Chapter 188: Favorites and Favorites2

 Luo Zhan also said the same thing, why is it wrong for her to avenge her master? . They don't know the master at all, this woman is hateful.



 Mu Wanwan, who was hit to the point of a gold star, shook her confused little head before she barely woke up, she reached out to cover half of her red and swollen face, pulled her lips, and said in pain: "Yes, I don't know some things about Chu Lingfeng, but it doesn't mean that I don't know Chu Lingfeng, what I know is not Chu Lingfeng's identity and background." What I understand is Chu Lingfeng's personality, character, and principles. As if thinking of some good memories, Mu Wanwan's red, swollen, and embarrassed face showed a soft smile: "So... That's why I like him so much... I feel sorry for him. "



 She is the most favorite and favorite position of Chu Lingfeng, and no one can replace it. From the first time she saw Chu Lingfeng, she knew that Chu Lingfeng was special... Special people, special beings.



 Looking at the soft smile on Mu Wanwan's embarrassed face, Lina's bright eyes quickly flashed a dark light, and her cold voice stiffened: "Since you like it so much, why do you choose betrayal?"



 Mu Wanwan's appearance doesn't look like it's pretending. So if it's not sincere, why betray... And why don't you kill Bai Jianyu to avenge your master?



 If it were Mu Wanwan, it would be easy to kill Bai Yuyu.



 "Because our world is very big, we will continue to meet people and leave people on the journey of life. Among so many people, there can't be only one person who can make your heart flutter. But there are always a few people, and they will stay with you forever and never part. They don't have to be the ones you're holding hands with... There's always someone who you like the most. There is always such a person, which is the hardest thing for you to give up, and there is always such a person, it is you who ... Favorite. Mu Wanwan breathed a deep sigh of relief, covered her aching heart, and said weakly: "I'm very glad that these three people have met me... I will never forget them... for the rest of my life."



 There is not only love in life, there are many kinds of feelings lingering around her, no matter what kind of feelings they give her, it is enough to make her unforgettable, really.



 Chu Lingfeng, Xiao Tiantian, Xiao Bai... Give her a feeling that will never be forgotten for a lifetime. No matter who it is, no matter how many years it has been through, she will never forget the feelings.



 "So... Isn't the master the one you love the most?" said Rina with an unusually calm look at Mu Wanwan, who was weak but intoxicated with happiness. Yes, a very affirmative sentence is not an inquiry, but an affirmative sentence.



 Is the relationship so complicated? So, who is the person you love the most?



 "Hmm... I've been through so much that I want to ... I've also figured out the difference between my favorite and my favorite... The feeling of the two is indeed very similar, but in fact, they are not the same..." Mu Wanwan struggled to prop up her aching body on the mattress, and her blood-stained little hand gently held Lina's cold little hand without fear, and pleaded sincerely: "Stop, okay? Don't go on like this, you will die... I know you hate me very much, but this is not a wise approach, you have other ways to avenge Chu Lingfeng, and you don't have to lose your life. Let's stop... If this continues, it will only expand the hatred even more..."



 When is the time for retribution, let alone such a tragic sacrifice... It's horrible.



 Stop, Reina. You're just an 18-year-old girl, and you're going to lose your bright future...



 "If Bai Jianyu dies, will you die with him?" Lina lowered her little head and looked at her hand held by Mu Wanwan, her long eyelashes trembled, and her cold little hand was gradually warmed by Mu Wanwan's body, a very warm, soft, and humane hand...



 People can't help but snuggle up.



 I didn't expect Lina to throw such a question suddenly, Mu Wanwan was stunned for a moment, and then smiled weakly on her face: "No." The answer was unhesitating as if there was no need to think about it at all.



 Mu Wanwan's decisive answer made Lina suddenly raise her eyes, her red lips raised sarcastically, and she said coldly: "What a ruthless woman, isn't Bai Jianyu your favorite one?"



 It seems that no matter which man it is, Mu Wanwan has never been sincere at all, she is a hateful woman, she shouldn't be confused by Mu Wanwan...



 As if seeing the contempt in Lina's eyes, Mu Wanwan endured the pain in her neck and face, pulled her lips, and continued: "For me, Bai Lang is like the water in my life, losing him is equivalent to cutting off the water replenishment in my life, so even if my body is not short of water, even if my body is healthier than a cow, even if I know that I can't die, I shouldn't die, I can't die, and if I die, I'm a bad seed, no matter how I refuse and laugh at myself in my heart, but ..." A teardrop slipped out of her eyes, and she smiled helplessly: "I will still die slowly." If there is a lack of water in the body, you will struggle, you will struggle to resist death, but if there is a lack of water in life, you will not struggle but will be happy to meet the embrace of death, so when my life begins to lack water, I have almost reached the end of my life. "



 In fact, from the last time she was chased by the enemy in the castle, the moment she heard Bai Lang's voice from the earphones, some vague feelings that had been hidden in her heart gradually became clear. At that moment, she seemed to understand something, some feelings, and ... Some love.



 She never told Bai Lang these words, because she didn't want to explain to him that she would never tell Bai Lang her true heart in her life, which ... Just take it as the only punishment she gives Bai Lang. The harshest punishment is never to tell him that she loves him.



 Mu Wanwan's heartfelt words made Lina extremely shocked to hear it, and her ignorant state of mind seemed to understand what Mu Wanwan said at this moment, understood, understood, but didn't know what to say.



 Mu Wanwan loves Bai Yuyu and loves him with her life. Obviously, he didn't say anything, and he looked like he had no heart and no lungs, but he already had a firm idea in his heart, a strange woman.



 It's really weird... Is this what is called 'love'?



 "Then if you die, will Bai Jianyu also die with you?" Lina's cold little hand couldn't help but hold Mu Wanwan's warm little hand it was just a weak hand, but it felt like a ... It seems that Chu Lingfeng's hand that rescued her from the water back then was full of warmth.


