Inspector Kodua's interrogation.

"Don't be alarmed. I am only here to ask you a few questions and nothing else." Inspector Kodua said as he sensed the assassin's tense reaction.

Even though the man before him is being accused of pulling an assassinating attempt on a police officer, the court has yet to pronounce him guilty. Hence, per the law, he couldn't treat him like a criminal. For now, he decided to treat him like a normal suspect.

"I am Inspector Kodua and these are my team." Inspector Kodua introduced himself as he fished out his identification and placed it on the table.

"Do you know you've been arranged to appear before the high court?" Inspector Kodua asked as he probed Mr. Joe's reaction. Their initial probing failed as Mr. Joe didn't succumb to Sergeant Robert's provocative words.

The fact that he was able to remain clear-headed even under Sergeant Robert's provocative words means that he is likely not to be an ordinary person.

Mr. Joe on the hand had different thoughts running through his head. _An Inspector? Could it be that they are here under their headquarter's orders? Damn it! I didn't think they would place such importance on a mere sergeant._ At this moment Mr. Joe's mind was in turmoil.

Before setting out on his mission, because of his overconfidence, he didn't consider the probability of the mission failing. Now that the mission has failed and he has no card up his sleeve he was put in a difficult situation.

Moreover, since the police headquarters had now gotten involved, it was surely going to be a tough fight for him.

One thing Mr. Joe didn't know was that due to the outstanding performance Sergeant Quaye showed in dealing with the kidnapping case, he was able to earn the acknowledgment of the DSP, Kwadwo Sarpong after Inspector Kweku Agyenim had briefed him on the success of dealing with the kidnapping case.

So, currently, the headquarters are monitoring his activities.

" If you want the court to have magnanimity on you, then tell me truthfully all that you know regarding what you've been accused of," Inspector added.

"I don't have anything to say to you. I would like to speak to my lawyer." Mr. Joe responded after settling his wandering mind down. With how serious things have gotten to now, he was sure that it would be in his best interest to keep his mouth shut.

Just a slip of the tongue and it would come back to bite him later. Hence, it was wise to keep his mouth under the current situation.

"Of course, we can't deny you your right. However, you should think through this carefully. Are you sure you're unwilling to speak? Inspector Kodua asked again.

Without answering, Mr. Joe turned his head away.

Seeing that Mr. Joe was unwilling to cooperate, Inspector Kodua got up, ready to take his leave. However, the door to the interrogation room suddenly opened as a police officer hurriedly came in with a mobile phone in his hand. After locating Inspector Kodua, he approached him and whispered something to him.