Chapter 189: Favorites and Favorites 3

 "Yes. Mu Wanwan didn't even hesitate at the speed of her answer, she slowly closed her bright and smart starry eyes, and smiled: "He said, if I die, he won't live." But before that, he will help me avenge me at any cost, this is Bai Jianyu, no... This is Bai Lang, who only belongs to Mu Wanwan's Bai Lang. "



 So, what she knows, what she understands, how much Bai Lang loves her, how much she cares about her, and without her... Bai Lang will also die slowly, as she said, they are the same.



 Opening his eyes again, Mu Wanwan's hopeful starry eyes looked directly at Lina, who was silent, and said with pale lips: "So, have you given up revenge? Can you stop? Your future ... There will be a lot of happy things. "



 It's true... Are we going to die together? really... If she could, she hoped that Chu Lingfeng was still alive, that he could appear, and that he could come back... She wanted to see him again, to see him as bright as a flame again.



 "I can't find a reason to stop, the master has been everything to me since before, and I haven't met the second or third person you said you said, or later... Neither will it be encountered. Lina suddenly grabbed Mu Wanwan's slender wrist, clasped her two hands together, and the thin silver thread wrapped around her two arms to tie them tightly together, the hard silver wire was so tight that Mu Wanwan couldn't move, so she could only lie on the mattress and let Linai fish meat, but her starry eyes were clear, without hesitation or even fear.



 Or maybe it's retribution. The retribution that Chu Lingfeng gave her, she deserved to atone for her sins. To Chu Lingfeng, to Lina...



 She is not a good-hearted woman, but she still has a sense of guilt for Reina, for this girl who is only 18 years old... It's like killing her parents.



 Mu Wanwan thought that Lina would kill herself directly, but she raised her thin arm expressionlessly, and waved it quickly, before she could see Lina's movements, Mu Wanwan's neck hurt, her eyes were dark, and she fell into a dark stupor-



 Lina didn't kill Mu Wanwan.



 "If you die, Bai Yuyu won't be able to live. If Bai Yuyu is dead, you will also die slowly. The pure white handkerchief gently wiped the bleeding wound on Mu Wanwan's neck, Lina didn't know why she helped Mu Wanwan wipe the wound, and she didn't know why she was soft on Mu Wanwan, and the blood-stained red lips said word by word: "Mu Wanwan... I think - I'd rather see you die slowly..."



 Losing the man you love the most and dying slowly is the most painful. Right... She didn't kill Mu Wanwan directly, but, just wanted Mu Wanwan to be more painful so that Mu Wanwan could taste how she felt now...



 In the ripples of water, the small body is constantly precipitating in the water pressure, accompanied by blisters, falling deeper, the brain with oxygen shortage has become groggy, and the half-squinted eyes can't see anything except a transparent blister in front of her, and the little Rina feels like she is dying, she is about to suffocate to death, she is drowning in this sea—



 But in the next moment, a big hand reached out to little Lina, tightly grasped her cold little arm, a very warm big hand, even in the cold deep sea, she could still feel that the other party was a very human person, so she couldn't help but want to rely on, grasp this person, her loose eyes raised a little, faintly, little Rina saw a dazzling flame in the water, red hair like a flame, a handsome and charming man, unforgettable...



 So that she will never forget·



 This man is her savior, her allegiance to the master, and she. Favorite Man ·



 So——・Rina wrapped the silver thread that bound Mu Wanwan's hands around the sharp kunai and nailed the kunai to the wall of ··hung the unconscious Mu Wanwan on the wall of ··Like a sanction for sinners·Full of sacred rituals·



 'Bang' - a violent impact interrupted Reina's words, and I saw a little blood splashed on Bai Yuyu's black shirt as he gasped heavily... The big hands are also stained with black blood, and the sweaty handsome face is a little embarrassed, but it looks even more unruly, and there is a messy · · He slowly walked into the room step by step, his two-color eyes of gold and blue stared coldly at Lina, and finally his gaze fell on Mu Wanwan, who was hanging on the wall, and his deep eyes quickly swept over a touch of distress, so fast that it was elusive.



 The moment she saw Bai Jianyu come in, Linai didn't have the hesitation she had for Mu Wanwan before, and the only thing left was the hatred that went into her bones... You're late, the master of the black family, Mu Wanwan, is already in my hands...



 As long as Mu Wanwan is in her hands, what can Bai Yuyu do?



 Feel distressed, the woman you love the most is suffering at her hands·



 His gaze returned to Reina's hateful and distorted face, and Bai Yuyu's handsome face became more and more cold and condensed, and he asked in a calm voice unexpectedly, "Who are you?"



 Is the enemy?,There aren't many enemies who have enough strength to confront the black family. And this thing should have been planned for a long time.This Japanese girl seems to be called Reina. When she was 5 years old, she was listed as a candidate for bride by the ten old men. But she betrayed.·



 What time is it, and for whom did he betray the black family?



 I'm the alternate bride of the black family personally selected by the ten old men, and I'm also the first seat of the Red Family's "Red Division". Rina was satisfied to see Bai Yuyu's frowning eyebrows, the smile on her blood-stained red lips was deeper and more rampant, and her voice was even more gloomy... Bai Jianyu, I'll tell you one more thing, I'm not the only betrayer of the black family, the top ten elders of the black family are also some of the betrayers who planned this plan, they can't wait for you to die, your black family is rotten from the inside out...



 Lucifer's Sphere of Influence: An Unexpectedly Large ·



 The real traitors turned out to be the so-called most loyal old courtiers.



 Lina's words unexpectedly didn't surprise Bai Jianyu too much, since the last time the castle was suddenly attacked, Bai Jianyu vaguely guessed that there was Judas inside the black family, but I didn't expect Judas to be the group of ten old men, it seems that the black family is rotten, and Judas is inside and out.



 But, none of this matters, as long as Wanwan is okay in front of me, it's good, damn it. It's damn damn damn that he's put Wanwan in crisis again...



 Are you here to avenge Chu Lingfeng? Bai Yuyu looked at Rina with an expressionless face, and his deep voice was almost cold.



 Since she is the head of the 'Red Division', then this time she must have come to avenge Chu Lingfeng, damn it, no wonder Chu Lingfeng never let the members of the 'Red Division' show their faces in the 'Tricolor Column Family', it turned out that one of the members sneaked into their black family·



 This man thinks so long-term·



 Yes··· Bai Yu, I will drag you to hell, blood sacrifice to my master... A sharp kunai slashed through the air and flew sharply toward Bai Yu, grazing his arm, and a few drops of bright red blood splattered on the floor.



 Bai Yuyu didn't even avoid it...



 Mu Wanwan is in Lina's hands, Bai Yuyu still has a lot of concerns, and it can even be said that he is completely restrained, he looked at Linai with a cold and handsome face and said impatiently: Hmph, an idiot woman, let Wanwan go...



 Used this lose-lose method to take revenge., Although the method is very effective in surrounding them here., this doesn't cheapen outsiders.·



 Yes, yes, Lina's blood-stained red lips grinned a dark sneer, and her little pale hand clenched the sharp bitterness on Mu Wanwan's slender neck, drawing a shallow blood mark on her delicate neck, looking at Bai Guanyu and smiling arrogantly: Bai Guanyu, I will give you two choices, whether you die or Mu Wanwan die...