Chapter 178 : The Siege 2

 Saying that Chi Hao also followed behind Uncle Zong Ming and left the team——.



 "Sir, have a good trip, and you are missing halfway. Prince Zuo Yan waved leisurely at Chi Hao's back and said goodbye. Immediately, Peach Blossom glanced at it and saw Lei Li, who was indignant, thinking in his mouth, and then left the team-



 Looking at the sad back of Lei Li entering the private elevator, Zuo Yan glanced at the perverted Charles and asked, "What's wrong with Lei Li?"



 "Just now, Jian Bai called him and said that he was going shopping and asked Lei Li to be a 'hard worker'. The perverted Charles rubbed the scalpel shiny and said disapprovingly.



 The person Lei Li is most afraid of is Jian Bai, this is a well-known thing in the regiment, Jian Bai's 'sit down' is too lethal for Lei Li, causing him to be NO.4 and have to obey NO.7's Jian Bai's order.



 Putting away the clean and reflective scalpel, the perverted Charles also stood up and said to Zuo Yan, "I'll go out too, and I'll be back at dinner." "



 Then, the perverted Charles also left the team——.



 Prince Zuo Yan Junxiu's face showed a look of displeasure, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Cut, go out, go out, why does everyone report to me." "



 He's not their babysitter, they go out and him.



 "Because you look like Mama-san. Qiao Fei, who was sitting on the side of the sofa, had already wiped out a large bag of potato chips, drinking frozen Coke cutely, and hitting Zuo Yan mercilessly.



 "Shut up, you monster girl. The narrow peach blossom eyes squinted at the delicate and lovely Qiao Fei on the side, and prince Zuo Yan had no love for children and fought back fiercely.



 Hmph, a little girl who hasn't grown all her hair.



 "Who is the monster girl, you perverted prince, looking for death, aren't you? Lori Qiaofei, who has always been arrogant and irritable, grinds her fists, and her invincible and cute face has a violent dark smile.



 "It just so happens that I just wanted to return the first kick you kicked me... Zuo Yan, who belongs to the S (sadistic) type, has always been very obsessed with Qiao Fei's kick for the first time he met, he suddenly jumped up from the sofa, and was about to draw a knife-



 Qiao Fei suddenly patted his forehead, and suddenly realized: "By the way, I remembered." That guy from Hades doesn't seem to have come out in a few days. "



 Hades hasn't been out of the room for three days, and Xiao K hasn't been out of the room for three days, shouldn't the two of them be



 Oops, she forgot that Hades is gay, so Xiao K shouldn't have been abducted to bed, right?



 Bai Yuyu, who had just walked to the living room, suddenly paused when he heard Qiao Fei's words, his heroic brows suddenly narrowed, his wolf intuition flashed, and he resolutely turned around and walked to Xiao K's exclusive room in the deepest part.



 Little K's room is located in the deepest and most remote large room on the 63rd floor. Because of his special relationship, the outside of the room is inlaid with a layer of high-tech combination locks, and only the correct password can open the door of Xiao K's room.



 Bai Jianyu, who has tested several sets of passwords, still can't open the door of Xiao K's room, it is impossible to hit the door or break it with a pistol, there is too much confidential information in each of Xiao K's computer disks, for the sake of security and confidentiality, so the door of this room is made of heavy metal, and it takes a lot of effort to break it in.



 "Bai Jianyu, what's wrong?" Mu Wanwan, who didn't see Bai Jianyu out of the living room, also followed, standing behind his tall body, slipped out of his little head and looked at the combination lock in front of the door of the room, and asked, "You want to unlock this code door lock?"



 What's wrong? This room seems to belong to Little K.



 "Hmm. Bai Yuyu, who had been frowning his eyebrows, responded deeply and then turned his head to look at Mu Wanwan behind him, his two-color eyes flashed with a touch of gold, and his fingertips quickly pressed a set of passwords, and with a 'bang', the door lock of the computer in the room opened.



 Klein, that guy, dared to use Wanwan's birthday as a password, it's damn good.



 The heavy metal door opened, and the dark room was filled with an eerie horror that made it impossible to see what was inside, there was a bottomless inexplicable fear that was even more terrifying than a haunted house.



 Bai Jianyu walked in without hesitation, and there was no fear in the two-color eyes of Qingming Barui, it should be said that Bai Jianyu never believed in ghosts and gods, so why was he afraid?



 Mu Wanwan, who was standing in front of the door, grabbed Bai Jianyu's arm quickly, and said with a serious expression: "Bai Jianyu, I want to go in too." "



 I always feel ... There was a kind of uneasiness in her heart, a little afraid of staying outside alone, she wanted to follow Bai Yuyu's side.



 "Yes, but keep up with me. With a turn of his head, Bai Guanyu's handsome face raised a reassuring smile, and his big and generous hands tightly wrapped Mu Wanwan's soft little hands, and the moment the two walked into Xiao K's room, the door automatically closed and was locked. This is a fully computerized automatic room, the chandelier on the ceiling is on, but the light is flickering, with a bit of horror, obviously the chandelier on it has been destroyed.



 There was a burst of light, a dark room was a mess, and the computers kept flashing on the screen, as if something would crawl out of it in the next moment, which was terrifying.



 Mu Wanwan was extremely uneasy, a strange and gloomy feeling spread, and her cold sweaty little hand tightly held Bai Jianyu's big hand, she caressed her beating heart and asked Bai Jianyu softly: "Here... What's going on?"



 It seems like... It's like you've been attacked by a ghost, so it's scary.



 Bai Yuyu was unusually calm and observed and inspected the messy and gloomy room one by one, and after scanning Klein's room of more than 100 square meters with a sharp gaze like an X-ray, the two-color eyes of one gold and one blue finally fell on an imperceptible drop of blood in front of the tall white closet, and said in a deep voice: "Klein, someone may have attacked." "



 As soon as the words fell, Bai Yuyu held Mu Wanwan's hand tightly and walked quickly to the door of the white wardrobe, and the moment his slender fingertips were about to touch the front of the wardrobe, he suddenly stopped. With a firm arm, he hugged Mu Wanwan beside him tightly into his arms and buried her little head deep in front of her chest, Bai Yuyu didn't want Mu Wanwan to see the bloody scene.



 'Squeak' accompanied by a strange sound, the white wardrobe was opened by Bai Yuyu, a strong smell of blood came to his nose, Bai Yuyu's two-color pupils of one gold and one blue dilated in disbelief, and the arm that hugged Mu Wanwan tightly trembled slightly.



 I saw that the tall white wardrobe was messy and bloodstained, the blood splashed all over the wardrobe had completely dried up, and a pile of clothes hanging inside had been 'smacked' on both sides - and the bloody little K was hung behind the wardrobe, his hands were tied with special silver wires, and a sharp kunai was deeply pierced in the middle of his wrists, nailing him to the white wardrobe wall, like a blood sacrifice on the cross, on his face, body, His legs were covered in blood, and his condition was horrible as if he had been brutally abused...



 Unknown alive or dead.