Chapter191: The Funeral, The Return 1

Zuo Yan····



· Prince····



 That guy...



 Bai Yuyu, Qiao Fei, Asura, and Lanling Huang in the plane were all next to the window, nervously watching Zuo Yan, who had fallen from the height of the 63rd floor, and his heartbeat involuntarily accelerated, nervous, and frightened that he was about to jump out...



 63rd floor, such a height, there is no chance of survival, jump down or stay in the 63rd floor, Zuo Yan has only a dead end, the result is the same·



 This guy... It's a pity that he lost his life like this, even though he was so strong.



 Just when everyone on the plane thought that Prince Zuo Yan would definitely die, Bai Yuyu's two-color eyes flickered strangely, and his thin lips opened his mouth and said: No, Zuo Yan will not die... The tone is unexpectedly affirmative, convinced, and convinced.



 If it's Zuo Yan, then there may be a chance to survive, that guy must have something left behind before he chooses to jump at such a high place, it must be, that guy's mind is very shrewd, how could he be so stupid as to jump straight down and look for death...



 As soon as Bai Yuyu's voice fell, the next moment, a huge parachute suddenly opened in the air, carrying the weight of Prince Zuo Yan, and slowly landed in the air, only to save the day in an instant, and it was really the same as what Bai Yuyu said, Zuo Yan, this guy really had a back, and he was in a desperate place...



 Seeing that Prince Zuo Yan was still alive, everyone on the plane unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and the vigilance gradually relaxed, and after seeing the font of the parachute on Zuo Yan's back, there was a sudden feeling of 'why not die yet' suddenly arose.



 I saw a huge parachute with such a sentence on it: The SBs above, dare to underestimate me, be careful that I come back and torture you to death...



 Enough·· Twisted enough, left-faced style...



 The revenge of the new "Red Division" Rina has finally come to an end, but it has unexpectedly suffered heavy casualties, whether it is Xiao K or Rina who saved Zuo Yan at the last moment, it is a bloody lesson and a price.



 Let Bai Jianyu and Mu Miaotian suddenly have a wake-up, it's good to kill anyone... The last person to destroy will be themselves, not every time, they can be so lucky.



 There will always be a time when you will get retribution.



 Should you want·· Changed ·





 A month later, a heavy funeral was held at the cemetery.



 The gray sky was faintly mixed with the sound of mournful thunder, but it never rained, as if it was also mourning the deep sorrow of compassion.



 Wearing a pure black suit, Bai Yuyu looked even taller and unreachable, he was holding a white chrysanthemum in his hand, his two-color eyes of gold and blue looked at the tombstone darkly, and finally put the white chrysanthemum in his hand on the tombstone, and said in a deep voice: I'm sorry. Then, he walked away in silence—



 Immediately behind Bai Yuyu were the people of the "Black Division", all of whom were dressed in pure black suits, especially sad and sad under the gray sky.



 Uncle Zongming, Jian Bai, Lei Li, and Chi Hao put the white chrysanthemum in their hands on the tombstone one by one, and then the prince Zuoyan, who escaped death, sat directly in front of the tombstone regardless of etiquette, and inserted the white chrysanthemum in his hand in front of the tomb. On the photo of the crisp and beautiful smile on the tombstone, the red lips are raised, the handsome and ethereal face ripples with a refreshing and gentle smile, the fingertips slide over the girl's innocent and innocent smile, and he sighs softly: You smile like this, it's really beautiful, remember to keep this smile when you go there, the pure white flower will never change no matter how it is distorted and rendered, and the essence will never change. Just like your kindness·



 Completely restrained from his usual cynicism, Zuo Yan bowed deeply in front of Reina's tombstone, and slowly left after a few minutes, hiding in the shade of the tree, leaning against the trunk of the tree, hanging his head and speechless.



 A feeling of loss and low pressure·



 People don't dare to approach at all, and they don't stop at all.



 Left, Zuo Yan ··· A childish and slightly weak voice came from behind the shade of the tree, calling Zuo Yan with little confidence, and Zuo Yan's familiar voice, who didn't want to respond at all, made him raise his head suddenly, and eagerly turned his head to look·· Showed a smile of sincere relief·· Good guy, I got you through it...



 Rina can't be saved, dead, at least... At least the little ghosts of their "Black Division" are still alive, although they have undergone a very painful operation, although the survival rate is very low, but they are not still alive and well...



 That's right, Klein's little K is still alive, and his throat was only stuck in a bloody throat at that time. It took seven days and seven nights of sleepless work to snatch Xiao K back from the king of Yama, although his life was temporarily saved, but the danger rate was still very high, and he might hang up at any time.



 After half a month of rescue, Xiao K's situation gradually stabilized, at that time, the members of the "Black Division" came to watch Xiao K in shifts every day, until the day he woke up, and Bai Jianyu went every day, although he didn't talk much every time, but he appeared on time every day, as for Mu Wanwan, she was locked up at home by everyone, lest she be flooded again.



 The seven members of the Black Division's Regiment are one, and although they usually have their own worlds and like to be noisy, none of them will flinch and escape at an important life-and-death juncture, "If you want to die, you will die together, and if you want to retreat, you will retreat together..."



 No one will leave anyone behind first, run away·



 The terrifying "Black Division" on the underworld is actually not as terrifying as imagined, and the black family's faith wolf is the same as cruel but affectionate and righteous.



 Little K, who was bandaged all over his body, was very thin and thin, as if he was falling down as soon as the wind blew, only revealing a pair of clever eyes, he sat in a wheelchair and said weakly and shyly: "I'm sorry, I'm worried about you...



 But it's nice to be alive, it's nice to see them again, it's nice to be able to see them again.



 Stupid, as long as you're okay, it's the most important thing... Mu Wanwan, who was in charge of pushing the wheelchair, wanted to hug Xiao K hard, but because she was afraid that it would hurt the wound on his body, she held back, she lowered her little head, her petite shoulders twitched, and she half cried and said with a smile: I'm really happy, I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm good enough for you... It's good that you survived...



 Otherwise, she would definitely be sad to death, not only her sadness, but also Bai Yuyu, and the "Black Division" of them, unexpectedly, the bond between them is so deep, so deep.



 Big sister head · you can rest assured · · No matter how hard it is, I'll keep going, so don't cry... A tear fell on Xiao K's thin shoulder, a wet bandage, he knew that this was Mu Wanwan's tears, a whole month of tears·



 But he was still very happy, everyone was so worried about him, nervous about him.



 So, don't cry, big sister, or else... Otherwise, he would want to cry too.



 He's so hard, too.