rolled on the ground in pain before slowly propping up, looking at the three people who also fell heavily on the ground, he pouted and said: "Cut, I thought Uncle Zongming must have hung up this time!"



 Forget it! Uncle Zongming should hang it on his hand if he wants to hang it!


 "I'm going to be crushed to death by you, sir!!" The perverted Charles's voice of 'sir' really gritted his teeth!



 Chi Hao, who slipped off the perverted Charles and collapsed on the ground, said weakly: "I was wasted one hand and one leg by Chu Lingfeng, and the rest will be handed over to you to heal Charles." If the cure is not good... I'll ... you Sold to the FBI, ... "Before fainting, I didn't forget to threaten, and sure enough, I have the demeanor of Counter-Strike!"



 "Chu Lingfeng, are you dead?" After buffering for a while, Zuo Yan asked seriously, and the only person who could answer his question was Uncle Zong Ming, who was the last to handle it-