Chapter 177 : The Siege 1

 The clean water in the sink was stained red with blood, picked up the pure white towel next to it wiped the bloody hands, and then washed away all the blood in the sink, the kimono girl in the mirror returned to a sweet and pure style, Rina opened the door casually and walked out, the luxurious room was full of all kinds of Japanese dolls, all of which were very cute and cute styles, no different from the puppet dolls outside the ordinary, except that they all held a small kunai (a weapon used by Japanese hermits), and the black crystal eyes flashed, as if they were placed on the soul.



 Eerie, indescribably weird, terrifying.



 The computer screen on the desk flickered, and someone called. Lina, who had changed into an elegant kimono, walked over lightly, put on headphones, and pressed the call button again, and the baby-faced Luo Zhan's voice soared out



 "I'm finally able to communicate with you, no matter where you are, stop it for me immediately. "The baby-faced Luo Zhan took advantage of the chaos to escape back to the Chi family at the moment before the explosion of Bai Jiaoyu Castle last time, and he thought that the 'Red Master Regiment' would immediately start investigating Chu Lingfeng's whereabouts, but found that the Chi family had fallen.



 Chu Lingfeng's life and death are unknown. Chitong's whereabouts are also unknown. There was chaos within the Chi family, and the situation was completely out of control.



 "Don't. Lina refused coldly and decisively, completely well-behaved and docile in front of people, and now she exudes a gloomy aura, like a vengeful ghost crawling out of hell, and her anger is getting heavier and heavier.



 "Reina, it shouldn't be like this. Have you forgotten what the boss said to us at the beginning? As a member of the Red Family, you must not sell your soul and abandon your personality. The eagle soaring in the sky will always be the totem of our Chijia faith, free and never bound. Your cooperation with Lucifer will not only destroy your personality and soul but even the Chi family will be compensated by you. "



 Lucifer, the insidious, cunning man, is too good at exploiting the dark and fragile side of the human heart. Lina has been by the boss's side since she was a child, and she admires the boss very much, and the news of the boss's death hit her the hardest. He could understand Reina's anger, but ... It's too unwise to work with Lucifer.



 That guy completely treats their "Red Division" as a death squad, a stepping stone. Let them have a hard time with Bai Jianyu's 'Black Division', and in the end, he will take advantage of the fisherman, and Lina will be used by him at all, this time the plan is ... Even if they can successfully kill Bai Yuyu, Lina and they will be buried with them...



 Lina, who had been blackened by hatred in her heart, couldn't turn back, and she said ruthlessly: "If it's ruined, it's ruined." The Chi family, which is not in charge of the master, has nothing to do with me anymore. Even if it is used, Lucifer does have enough ability to assist me in eradicating Bai Yuyu, and this is enough. "



 As long as you can avenge your master, sell your soul to Satan, and destroy your personality.



 "Not true. We have other options, and I'm sure the boss won't hang up so easily, we have to maintain the red family and wait for the boss to come back... The baby-faced Luo Zhan still wanted to persuade Lina to answer, no matter which method he used to take revenge, but this was the only ... Not.



 The revenge of the Chi family and himself, which revenge is counted. It is simply the same end ...



 "In what capacity do you speak to me? Luo Zhan, you're just a NO.3, as the NO.1 of the 'Red Division', can you order me?. Those who are timid and afraid of things, we don't need the Red Division. That's why I've reorganized a new 'Red Division', Luo Zhan, you're no longer part of my regiment. Bye. Taking off her headphones, Rina turned off communication with Luo Zhan severely, and her body and mind had been distorted and controlled by Satan.



 Her faith has been destroyed.



 Not only did she want Bai Yuyu to go down to the funeral of her master, but she also wanted all the people of the Chi family... All go down to accompany the master...





 Xiao K has not been out of the room for three whole days, but the members of the "Black Division" have no signs of worry, because the highest record Xiao K, a supercomputer fan, has tried not to leave the room for half a step for three months, so they are no longer surprised by this, for Xiao K, as long as there is a computer in the room, if it is not for the hunger to eat, he can even not leave the room for the rest of his life.



 Computer freak one.



 "Will that kid starve to death in the room?" Qiao Fei, who was watching TV entertainment gossip, held a large bag of potato chips in his hand, chewed it in his mouth, and didn't forget to pick up the frozen Coke and take a big sip, and then 'burped' extremely indecently.



 For Qiao Fei, eating is more important than life.



 "It's okay, that guy can't afford to be hungry unless he is too hungry to do it, otherwise he won't take the initiative to show up. Uncle Zong Ming, who changed into ordinary clothes for ordinary people, is no different from ordinary uncles, but he is taller, more man, and more stylish, he turned his head to Zuo Yan smiled happily, and said: "I want to go home for a few days, and it will be my baby daughter's birthday in a few days, I have to go back in advance to prepare for her." "



 He hasn't slept with his kissing wife for a long time, and the so-called lonely pillow can't sleep. He had to go home.



 . Kiss your wife and baby daughter, baba is back.



 The more I thought about it, the more excited I became, Uncle Zong Ming almost twisted the bear's waist, happily jumped and pressed the private elevator, and went out



 "Evil ... Sao Bao one. Prince Zuoyan complained very unkindly.



 "Okay, I know, I'll come now. After Chi Hao, who was chatting on the phone, turned off his mobile phone, he suddenly stood up and put on a blazer, and then put the long-abandoned FBI license back on his chest, and said to Zuo Yan: "I haven't shown up on the FBI side for too long, and there is a meeting in N City at this time, I have to show up, and I may not be able to come back for several days." "