Chapter 190 : Arrived, Ended

 As long as Bai Jianyu is dead, she will immediately let Mu Wanwan go, she can not kill Mu Wanwan... Tailoring, Fantasy,



 The two multiple-choice questions thrown by Lina made Bai Yuyu pull his lips and sneer, the two-color eyes of one gold and one blue stared at Mu Wanwan, the dazzling blood red on his neck, and he laughed angrily: I chose the third one, you go to die——·





 Qiao Fei, who was thrown away by the orangutan giant Wojin, smashed heavily on the body of Prince Zuo Yan The sudden impact caught Zuo Yan off guard, and fell to the floor unexpectedly with Lori Qiao Fei on his back.



 Strange Girl, What's wrong with you, Pure mess with me, Can't even such a guy be even? Prince Zuoyan, who was knocked to the ground by Qiao Fei, gritted his teeth and said in displeasure, stretched out his hand and pulled Lori Qiao Fei down, twisted his sore neck, glanced at Qiao Fei who was still sitting on the ground out of the corner of his eye but found -



 There were sprained bruises on the pure white little arms, Qiao Fei, whose eyebrows were furrowed, bared his teeth in pain and said irritably: · verbose to death ·



 This dead orangutan has a lot of strength, it's troublesome, and its arm seems to be sprained.



 Ah It's unlucky to die today, Bah, Bah, Lady, she doesn't want to die·



You···· Prince Zuo Yan also saw the bruise on Qiao Fei's arm, which became more and more hideous and scary against the background of her pure white complexion, his eyebrows were solemnly frowned, and he looked at the Asura who was gradually approaching and unscathed, and his mind became more and more entangled.



 Strange Qiao Fei is injured, Asura's swordsmanship is on par with his, and it's hard to kill Asura for a while, it's not good, it's not good, that the other party still has a NO.4 that hasn't played yet if Qiao Fei is killed by the giant orangutan in seconds, then he's finished...



 Ahh The Lanling Emperor, who had been on standby, did not join the battle but kept wandering around the living room as if he was here for sightseeing, and at this time, he was wearing the poisoned and unconscious Hades on his shoulder, looked at Asura and said lazily: "The second most wanted "arms predator" in the world, Hades, I didn't expect to be caught by me so easily, I should be able to sell it for a lot of money...



 He hasn't even made a move yet, this game is so simple and easy for him.' Labor coolies' is only suitable for the ancestors to do...



 Ancestors, you have to work harder, you see I saved Hades with my bare hands, why haven't you finished fighting for so long? Threw the poisoned and unconscious Hades onto the sofa, Lanling Huang sat on the sofa leisurely, turned on the LCD TV with the remote control in one hand, and drank the Coke that had just been taken out of the refrigerator in the other.



 I almost didn't Asura to death...



 Jerk · What are you doing · I'm working hard here, that guy is good, I just watched TV and drank Coke to enjoy it, and Asura felt like he was about to kill...



 Watching TV·· Emperor Lanling replied lazily without looking back, and pressed the fingertips of the remote control to transfer the program on the TV to the 'station'. Ambiguous voices gradually heat up·



 Hey, bastard, that's not suitable for children, 18 programs...



 Hades·· As soon as Qiao Fei stood up, he was attacked by Wojin's giant fist, Linglong's body cleverly retreated, and his back was close to the prince's back, and the two were cornered by Asura and Wojin.



 Zuo Yan, who was forced into a corner, held the knife tightly in his hand and struggled several times before he said unwillingly: · Strange force girl · Why don't you cooperate with me...



 Your brain is clipped, how can my mother cooperate with you? The invincible and lovely Qiao Fei said with very vulgar contempt, the two of them were back to back, there was nowhere to escape, the situation was very bad, and he deflated his pink lips, Qiao Fei smiled with a distorted face. But it can give you a handful·· Prince··



 Hmph, I let you go... Not to be outdone, Prince Zuoyan retorted·



 The two turned in the direction of their feet, and they tacitly reversed the direction and position, Qiao Fei VS Asura, Zuo Yan VS Wo Jin·



 Two people with quick thinking ·



 The ground shook slightly from the location of the fashion building, and the next moment, there was an explosion on the first floor of the fashion building, the glass shattered and splashed all over the place, and smoke billowed from the gorgeous door that was wide open, and many injured people surged out of it, and the fire was out of control...



 In the next minute, the second floor of the fashion building also had a similar internal explosion, and this shopping paradise in N City suddenly turned into a terrible purgatory, and thick smoke and fire rose into the sky.



 At the speed of an explosion on the first floor in a minute, the fire will soon spread to the 63rd floor, and the only way to escape has already been destroyed by Emperor Lanling.



 The explosion on the lower floor of the 63rd floor caused the ground on the 63rd floor to shake slightly, most notably the luxurious crystal chandelier on the ceiling, and the crumbling air became thinner. Dududu looked at the blasting controller in his hand, Lanling Huang patted the frog hat on his head, glanced at Asura, and reported casually: "Ancestor, the explosion has begun, the underground ten floors have been damaged internally, and if you continue to grind, be careful to become tempura...



 There is less than an hour before the fire is about to be implicated here, and the black family can survive it.



 He's curious...



 If he can make it through, then he's-



 Emperor Lanling yawned lazily, and then leisurely lay on the soft sofa, supporting the side of his head with one hand, lazily holding a piece of fairy biscuit 'Gacha Gacha' in his mouth, and looking at the 'program' on the TV screen intently, watching the concentration without the slightest sense of crisis...



 I didn't want to rescue and help Asura, they meant to be a freak.



 Lanling Emperor, you bastard, you have so much time to complain, just come over and help me... After the opponent replaced Lori Qiao Fei, Asura's swordsmanship was messed up by Little Lori, and he couldn't exert his attack power at all, and the strength of the sword was far less than Qiao Fei's strange power·



 There is a tendency to go downhill ·



 After taking a sip of the frozen Coke, Emperor Lanling, who was lying on the sofa, raised his arm and shook it a few times towards Asura, and said disapprerovitically: "Ancestor, you are troublesome, work hard, come on, dry daddy, I will give you infinite support mentally·· After that, don't forget to turn up the volume of the TV to the maximum.' Uh-huh-ah-ah' Dang's voice perfectly overshadowed Asura's indignant voice.



 Emperor Lanling is to ignore the meaning of Asura, and it is enough, and the emperor is you·



 'Uh-huh-ah'·· The ambiguous sound filled the entire living room, and it looked weird under the tense atmosphere at this moment, Qiao Fei's pure white and lovely face twitched fiercely, and turned his head and glared at the perpetrator, Lanling Huang, and the squeamish doll voice criticized viciously: "Dead bastard, don't you know that there is also an underage girl here, be careful that the old lady twists your child and grandchildren's bag...